"Could someone be invading?!"

""Hod! Where are you!"

Wanda's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

The remnant in the magic fluctuations was too obvious!

"Could it be a black magician?!"

This possibility suddenly emerged in Wanda's mind.

She didn't forget the three bulls that appeared in Manhattan.

She opened her hands, and the crimson light instantly flowed out from her hands.

She planned to locate her current approximate position through the magic fluctuations left in the air.

Although she didn't know what was going on.

If it was a battle, then she might be able to help Hord.

The crimson light continued to flow in the air, and from the fluctuations, she felt the connection position on the other side.

"Wanda? Why did you come out?"

At the corner of the stairs, Hood came up with a silver plate in his hands.

When he saw Wanda's actions, he instantly understood Wanda's idea.

The witch was preparing to find the second teleportation point of the dimensional portal.

"Where did you go just now? I felt traces of magic and thought there was some danger."

Wanda looked at Hood coming over and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

For her, Hood has occupied a very important place in her heart.


Hod remained calm and said with a calm smile:"I was in a hurry to come back to accompany you, so I just used magic."


It was just a matter of holding his hand. He could lie without any fluctuations.

"So that's how it is……"

Wanda blinked her eyes, which were as big as the stars, and a warm current surged in her heart.

She didn't expect that Hood would even consider this in order to spend more time with her.

It was impossible not to be moved.

Girls are always most easily moved by details.

"Let's go, let's go back while the soup is still warm."

Hodder held the soup in his right hand and walked towards the room with Wanda in his left hand.

He couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that he was faster, otherwise he would have no way to explain.

Back in the room, Hodder placed the soup in front of Wanda.

"I was wondering why you were teleported downstairs just now."

Wanda picked up the spoon and said casually.

Because she had just located the other end.

It should be on the first floor of the villa.

As soon as he said this, the expression on Hood's face froze:"I teleported to the first floor and then I remembered that the maid was not at home, so I just went out to buy it."

When he said this, his heart accelerated slightly, after all, Wanda's speed was too fast.

And he himself couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it seems that the power of the shield machine still needs to be further improved.

He himself didn't expect Wanda to still have the strength to walk to the door.

"No wonder, that's why I detected another magical aura."

Wanda looked at the heavy rain outside, and her heart was filled with love. She bought this in the heavy rain."It's raining outside, don't be too troublesome in the future."

"It's okay, I know magic."

Hodder smiled and held Wanda's soft little hand.

This is a series that can play anything.

"Then...shall we drink together?"

Wanda carefully scooped up a spoonful of the fragrant chicken soup with a spoon, and blew it to cool it down before putting it to Hord's mouth.

Because their relationship had become closer, she was no longer as shy as before.


Hod leaned close to his mouth and took a sip.

Looking at Hod's gentle expression, Wanda felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Because this is the life she wants to experience the most. As long as they are together, they can feel comfortable and loved.

It's just a little bit bad.

Her legs can't stop shaking until now.

But in her opinion, this is love.


Hodder dragged the chair closer to Wanda, and his left hand suddenly hugged her slender waist.

"Um... can't you take a break? And I haven't even finished the soup yet!"

Da's eyes widened instantly, and even the hand holding the spoon trembled slightly. This was simply too scary.

But for some reason, she felt a little bit addicted to it, and it was endless aftertaste.

""Okay, then you drink first. I'll go downstairs and make some preparations. The last punishment is not over yet."

Hood patted his head with a wicked smile. Then he slowly stood up and walked outside.

Wanda looked at Hood's wicked smile before he left. In an instant, she seemed to remember something. If she remembered correctly, she seemed to have agreed to some strange game with Hood while talking nonsense.

Thinking of this, her cheeks flushed and she quickly lowered her head.

Since he wanted to, she had no choice but to continue to move the soup spoon.

After Hood closed the door, he did not use the latitude door again.

Instead, he walked quickly towards the kitchen on the first floor.

In the insulation area of the kitchen on the first floor, there were seven or eight bowls of warm chicken soup.

And each serving was extremely nourishing chicken soup.

"I am smart and brave!"

Hod couldn't help but praise himself.

Because he had been in a lot of business before, his business was sometimes very busy.

