"Get ready." The black pole in Pu Yuanxizhu's hand suddenly shattered, revealing the Soul Severing Knife sealed inside.

"AHH!" A miserable cry that sounded like metal rubbing against each other came out of Heiqi Yihu's mouth. White liquid floated out of the seven orifices of Heiqi Yihu's body, and then adhered onto his face, gradually forming a mask that resembled a cow's head. On both of his eyes, there were even two vertical black scars.

Above Heiqi Yihu's head, five huge iron pillars descended from the skies, fiercely pressing down on his four limbs and back.

"Roar!" A beast like roar came out from Heiqi Yihu's mouth, he was actually supporting himself with the iron pillar, and stood up with his mouth wide open. A blood red virtual flash swept out and five iron pillars turned into dust, and Heiqi Yihu's strength actually increased by this much in an instant, but that foolish appearance, no one would think of him as Heiqi Yihu, it was already completely useless.

"You seem to be very relaxed, but, you shouldn't be Qin Tianyu, right? I don't think I know Qin Tianyu possesses such power." Pu Yuanxizhu's voice came from behind Annihilation, a few blood red chains like existences were shooting towards it.

"Ah, you can call me Annihilation. However, isn't it a little too naive of you to want to capture me like this?" The blood mist surrounding the body exploded into a giant hand, grabbing the blood-colored chain that was entangling it and crushing it to pieces.

"So troublesome." Extermination stretched out its waist, and the blood mist on its body wrapped around Pu Yuanxizhu, but it was dodged.

"Qin Tianyu probably failed, let's stop him first." Pu Yuanxizhu pressed down the brim of his hat, and Ping Zizhenzi slowly walked over. The Soul Severing Knife in his hand pointed towards the light, and a few figures appeared behind him.

"Hey, Baldy, are you going to kill this guy?" An ape persimmon with golden braids walked over from behind while carrying a Soul Severing Knife. There was a trace of seriousness in his eyes. The destroyed spiritual pressure was too powerful, even they found it difficult to deal with.

"It is a little difficult to capture it." Ping Zizhenzi had a serious look on his face, completely without his usual sloppy look.

"How would we know without trying?" A muscular man with a head full of white hair walked out from the back, looking like he was a bodybuilder. He looked like he was eager to give it a try.

"Oh, three, four? "No, five people, looks like you guys have overestimated me, but you guys still seem to be a little too arrogant. Facing me, not choosing to escape first is your biggest mistake, but you've already lost the chance to escape." With the corner of his mouth raised, a beast like roar came from behind, following that, a gigantic red virtual flash shot towards Ping Zizhenzi and the rest.

"Get out of the way!" Without Pu Yuanxizhu's defensive skills, Ping Zizhenzi and the rest could only stagger and dodge, before rolling on the ground. There was an additional bone mask on their faces, making them look a little like Ancient Warriors.

Heiqi Yihu's foot stepped on the ground, causing the ground to instantly crack and collapse, following that, Heiqi Yihu shot towards Ping Zizhenzi like a cannonball.

"Damn baldy, scram!" Just then, the ape persimmon at the side kicked over, stepping on Heiqi Yihu who was halfway there. Heiqi Yihu was already wearing a mask with a long horn on his forehead.

"virtual flash!" Ape Persimmon opened his mouth wide, a red virtual flash shot out from his mouth towards Heiqi Yihu who was beneath his feet.

"Roar!" However, Heiqi Yihu was no longer the Heiqi Yihu before, and after losing his reason, he obtained a huge improvement. He grabbed the ankle of the ape persimmon and swung it up. Then, he ruthlessly smashed it onto the ground, creating a huge crater. The mask of the ape persimmon was broken with a loud bang and a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth.

"How could that be? "So powerful." With a look of disbelief, Ape Persimmon was unable to understand what was going on. The gap between before and after void-form was actually so huge, and he himself was extremely clear about his own strength. It was one thing if he didn't step on Heiqi Yihu to death, but he was actually easily lifted up and swung around.

"Fall down." Fall down. A voice came from Heiqi Yihu's back, and immediately after, a handful of Soul Severing Knife s pierced through Heiqi Yihu's abdomen. Naturally, Ping Zizhenzi would not watch helplessly as the ape persimmon was beaten up by Heiqi Yihu, and after the Soul Severing Knife in his hand pierced into Heiqi Yihu's body, it started to spin, using this to destroy Heiqi Yihu's internal organs.

"The overspeed regeneration, what a troublesome ability." Ping Zizhenzi dodged Heiqi Yihu's attack and could not help but slam his tongue.

"It should be easier to deal with now.

In this completely inverted world, what can you do, Heiqi Yihu. "

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