The Superman in the light screen didn't know the origin of the Dark Knights.

When the monsters of different shapes surrounded him, there was only endless confusion on the face of Superman Clark.

Because according to the vital signs of these enemies, these people are all Bruce Wayne.

But why are there so many Bruce?


Every Bruce is so evil.

Where did the original Bruce go?

Superman Clark's brain worked quickly.

Then he said to the evil bats around him:

"Bruce, I know you're trapped inside these evil husks!"

"Use your will to resist them!"

You are the knight of Gotham, a great hero!

"You shouldn't fall like this! Resist! Resist them! Use the justice you insist on!"

The Dark Knights looked at Superman as if he was an idiot.

It was as if this man was a fool with a broken brain.

The Laughing Bat made a weird laugh.

"You know, Clark, in my world, you once said the same thing to me," Laughing Bat said to Super���

The hyena Robin, who was being led by his hand, made a"crunching" sound of grinding his teeth.

"But you know what I did?"

"I drove Superman crazy and then made him kill his beloved wife and son with his own hands"

"Clark's despair before his death still intoxicates me."

Listening to the story of the Laughing Bat, Clark's breath became messy.

"You lunatic, you bunch of lunatics!"

Clark was about to stand up, but the next second, the Devastator hit Superman's back with his hard head.

Superman tried to fight back, but his strength was no match for the Devastator!

What's worse is that the Devastator possesses the power of kryptonite.

Kryptonite radiation affects Superman all the time, making him weaker and weaker.

Until the Devastator pressed him into a pit mixed with snow, water and mud, and beat him madly again and again.

The Laughing Bat looked at the main world Superman who had no ability to resist.

The hideous cheeks revealed a deeper level of madness.

"Did you know that the Superman of the main world should not exist in our world?"

"Those tragedies of the desperate dark universe would never have happened if it weren't for you."

The Laughing Bat is like an old man who keeps talking.

He slowly tells the truth about the dark multiverse.

"When you in the main world are full of fear or hope for something new, a new world will be born."

"So each of us you see now is a nightmare born out of Bruce Wayne's greatest fear."

"He was worried that Aquaman's Atlantis would destroy the world, so the drowned souls were born."

"He was afraid that his closest friend, Afu, would die, so the killing machine was born."

"He wanted to save his parents' lives, so the Dawn Lantern was born."

"In order to save Gotham first, he created the Red Death."

"He feared that Superman would lose control, so the Ravager was born."

"He was afraid that Wonder Woman could not defeat the gods, so he created the Ruthless Warrior.

The Laughing Bat stared at the severely injured Superman with great interest.

"Every one of us has killed you."

"But there is one thing I have never figured out: is Batman wary of you or full of hope?"

"He is worried that you will destroy the world, but he also knows that Blue Star cannot live without Superman."

Superman Clark listened to the incessant chatter of the Laughing Bat.

He opened his mouth but could not utter a word.

At this time, Superman Clark had been beaten by the Destroyer and had completely lost the ability to resist.

But he saw the Destroyer's huge palm grabbing Superman's head.

Clark, affected by the kryptonite radiation, had no strength in his body.

The Destroyer's low and hoarse voice sounded from his throat.

"Clark, considering we were once friends, I can let you choose," said the Ravager

"Do you want to die with your eyes closed or open?"

Just when the Destroyer was about to kill Superman, a golden cross-like space gate suddenly appeared not far away.

Then, the Flash from the main universe flew out.

He quickly picked up the seriously injured Clark and ran away into the space gate.

Because it was too sudden, even the Red Death had no time to react.

Doctor Fate once again used his rescue skills to save Superman....

In the real world, the DC main universe.

In the Batcave.

Superman spoke first, his tone full of helplessness.

"I didn't expect that I would be so vulnerable in front of the ravager."

"There is no power to resist."

Hal Jordan frowned and analyzed,"This Doomsday should be specially used to deal with Kryptonians."

"Even his exhaled gas contains kryptonite, so it's normal that Clark can't handle it."

"Every dark bat corresponds to a superhero," Wonder Woman looked at Batman thoughtfully.

"Mr. Bruce Wayne, do you really think we are a threat?"

"Just like what the Laughing Bat said, the Dark Nightmare was born out of fear of us?"


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