So he asked Imelda to prepare more than a dozen servings of chicken soup every day and keep them here to keep warm.

Go out to buy it?

How is that possible? There is not enough time!

He picked up one of the bowls of chicken soup and put it on the tray, then opened the latitude door and entered the guest room.

At this time, Gwen sat obediently by the bed. When she saw the familiar golden light appear, she smiled brightly.

"You're back!"

Gwen looked at the chicken soup in Hood's hand, and her eyes instantly turned red:"You really went to buy chicken soup!"

Although she had just declined, Hood still went to buy a bowl of chicken soup.

It was impossible not to be touched. She hadn't felt such caring warmth for a long time.

"Look at you, it's just a small matter."

Hood smiled and took out his hand to pinch Gwen's little face:"Drinking some chicken soup after getting wet in the rain is good for your body."

Facing Hood's outstretched hand, Gwen moved closer and let Hood knead it as much as he wanted

"But for me, this is not a small matter, you are very good!"

Gwen looked at Hord seriously.

She didn't know what other people's love was like, but she felt the love very clearly at this time.

"Come on! Drink the chicken soup first."

Huo De let go of his hand and put the chicken soup on the table.

"You should have some too!"

At the moment when Hood put down the chicken soup, Gwen held Hood's hand.

There was an indescribable feeling in her eyes.

This was clearly the girl's most sincere love.


Huo De sat on the chair and nodded with a smile.

The next second, Ruan Yu sat directly on him, like a cute kitten.

"I'll feed you!"

Although Gwen's face was already red, she still held back.

In fact, she had just checked why men carry guns with them. It was not until now that she knew what it was, but although it was uncomfortable, she still shook it.

"This little girl!"

Hodder thought to himself, this is simply a crime for him!

After drinking the chicken soup, Hodder picked up Gwen and put her on the bed and said,"It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

He had thought about whether to send Gwen back first, but it was not appropriate to chase Gwen away so late at night.

And he actually had an indescribable excitement in his heart.

For some reason, he planned to let Gwen stay in the guest room.


Gwen was stunned:"Then you……"

The reason why she took the initiative today was because her parents were not at home.

So, she was actually prepared for something to happen tonight, but she didn't expect that Huo De was actually going to leave.

This made her feel a little disappointed, after all, this was already a done deal.

"Be good, I have a big business worth hundreds of millions to discuss tonight, so there is no other way."

After saying that.

Hood rubbed Gwen's fluffy hair, and then said:"But I will make you a hearty breakfast tomorrow."

He did think about whether something should happen tonight, but it was really inconvenient for Wanda to be here.

So this matter can only be postponed for a while.

After all, opening the channel is not something that can be solved in 20 or 30 minutes.

(This is the same as the physique of the reader, it will take at least two or three hours.)

Although he can summon a clone, he will not do such a stupid thing. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Put a hat on yourself?

That's simply a fool's wits!

"All right......Business is indeed important."

Gwen nodded simply. After all, this project worth hundreds of millions of dollars is indeed something that needs to be taken seriously.

It is estimated that Hood disappeared for so long just now because of this reason.[]

He could only nod in disappointment.

When Hord opened the door to the master bedroom, what came into his sight was Wanda stretching her curvy body and yawning.

"Why did you come back just now?"

Wanda couldn't help but complain in a spoiled tone when she saw Hood coming back. She had been waiting for more than 20 minutes and she was a little sleepy.

But she wanted to wait for Hood to come back, so she could only keep resisting the sleepiness.

"Because these things are too hard to choose. After all, games are like this, the more props the more fun it is!"

Hodder said, with a sly smile, he took out one thing after another from the belt beside him.

These are clearly various COS uniforms, and they also come with balls connected to the belts, soft braids and so on.

As for the socks, the choices are even more diverse, and just looking at them is enough to make you dizzy.

"you......What are you going to do?!"

Wanda's eyes widened. She knew she had to prepare.

But she didn't expect that there would be so many!

There were so many that she was dazzled.

It even shocked her worldview! She didn't even know what some things were used for.

Although she knew that Hood's hobby was incredible, this was a bit too much.

This was not a game that normal people should play!


Wanda shook her head repeatedly with a fearful voice. This made her feel an inexplicable fear.

