Diana's words made everyone focus on Batman.

Since the Dark Nights series of stories were exposed, the superheroes have become more aware of Batman's strong vigilance against them.

Although they did lose control before,

Batman's vigilance still made them feel uncomfortable.

"Mr. Wayne is only a flesh and blood after all, so it is only natural for him to be wary of a foreigner like me," Arthur crossed his arms and spoke with some emotion in his tone.

"I think it’s a good idea for Mr. Wayne to do this," Flash said,"I’m also afraid that I will lose control one day."

"Like turning into a zombie or something."

"When the time comes, Mr. Wayne will definitely help me end my pain and prevent me from hurting more people.

Clark nodded, walked to Batman and patted him on the shoulder.

"In a sense, the blues is actually an insurance policy tied to each of us."

"We have superpowers that ordinary people can hardly imagine. Once we lose control, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Bruce will deal with this situation when it arises.

Cyborg nodded,"Yes, Mr. Wayne is indeed an insurance policy."

"Make sure we don't commit a terrible disaster."

Batman was slightly touched when he heard most people speak for him.

"If it is not a last resort, I will never use extreme measures."

"You are my teammates fighting side by side, there is no doubt about that."

With Bruce Wayne opening his heart, the relationship between the members of the Justice League became more harmonious.

At the same time, in a motel on the outskirts of Gotham City, the disguised Joker was staring at the screen thoughtfully.

"It turns out that these mutant bats all come from Batman’s fear"

"The Grinning Bat only showed up because Batman was afraid of me."

"Does this mean that I'm Grinning Bat's biological father?"

"No, no, no, I don't need this idiot to be my son. It will damage my reputation as a clown."

Thinking like this, the clown began to put on makeup in front of the mirror.

"After the identity of the Grinning Bat is revealed, those damn superheroes will definitely deal with me first. Haha, I'm not a fool."

"Wait, when I return to Gotham, I will make sure these damn guys understand"

"The Joker is a hundred times more terrifying than the Batman Who Laughs!"

In Star City, inside the Green Arrow team base.

Green Arrow Oliver Queen angrily slammed his bow and archery equipment on the table.

Black Canary at the side asked puzzledly,"What's wrong, Oliver, who made you angry?"

"Hal just sent me a message saying that the Justice League has assembled in Gotham City"

"No one informed me! This is outrageous!"

"Um..."Black Canary showed a complicated expression,"Maybe this is some kind of high-level meeting, and the second-tier heroes won't be notified."

"Second-tier hero? Just because there's no Green Arrow or Batman among these evil villains, I'm not invited?"

"They don't really think that I pose no threat to them, right? I'm the Green Arrow!"

"The superhero who guards Star City!"

Black Canary grinned, muttering in her heart,"The threat level is not zero, but it will not exceed 1"

"I'm sure Laurel," said Green Arrow seriously.

"In that deformed and twisted dark multiverse, there must be a universe where I become Batman’s number one enemy."

"To defeat me, Batman must learn to navigate the green jungle"

"Think Like Green Arrow"

"Ah, are you overthinking it?" Black Canary said speechlessly,"Do you really think you can be a threat to Batman?"

"Or the other six members of the Justice League?"

Green Arrow fell silent immediately.

In the Hilco Coffee Shop, as the last cup of"Lamp Ring Optimized Version" coffee was served to the customer's table,

Lin Mo finally got out of his busy work.

Like other customers, he focused his eyes on the light screen in the air.

Lin Mo looked at the video he edited and produced being watched and discussed by others.

A satisfied smile rose slightly at the corner of his mouth....

The screen did not stop playing because of anyone's discussion.

When the Flash carried Superman out of the portal, the scene changed to a quaint bar.

The bar looked very old.

The most amazing thing was that there was a monkey wearing a detective hat drinking at the bar.

The commentary sounded at the same time.

【Superman was taken to the Dark Master's Forgotten Bar】

【Since the arrival of the Dark Knights, this place has become the only safe haven.

The screen turned again.

This time it showed a panoramic view of the bar.

A large number of superheroes were gathered in the bar.

These superheroes were sent away by Doctor Fate after the crisis.

Now they all drank in silence with gloomy faces.

The whole bar was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

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