Following that, a light suddenly lit up and all the Death Soldiers and crumbling animal started to move again. However, this movement was purely due to them falling after losing their lives. In just an instant, all the Death Soldiers and crumbling animal within a 100 meter radius all died.

"I was wondering why we couldn't even get a small city. I didn't expect there to be trash like you in this place." Just at this time, a death god who was cheering for Yingjing Qian suddenly glared with his eyes wide open, a red and black taikou at his chest thrusting over.

"But, if that's the case …" Some of the Death Gods were worried that Yingjing Qian would be unable to deal with the Martial Death Soldiers and hesitated.

The world needs to be reconstructed. This is the arrangement of fate, and it is the inevitable result of the collapse of the will. " The warrior looked like a devout believer as he spoke his belief.

"Hmph, long-winded. Die." The Sakura Chop, was a skill that Qin Tianyu had taught her. It could release six blades in an instant, and was a very powerful sword technique. Just by relying on this technique, Yingjing Qian had already killed many strong death warriors, but, this blade was blocked by the opponent.

The two blades intersected in front of him to block, directly blocking Yingjing Qian's follow-up attack.

"flow chopping" dodged the death warrior's attack, causing several strong Sword Qi to erupt around Yingjing Qian, all of them slashing at the death warrior's body, leaving a meringue marker on top of the warrior's body.

"blade return" kept the blade back into the scabbard and cleared the meringue marker, using it to deal second phase damage to the Warrior Death Soldier.

"In battle, you actually put your sword back in its sheath. Little girl, what are you thinking?" However, the Death Soldier did not receive any damage. When Yingjing Qian cleared the meringue marker, the Death Soldier once again blocked the blade, but the meringue marker did not cause any damage to the Death Soldier.

"This block of mine can only be used by warrior death warriors. It can almost block any attack that does not surpass my level. The key reason why warrior death soldiers hold such a high position among warrior death warriors is because warrior death warriors are almost invincible among warriors of the same level." The Death Soldier walked towards Yingjing Qian arrogantly, looking at her as if she was looking at a dead man.

"There is no such thing as absolute defense in this world." Yingjing Qian did not believe what the Death Soldier said. She started to attack the Death Soldier again, but the result was, Yingjing Qian's attack was blocked once again, and the Death Soldier even pushed away Yingjing Qian's Soul Severing Knife, while the other one pierced towards Yingjing Qian. Yingjing Qian could only activate the flow chopping to dodge.

After a few attacks, Yingjing Qian had also discovered that her own attack was unable to break through the defense of the Death Soldiers, and her own speed was unable to cause any damage to the Death Soldiers before they could react. But luckily, under the current situation, although Yingjing Qian was unable to cause any damage to the Death Soldiers, the Death Soldiers were also unable to touch Yingjing Qian.

"Since your attacks cannot affect you, what about this!?" "The sixty-one six steles of the Path Binding Technique!" Six golden rays of light bound the warrior to death.

"Success!" Sakura Chop! When the Death Soldier was unable to move, Yingjing Qian immediately launched an attack towards it. Before the Death Soldier could struggle out of its restraints, Yingjing Qian's blade pierced through the Death Soldier's chest.

Fresh blood dripped down from the pink Soul Severing Knife s, but the warrior did not die because of it. Instead, he grabbed Yingjing Qian's arm, and a wave of blood red mist surged out from the warrior's blade and fiercely stabbed into Yingjing Qian's abdomen.

"What?" "Yes." Yingjing Qian's mouth flowed with blood, the pain was so intense that it felt like it was tearing her nerves apart. Her eyes started to turn blurry, and the blood red mist started to spread over Yingjing Qian's body, all kinds of memories went back to her brain, from her initial meeting with Qin Tianyu, to the familiarity she had, and even from there, she came to the dorm to deliver the rest for Qin Tianyu.

He would practice together with him every day, celebrate together after every exam, pour out his feelings together when he was sad, complain together, and gossip behind the back of the weird teacher's back. In the next generation of the Soul Burial Trial, when he encountered a group of people who suddenly appeared, Qin Tianyu would stay behind alone to buy time for him to leave.

After encountering the broken surface, Qin Tianyu rushed over to help with all he had. After he was killed, Qin Tianyu used a secret technique to avenge him after feeling angry. Furthermore, after he had been controlled, Qin Tianyu had decided to show mercy. So much so that after following Bai Zai to the Modern Realm to capture Lucia, when he attacked Qin Tianyu, Qin Tianyu did not harm him, but rather knocked him out. Everything, all the memories, were related to him.

"In that case, in any case, since I'm the only one here, I will destroy everything." In this world without Yu, it's good that everyone died, and those who obstructed my way to Yu Jun died too. " Yingjing Qian muttered, the white in her eyes gradually turned black, her pink pupils turned blood-red. Her hand, which had originally lost its power because of the blood fog, suddenly grabbed the Death Soldier's hand, and pulled the taikou out from her abdomen.

The instant the taikou was pulled out, the wound on Yingjing Qian's abdomen completely healed without a single scar.

A fox mask appeared on Yingjing Qian's face, and she even grew four tails, as well as a pair of pink fox ears.

"How could that be!" The Death Soldier was shocked by Yingjing Qian's sudden change and opened her mouth wide. The power that came from her hands and the power that Yingjing Qian had previously possessed were on a completely different level.

"Those who block me, die." With a calm and emotionless voice, Yingjing Qian instantly appeared beside the Death Soldier. Blood sprayed out and Yingjing Qian's blade once again pierced through the Death Soldier's chest.

"Even if you become stronger, so what?!" The Death Soldier grabbed Yingjing Qian's hand, took a few steps back and pulled out the Soul Severing Knife. The blood mist on its body started to thicken, and the wounds on its chest started to heal quickly.

"As long as I bring out my true abilities, you will still die!" Due to this, a large amount of blood rained down from the ground. The blood left behind by the Death Soldiers that died due to Yingjing Qian's massacre earlier was fled out of the clean street by the Death Soldiers.

Just as the Death Soldier arrived in front of Yingjing Qian, its mouth wide opened in a smile, revealing a happy expression, a white tail suddenly lashed out, violently sending the Death Soldier flying.

After hitting a few scumbags on the ground, the Death Soldier looked at Yingjing Qian in disbelief. Previously, because Yingjing Qian had unleashed a powerful slash, she had overlooked the four tails on Yingjing Qian's back. The warrior comforted himself as he rushed forward once again.

Yingjing Qian's tail swung over once again, but because the Death Soldier had prepared beforehand, she easily dodged it.

"As long as you pay attention in advance, you aren't that strong. Let me do it." The Death Soldier arrogantly waved his blade at Yingjing Qian, but before he could finish, a jade hand grabbed his head and lifted him up.

"Die!" The Death Soldier was extremely angry, the taikou in his hand sliced towards Yingjing Qian's hands, but it was caught by the two tails, and threw it away, following that, his entire body was wrapped up, a fox tail extended towards the Death Soldier's eyes, and a bit of wind pink light condensed on the tip of the tail.

"virtual flash."

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