"Forget it, if I go up, it will probably affect them."

After hesitating for a long time, Gwen still suppressed her curiosity.

If her interruption caused problems in the business, she didn't even know how to apologize.

After all, this was not a small amount of money, and it could even be said that even if she offered her body to them, it would be useless.

So in the end, she didn't go upstairs to disturb the two people.

"This must be a very loud noise, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big commotion!"

Listening to the creaking sound upstairs, Gwen suddenly felt that doing business was really difficult.

It seems that even an all-round person like Hood has put in a lot of effort. After all, just having to work late at night is already beyond many people.

Even if the noise is shaking the table, it must be because of the excitement.

She can even hear the direction of the sound upstairs.

"It seems that this should be a furniture business."

Gwen imagined in her mind that Hood and his partners were testing the durability of the furniture.

After all, this was the only explanation for why they tested the table and the bed at one time.

Even after a while, they tested the chair again. The only possibility was that it was a furniture business.

And from this situation, it must have taken a lot of thought, and even panting could be heard.

It was unknown how long it took before Gwen, who was lying on the bed, fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning, Gwen was sleeping soundly on the bed with her head tilted.

She hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time, even though Hood was not there.

But she knew very well that Hood was upstairs, and as long as Hood was there, she would have endless sense of security. She even drooled from the corners of her mouth while sleeping, with a happy smile on her face.

Dong Dong Dong...

There was a knock on the door.

Gwen got up in a daze, dragged her feet and opened the door.

It was Hood standing outside the"867" door.

"Mr. Hodder, why did you get up so early?

Gwen looked so cute with her messy hair and rubbing her eyes.


Hodder saw the dark circles under Gwen's eyes and asked in confusion,"Did you stay up late last night? Why do you have dark circles?""

"Yes, I have insomnia. You were a little loud when you were discussing the project with the furniture company last night.

Gwen said what she was thinking in a sleepy state, and then she quickly said,"But it's okay. I know you want to discuss business with Mr. Hodder."

"Furniture dealer?"

Hodder was stunned and almost didn't react.

After all, he didn't sleep all night, and basically he got what he worked for.

""Aren't you a furniture dealer? I heard you guys testing furniture upstairs!"

Gwen nodded seriously. After all, she had thought about it carefully for a long time before confirming the other party's identity.

If he wasn't a furniture dealer, there would be no need to test the durability of the furniture.

"Right, right, right."

Hood realized instantly that the sound insulation of this house was much worse than he thought:"I'll arrange a better room for you next time!"

He could only nod and make the best of it. He couldn't just tell Gwen honestly what happened upstairs!

"Your room looks good.……"

Gwen murmured in a discontented tone.

If she could cuddle with her stuffed bear like she did with her own, she would definitely sleep peacefully.

"What did you say?"

Although he was indestructible, Huo De was still a little confused that night and didn't hear clearly.

"It's okay!"

Gwen blushed and shook her head.

She wanted to pinch herself. She was always distracted and said everything she thought.

"I'll go wash up first, and then we can have breakfast together."

Gwen moved closer to Hood and gently pulled the corner of Hood's clothes.

Although it was only one night, she really wanted to stick with him all the time.

And she was worried that Hood would be busy with business again today. If he really had to go out to do business, she would have no way to stop him.

"I've done it."

Hod smiled and rubbed Gwen's little head.

After all, he had already burst out all his strength last night.

With his powerful strength, Wanda fainted and would not wake up in a short time.

So he took this opportunity to quickly make breakfast.


Gwen's eyes widened. She originally thought that Hood was too busy to make breakfast.

After all, he was talking business with others until so late yesterday. How could he spare the time ?

"Well, go wash up!"

Hodder's mouth curled up.


Gwen jumped up excitedly.

She didn't expect that Hood would care about her so much.

She knew that for a successful person like Hood, time is money!

In the restaurant, there were more than a dozen dishes on the marble table.

And these dishes were fragrant, and the whole hall was filled with various aromas.

"Wow! Is this the breakfast you prepared?"

Gwen looked at the dazzling array of breakfasts and couldn't help but hugged and kissed Hood beside her.

