Lin Mo and his group were standing on the roof of the car at this time.

They each held a metal spear and cleared the zombies below bit by bit.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the zombies were quickly cleared.

Sato watched everyone silently.

There was a cunning look in his eyes.

If this group of students really cleared out the zombies in the mall.

Then he could almost take over the mall without any effort!

With the resources of the entire mall, he would be the tyrant of the city!

The gangster brother on the side hurriedly said,”Boss Sato, do you want to let the brothers do it?”

“We were the first to take a fancy to this big mall! We can’t let these students get away with it!”

Sato rolled his eyes and shook his head,”No hurry, wait until these students have cleared out the zombies in the mall before we take action.”

“Wait until they relax their vigilance, and then we will take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack!”

At this time, Lin Mo and his party did not know that someone was targeting them.

After two hours of cleaning, the zombies in the mall hall had been basically dealt with.

Then everyone simply blocked the door with a pile of shopping carts.

Make sure that the zombies outside will not easily enter.

In the following time, the bus began to drive inside this huge shopping mall.

They first came to the food street.

There were many zombie tourists in the food street.

Lin Mo and Busujima Saeko were in the front, and they kept beheading the attacking zombies while dancing with long swords.

Miyamoto Rei held an m1 carbine, but she did not fire but used the bayonet on the barrel to kill the zombies.

Takagi Saya held a compound crossbow and shot some distant zombies.

The four people had a clear division of labor, and in a blink of an eye, they had roughly cleaned up the zombies on the street.

Just when Lin Mo was about to let everyone start looting food from house to house.

Takagi Saya used her intelligence

“We don’t have to search for food from store to store”

“Chain stores like this one in shopping malls all use a unified freezer to store food.”

“The ingredients in the freezer are much richer than those in the store.”

Lin Mo listened to Takagi Saya’s advice.

It took less than ten minutes to find the location of the cold storage door.

He got the key of the ice storage from a staff member who had turned into a corpse.

As the door of the ice storage slowly opened, a gust of cold air hit him. When everyone walked into the cold storage, they were instantly attracted by the storage items inside.

Rows of frozen whole cows, roughly estimated to be more than 200 heads.

Top-quality whole chickens, hams, tenderloins, pork ribs, lamb, etc.

The area of the freezer is very large, consisting of more than a dozen rooms.

Lin Mo checked each room one by one.

Not only meat, but also various seafood and fish in the warehouse.

As well as mushrooms wrapped in plastic wrap, various vegetables and fruits.

The dazzling array of ingredients made Lin Mo numb.

It is worthy of being the largest shopping mall in Bedzhu City. The food reserves are really not covered.

After the tour, it was time to move.

Everyone used the carts in the freezer to deliver the ingredients to the bus one by one.

And Lin Mo relied on his strength to carry a frozen whole cow on one shoulder.

This These whole cows are good stuff.

Beef is rich in nutrients, and beef bones can be used to make soup.

At the end of the move, even Alice came to help.

Every time she came out of the freezer, she could carry a large bag of various fruits or vegetables.

Her little face flushed.

Time is absolutely still in the storage space of the Doomsday Bus.

So Lin Mo didn’t worry about the spoilage of fruits and vegetables.

The moving work started at nine in the morning and was busy until six in the afternoon.

With the hard work of everyone, all the ingredients in the freezer were finally moved onto the bus..

In order to reward everyone for their hard work, Lin Mo personally selected a large piece of top-quality steak to fry.

The aroma of barbecue made people salivate.

The girls had a delicious dinner.

It was seven o’clock in the evening.

The Doomsday Bus drove into the inventory area of the hardware store.

The shelves around the bus were filled with various materials and tools from high to low.

Metal water pipes, stainless steel pot lids and even electric saws of various signals.

The material decomposition machine started and began to quietly decompose various materials around the bus.

【Iron Block +1+1+1…】

【Aluminum products+1+1+1…】

【Plastic +1+1+1…】


As the decomposition continued, all kinds of materials continued to fill Lin Mo’s warehouse.

Lin Mo found a large electric saw in the inventory area of the hardware store.

He took the electric saw to the research table for research, and Lin Mo obtained the module drawings related to the electric saw.

Now as long as the materials are in place, Lin Mo can make preliminary modifications to the bus.

Install a row of electric saws on both sides of the bus.

Just as Lin Mo was thinking about the idea of modifying the bus.

Two sneaky figures quietly sneaked into the mall.

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