Facing these complicated things, she didn't know whether Hood wanted to pass the level with one life.

"Since you don't know, I don't mind helping you."

Hodder took out a half-length cotton backless dress with a wicked smile.

When she saw the dress, Wanda's eyes widened:"I don't want it, the color of this prop is not good-looking!"

She racked her brains to find a reason for herself. This thing is too embarrassing!

Just imagining it, she felt that she couldn't accept it at all!

She decisively refused!

Are you kidding, she doesn't want this!

"I choose it myself!"

Without giving Hood any chance to react, Wanda quickly searched through a large pile of COS clothes.

After a while, Wanda was stunned and pulled out a white ghost spider suit from a pile of clothes.

And this suit was actually a little wet. She looked at the suit with a shocked face.

"This...what's going on."

Wanda picked up the white ghost spider suit and looked at Hood with a puzzled look.

She never thought that the ghost spider suit would be in here.

Hood was also stunned when he saw the clothes taken out.

Because when he took the clothes just now, he didn't notice that Gwen's suit that needed to be washed was also mixed in.

"I bought it at a store outside. I think it is used for COS. After all, it is a hero."

"As for why it's wet, it's probably because of the rain."

Hodder said as he picked up the Ghost Spider suit and prepared to put it away:"If you don't like it, forget it."

He was now worried. He was really busy and mixed it up.

""Wait! I want to wear this one!"

But what Hood didn't expect was that Wanda actually took it back directly.

After all, among so many clothes, this one has the most fabric.


Hood was stunned when he heard this. Oh my god, she wants to wear Pinru's clothes?!

Oh my god, this is really exciting!

"Besides, didn't you say that Ghost Spider has a great figure?"

Wanda pouted her lips and spoke with an unconvinced look.

She still remembered that when she was sitting in the passenger seat, Hood was fascinated by the poster.

Since there happened to be COS clothes here, they could also compare who has a better figure between the two of them!

"That... that's fine too!"

Huo De was a little excited. He didn't expect that he would wear Pinru's clothes.


Wanda leaned on the bed and planned to go to the bathroom with the Spider suit.

"Little witch, shouldn't we be honest with each other a long time ago?"

Hodder looked at Wanda's fair legs, supported himself on the bed with both hands and started to tease.

""Get out of the way!"

Wanda hurried into the bathroom, fearing that Hood would do something weird again.

After a while,

Wanda came out of the bathroom.

She saw that the zipper of the ghost spider's battle suit was about to burst.

Even the Somali trench could not stop it.

"Is this too small? You bought the wrong size!"

Wanda came out of the bathroom, feeling a little awkward.

"No, no, no! This is just too suitable, just too great!"

Hodder quickly stepped forward and hugged Wanda, his eyes shining.

This must be normal, after all, this is Gwen's combat uniform.

And he also intuitively realized the difference between the two.

This feeling is so big that the clothes can explode!

The tight clothes show Wanda to the fullest.

What's more terrible is that this is a kind of spiritual stimulation, which is difficult to describe in words.

Even Hodder saw that the southern hemisphere seemed to explode.

This feeling makes people's blood expand, it's just too exciting!

"Are you sure?"

Looking at Hord's excitement, Wanda was actually a little happy.

Does this mean that she has already won the game against the Ghost Spider?


But at this moment, Wanda seemed to feel something was pushed open.

It was clearly the zipper that slid down a little due to the pressure.

"It seems that my little witch is much more powerful than I thought!"

Hodder was burning with desire and he couldn't stand it anymore!

"Don't come over here!" Wanda suddenly felt something was wrong. Hood's eyes were like a hungry wolf seeing a piece of meat.......

The next second, she was thrown onto the soft bed.

The headboard shook violently!


The two of them instantly became bed quality inspectors.

At the same time, downstairs

"What on earth is Mr. Hodder doing?"

Gwen was lying on the bed watching TV, bored.���


What's that sound?

She looked up in confusion.

"It's so noisy! What big deal is Mr. Hodder talking about? There's such a big noise! "

Gwen was a little curious for a moment. After all, this is a big project worth hundreds of millions!

Her curiosity surged, and she suddenly wanted to go up and take a look......


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