She really didn't expect that Hood could really cook so many kinds of dishes.

This looks much better than the restaurant last time.


Hodder pulled out a chair and invited Gwen to sit down:"It contains different breakfasts from different countries."

For him, cooking a table of dishes is not a problem at all.

Especially when he has magic, he can even control several pots at the same time.

At the same time, he can cut vegetables and knead dough at the same time, which is simply omnipotent.

Gwen looked at Hodder's gentlemanly appearance and was even more moved.

For a little girl, details can touch people's hearts.

Even if it is just a subconscious behavior, it can reflect the gentleman's demeanor.

This simply made her give Hodder crazy points.

I already thought Hodder was very good, but now it has far exceeded her expectations.

"This little bun is so delicious!"

"The golden sticks are also very good!"

"Is this milky white soy milk?"

Gwen looked at the dishes on the table and tasted each one.

Every bite made her taste buds dance.

"If a woman is with you in the future, her stomach will never leave you!"

Gwen rubbed her bloated belly and said with envy.

After all, there are too few boys who can take the initiative to make breakfast here.

Not to mention making breakfast, they basically use cereal and sandwiches instead.

This is the first time she has eaten such a rich breakfast.

"When you are with me, it's not just your stomach that will be taken care of."

Hodder said this with a smile, and then he muttered in his heart:"After all, breakfast and other things that warm the stomach are not good enough.*!"

The two spent a wonderful morning together.

Gwen ate all the breakfast on the table. Although she was full, she still smiled and said,"I will come here every day from now on.""

"As long as you like, I can cook for you every day."

After saying that, Huo De looked at his watch and then said,"Do you still have to go to school today?"

"Yes! I'm going to be late!"

Gwen glanced at the clock on the wall and almost jumped up:"It's almost eight o'clock!"

Although she was a freshman and didn't have to report to school, she was a well-known good girl and a good student.

She would only skip classes if she encountered some big trouble that the police couldn't solve.

"No hurry, I'll take you there soon!"

Hod said with a smile. After all, since he had the Dimension Gate, everything he did was much more convenient.

"By the way, where is my uniform?"

Just as Gwen was about to leave, she suddenly remembered this.

After all, after she changed it yesterday, she asked Hord to help her wash it.

"Oh, your combat uniform...wait a minute.……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hod twitched his mouth, and his expression became a little awkward.

He walked upstairs quickly, and when he came down, he was holding Gwen's Phantom Spider combat suit.


When Gwen took the combat suit, her eyes widened slightly, and her expression was stunned:"What happened?"

Because she found that there was a big hole at the connection between the two trouser legs of the Spirit Spider combat suit.[]


Hod touched his chin and hesitated for a long time:"This is probably because the horsepower of the washing machine is too large."

When he was playing yesterday, he didn’t pay attention to these details when he was high.

So after a whole night, it was not easy for this battle suit to be like this.


Gwen could only pout and take the combat suit.

But at this moment, her nose moved:"The smell of the Ghost Spider combat suit seems to be wrong.��!"


Hod's face became very strange. After all, he didn't throw the clothes out for washing.

The reason why it was dry was entirely because of Wanda's body temperature, which forced the uniform to dry.

So if there was a smell, it could only be……

"Mr. Hodder, I didn't expect your laundry detergent to smell like heather."

Gwen figured out what the smell was at this time, frowning and saying,"This smell is still a little too niche."

She didn't know if this was the style of rich people's homes, so she was so confused.

"Oh, so I'll try a different flavor next time!" Hodder looked embarrassed.

"This is not necessary."

Gwen sniffed again, with a youthful smile on her face:"But it's okay, changing to a new smell occasionally is also a new experience"

"Um……"Hodder let out a long sigh and said with a complicated expression:"If you don't like the smell, go back and wash it again."

At this moment, Gwen noticed the clock on the wall out of the corner of her eye:"Oh no, I'm going to be late!"


"You go to class first, I'll come find you later when I'm free!"

At this moment, Hood noticed the noise coming from upstairs and waved his right hand.

