The virtual flash's cherry pink color destroyed a large area of the building in front of Yingjing Qian. Explosions happened one after another, and after the commotion had ended, a huge circular passage appeared in front of Yingjing Qian. No matter whether it was the house or the walls, as long as it was within the diameter of the virtual flash, everything was destroyed.

"Whether it's people, objects, or time, they will all pass away." Yingjing Qian did not answer the god of death's question, but instead continued to speak her incomprehensible words.

A voice that sounded like an apocalypse resounded in his ears and echoed in his mind. The meaning he wanted to express was only this one: destroy and then be reborn. Only by letting the old things die would new things be born. This was the rule.

If the old things were kept all the time, then the warehouse would start to rot and rot. In order to talk about cleaning up this rotten old civilization, he had to pull out the knife in his hand.

"Then, kill him." Another purplish black pattern appeared on the mask on Yingjing Qian's face. Killing intent began to appear in her eyes, before finally landing on the body of the God of Death who had come to support her.

"Only death will be your final destination." The sound of flesh being torn apart, the sound of blood sputtering, frightened shouts, puzzled cries of pain, and fearful cries for mercy. The instant Yingjing Qian's attack was released, it had already torn everyone's nerves apart.

The black clouds in the sky started to gather, and it started to rain, but even with the rain, it was unable to wash away all the blood on the ground. Yingjing Qian looked at everything in front of her, her eyes trembling non-stop, the mask had already disappeared, and the voices in her head had also disappeared.

Nearly half of the Death Soldiers and Death Gods in the city center died under her blade. The pink cherry blossoms did not leave any traces of blood on the snow, and she was still as beautiful as ever. However, underneath this beauty were countless souls and resentments buried.

"These were all done by me." Yingjing Qian seemed to have lost her mind as she muttered to herself. The cherry blood fell from her hands and was then inserted into the ground.

Yingjing Qian powerlessly sat on the ground. The rain had wet her hair and clothes, but she did not have the intention of finding a place to shelter herself from the rain, as though she wanted to let the rain wash away all of her sins. However, with this kind of crime and memory, how could the rain easily wash away all of it?

"Very sad." Just as Yingjing Qian was about to end her own life to clean up everything she had done, a somewhat low and deep voice came from behind her.

Originally, at this time, Yingjing Qian should have immediately stood up and entered defense, but under the stimulation of killing her teammates, Yingjing Qian had already lost the desire to live, thus, even if the person standing at the back was a Void or a death warrior, she would not turn her head.

"The people who should have used their lives to defend the world they lived in did not die under their protection, but instead died under the blade of the person they trusted the most. It's very sad. " The person behind him did not do anything to Yingjing Qian, but walked to Yingjing Qian's front and squatted down in front of a corpse.

"Don't touch him!" A ray of sword Qi flew towards the man, Yingjing Qian stared at the man in front of him with killing intent, the man also had the same black and red hues, he looked extremely similar to the warrior that he met previously, but the only difference was that there were two red horns on his head and a black scarf around his neck, covering his mouth, his eyes did not have the arrogant look of the warrior, but was instead gloomy.

"Is he protecting his comrade's corpse? However, these people seem to have been killed by you. " The man looked at Yingjing Qian with pity in his eyes. Yingjing Qian's blade light had also been easily dodged by the man.

"Shut up! It wasn't me, it wasn't me, it was her, the thing inside me. " Yingjing Qian anxiously tried to refute her words, and messily brandished the cherry blossom in her hand to chop at the man in front of her. The look in her eyes, the look of pity, was like a blade, viciously stabbing at Yingjing Qian's heart.

"To put all the blame on the people who saved them? This is really bad. " The person stood up, and there was no longer any pity in his eyes anymore. Instead, he looked at Yingjing Qian with a trace of disgust. However, even though he was being looked at with disgust, Yingjing Qian still felt that it was better than looking at him with pity.

"Kill me then, didn't you come to the Modern World to kill and destroy?" Yingjing Qian kept her blade back into the sheath, she no longer wanted to use this Soul Severing Knife to create more killings.

"Killing you is my mission, destroying the existing civilization that needs to be eliminated is my duty, I will do that, even if I don't think you have the right to be killed, but for my mission, I will fulfill it." With her neck being pinched, Yingjing Qian revealed a painful expression. The suffocating and lack of oxygen let her feel her life flowing away unceasingly.

"I'm sorry, Yu Jun." Yingjing Qian closed her eyes and a tear fell from the corner of her eye, dripping onto the man's hand.

"How is this possible!" Just as Yingjing Qian was about to lose consciousness, the person holding onto Yingjing Qian suddenly released his hand, and a look of confusion appeared on his face.

"You can't die, the coming of the collapse needs more power, and your dirty life needs to create more value to wash away your sins. I am the Death Soldier Martial Saint, the Highest Warrior of the Infernal Realm. You have what it takes to collapse. " Death Soldier Martial Saint casually threw Yingjing Qian on the ground, because just when he was about to kill Yingjing Qian, the hint of collapse on his body made him change his mind. He never thought that he would actually pick up the person he had been looking for in the empty seats.

The purpose of Hell was to destroy the civilization of the entire world. However, just with the power and power that Hell currently had, it was difficult to do all this, so the creation plan of lawmaker was born. The lawmaker could be said to be the strongest existence among those who were infected with the collapsing world, and the strongest among them even possessed the power to destroy the world.

Once the lawmaker was created, the destruction of the entire world's civilization would only take a split-second.

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