Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 65 Different Places, One Christmas

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!A little bit of time passed, and soon Christmas was here.Just when the whole of Europe was immersed in an atmosphere of joy.The Soviet Union brought the Soviet ship maidens to the cold Moscow.After watching the most important TV speeches of the 20th century in the hotel, they left the hotel and walked through the snow-filled streets with no expression, and came to the square in front of the Kremlin.

It is not Christmas for the Russians, and because of various recent circumstances, the entire square is empty, with only a few people wandering aimlessly around the square.

In the bitter cold wind, five navy girls in old-fashioned navy uniforms stood quietly in a hidden corner on the edge of the square, looking at a green domed building of the Kremlin.After only a few minutes, two workers crawled out of the trapdoor on the roof and lowered the flag that had been flying for 74 years.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the eyes of the ship ladies present were slightly moist.Of course they know that they don't have much relationship with this country, but those memories left in their souls when they were born drove them to come to this place at this time to witness this important picture.

"Well, we also had a wish, although this is not something to be happy about." After standing quietly for a while, the Soviet Union turned and said to the remaining ship ladies."Next we should fight for the admiral and ourselves, Kirov, how are the people under your hand?"

"They have entered multiple areas and controlled a number of sites. If there is no accident, we will re-establish normal order in those chaotic places." Kirov replied.

"Dzerzhinsky, how do you penetrate the local magical world now?" After listening to Kirov's report, the Soviet Union nodded in satisfaction, and then turned to the golden-haired ship girl next to him and asked.

"We have begun to contact them. Although the Muggle world has not had a great influence on the wizarding world, this degree of change still affects the wizarding world. But on the other hand, the current chaos allows us to penetrate The difficulty of entering the local wizarding world has also been reduced a lot."

"Three days ago, I had found a shop specializing in the sale of various dark magic items in Chernaberg Alley on the side of Beloberg Street in the local Wizarding Street as our foothold. If there is no accident, we All personnel can successfully enter the wizarding world of the region within two weeks."

"If that's the case, then it's good." After confirming that both the Muggle World and the Wizarding World's operations went smoothly, the Soviet Union nodded in satisfaction, and then left the Kremlin with the ship's ladies.For them, the victory of the previous action is far from a real victory. For their plan, it can only be regarded as a relatively smooth start. They still have a lot to complete now.

Of course, Hugo didn't know everything that happened in the far north.Because of his trust in the ship maidens, he basically wouldn't intervene in any ship maidens' actions except for the overall plan in the general direction.So at this time, he is preparing Christmas dinner with his family and discussing this year's Christmas gifts.

That morning they received a lot of gifts, except for their parents, some of them came from their original classmates, but because they went to school in the world of magic, these gifts are more ceremonial and may be received this year and the last year. Arrived.After all, the gap between the two worlds is enough to change most of the relationships, not to mention that the friends their brothers and sisters made in elementary school were also ordinary friends, and the relationship was not very good.

The other part is a gift from new friends made in the Wizarding World this year, such as a set of old sophomore textbooks given to them by the Weasley twins.Don't think that this set of books is old, but it was left by Charlie that year. The blank spaces of the book are densely filled with very valuable notes.258 Novel Network

For example, Harry and Ron respectively sent them two candy gift boxes from Duke of Honey and a toffee made by Mrs. Weasley.And their roommates also sent them their own gifts.

And the most precious gift among them came from Hagrid. This kind-hearted half-giant gave them a thick envelope. After opening it, Hugo found that it was filled with Hagrid’s writing in crooked fonts about himself after observing magical creatures. Something recorded.Although the things recorded in it are one hammer and one hammer, they are scattered and fragmented.But if you summarize it carefully, you can find a lot of knowledge about magical creatures.

Although Newt Scamander recorded a lot of data out of his love for magical creatures, it was only a small part of the wild ecosystem of the entire wizarding world.And Hagrid, like Newt, has a heartfelt love for magical creatures, so he has naturally accumulated a lot of knowledge about magical creatures during his half-century as a guard at Hogwarts.

And it may be a coincidence. The reasons for the two people's expulsion are similar.Newt illegally possessed the third-level magical creature demon mink, and Hagrid because of the fifth-level magical creature eight-eyed giant spider.

However, unlike Old Master Newt, Hagrid may have been in school because of his ancestry and his grade was too low when he was expelled, so his academic level has been poor.Coupled with the fact that he was used as a scapegoat by Voldemort to kill a basilisk, he experienced trial and a period of Azkaban's career, and his whole person became a bit decadent.

Not to mention that he continued to carry his reputation as a suspected murderer until Harry was in the second grade in the original book.So the knowledge he obtained from these observations was not assembled into a book like Newt, but just kept in his heart.

However, in this semester, Hermione and the others' desire for knowledge of the various habits of these magical creatures gave Hagrid a feeling of finding a friend, not to mention the fact that they couldn’t see it from their personalities. This kind of ordinary students despise school workers like him.

We must know that in traditional Western campuses, professors often hold great powers and are also at the top of the school pyramid.On the other hand, school workers are regarded as clerical workers, and their status is not even as good as that of students in the school.

But in the eyes of Hugo and others, Hagrid is an elder in the wizarding world who has a good temper and has a lot of precious knowledge.Most importantly, he did not look down on them because of their origin.So naturally they will not despise him because he is just a school worker.

For Hermione, someone who can master precious knowledge deserves her respect, it has nothing to do with his identity.And Hugo knew from his last life what the cleaning lady in the library and the sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple represented.

And this kind of true feelings is naturally the other side's true feelings, and Hagrid doesn't underestimate them because they are just first-year freshmen.So at Christmas, Hagrid, who was very bad at writing, copied his previous messy notes and gave them to Hugo brothers and sisters as Christmas gifts.

"This gift from Hagrid is so precious." said Hermione, who was placing cutlery at the table, to Hugo, who was setting a cushion on a chair beside her."However, the overall situation is still a bit messy. I think we can use the book "Where are the Magical Creatures" as a template to organize these things in the second half of the semester so that we can check them.

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