With the emergence of golden light, the dimensional gate suddenly appeared in front of Gwen.......

"Then I'll go first!"

Gwen smiled and nodded, then stepped into the dimensional door.

After entering, she turned around and waved goodbye to Hord.


As the dimensional gate disappeared, Hood finally felt relieved.

""Hod, what smells so good!"

Wanda supported herself on the stairs and staggered down the stairs little by little.

It was the first time she smelled such a good smell.

"I just made breakfast not long ago."

Huo De turned around, straightened his clothes and said with a smile


Wanda was a little surprised. She really didn’t expect Hood to make breakfast.

After all, she had never heard Hood mention this matter before, so she was so surprised when she heard about it.

In her eyes, a rich boy like Hood should be similar to Tony.

"Yes, this is specially prepared for you!"Hodder nodded proudly.


At this moment, Wanda suddenly gritted her teeth in pain and snorted coldly.

"What's wrong with you?"

Hodder saw this and rushed forward to help.

He had already noticed Wanda's strange steps.

"How dare you say that? This is all your fault!"

Wanda bit her lower lip and twisted Hood's waist fiercely with a complaining look.

She didn't know what happened to Hood last night. He was so excited.

He just put on the combat uniform of Ghost Spider, but it seemed that it was Hood who increased his combat power.

She didn't breathe properly for the whole night.

Even this morning, she was woken up by the pain.

"Your body is still too weak. You can't make me happy like this."

Hod smiled evilly and hugged Wanda's waist, carefully supporting her and walking downstairs.

After all, his fighting power is amazing."

"Who can make you happy? You are simply the most horrible pervert!"

Wanda rolled her eyes in annoyance. Her body is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Now she is saying that her physical fitness can't keep up. This is simply alarmist.

"You can definitely do it, and I will give you a good rest when the time comes."

Hood's mouth corners rose, and he continued with a malicious voice:"Have you ever heard of like cures like!" When

Wanda heard this, Hood's teasing at the last breakfast suddenly emerged in her mind.

"I don't want to, you are such a bad person!"

Wanda shook her head without hesitation.

With the help of Hood, Wanda came to the dining table and sat down.

""Hey, what's up with that bowl and fork?"

At this moment, Wanda noticed the remaining tableware on the table.

And judging from the marks on it, it should have been used just now.

Hearing this, Hod's head buzzed.

He was so anxious just now that he forgot to put away Gwen's tableware.

"This... This is the bowl I use to taste the food when I cook."

At this critical moment, Huo De suddenly had an idea and quickly explained


Wanda heard this and took the tableware.

"I'll give you a 3.2 set."

Watching Wanda pick up the fork, Hodder's expression became very strange.

"There's no need. I don't mind you using it anyway." Wanda waved her hand and didn't take it to heart.

After all, everything that needed to be done had already been done, so it was okay to use used utensils.

Moreover, Hood also said that this was for tasting dishes. She had consumed too much energy last night, and she was so hungry that her stomach was sticking to her back. She didn't care about that anymore, and just started to eat heartily.

"Well, that's good. Hood, you can open a five-star hotel and be a chef in the future!"

Wanda tasted the food made by Hood himself and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

It was much more delicious than she had imagined.

She claimed that she had eaten a lot of good things, but compared with what Hood made, it was simply not on the same level.

"If it tastes good, eat more."

Hodder sat next to Wanda.

"Why aren't you eating?"

Wanda noticed that Hood had been sitting next to her and asked in confusion.

"I don't need it."

Hodder twitched his mouth. Just now he and Gwen were eating one mouthful after another.

That's why there was only one bowl. He was already full and couldn't eat any more.

"No, skipping breakfast in the morning is bad for your health!"

Wanda picked up the fried bun and handed it to Hood without saying anything:"And it's a waste if you don't finish it."

Faced with Wanda's feeding, Hood's face turned pale, but he finally gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to eat it.

As time went by, Hood���Wanda didn't stop until she felt the food was about to rise up her throat. After eating and drinking,

Wanda leaned back in her chair, as if she suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Hod, where is the Ghost Spider suit?"


How come I didn't find it when I got up just now?".

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