Any person who smelled it would have their senses turned upside down. Attacks from the left would have the wound appear on the right side, and people charging from the front would appear from the back. Even a powerful captain would find it difficult to control such a moment of reversal, because even their senses would be turned upside down, just like a person who had been writing in reverse all along.

However, Heiqi Yihu who had already entered the illusionary state and went berserk had completely exceeded Ping Zizhenzi's imagination. After the two attacks missed, Heiqi Yihu had actually gradually gotten used to this feeling, and a virtual flash flew towards Ping Zizhenzi while wiping his mask.

"What?!" Wa Shituode and the others all looked at Heiqi Yihu in shock. Wa Shituode was a very rare Great Void, and the few broken surface that Bai Zai and the others were fighting against before were also at Wa Shituode's level. However, the Heiqi Yihu in front of them was even more powerful than them, as for how powerful he was, it could be seen from how helpless they were being surrounded by the five people.

"Leave it to me. If it is only binding, I might be able to do it. However, please buy me some time." Fatty dodged one of Heiqi Yihu's virtual flash and started to prepare an even better technique.

"In that case, leave the delay to me. Let's turn to dust, Broken Earth Wind! " The Soul Severing Knife s in the six carriages were dagger-like Soul Severing Knife s, after being untied, their bodies would be entangled by the wind, the same went for the dagger, a pure white mask with six holes appeared on their face, and they rushed towards Heiqi Yihu.

Although Heiqi Yihu had already adapted to Ping Zizhenzi's backhand, he was still affected a little, the fist of the Soul Severing Knife still grazed past Heiqi Yihu's arm, but, on Heiqi Yihu's arm, a line of blood spurted out, the wind surrounding the dagger turned into lines, the lines easily cut through Heiqi Yihu's skin and bone, but these wounds only healed in a short period of time, and before Heiqi Yihu could even react, he grabbed onto the head of the beast, and smashed it into the ground.

"I actually caught up to him in a flash purely by relying on speed!" Ping Zizhenzi had saved Fa Xi from Heiqi Yihu's virtual flash. If he had been slower just now, Fa Xi would have been blown to ashes by the virtual flash.

"Wa Shituode is not that strong, what is this fellow? Is he a monster?!" He had been too careless just now, to not use swastika against Heiqi Yihu, it seemed like he would be impossible.

"Seems like it's about time. Heiqi Yihu, whether I can continue using my body depends on you." Exterminate the Heavens stood at the side, now there was no one to stop him, and only Pu Yuanxizhu stood at the side watching his movements, but he did not make a move either.

Qin Tianyu did not have any methods to make Heiqi Yihu stronger, but it did. Just as Qin Tianyu was feeling troubled, a consciousness of destruction appeared, and under the condition of increasing Heiqi Yihu's strength, he obtained a temporary usage right. Originally, Qin Tianyu wanted to reject him, but the moment he thought about it, it was difficult for even Ulrich to even fight him. Without Heiqi Yihu's help, Qin Tianyu didn't have much confidence in dealing with Lan Ran, which was why Qin Tianyu agreed to such a request.

However, Exterminate obviously did not just want to use the body for a little while, to attract the void energy from Heiqi Yihu's body, and then use Heiqi Yihu's power to tear open this space, and from there onwards head towards the void. As long as he could reach the collapse energy node, Extermination would allow him more time to use his body, and after that, he only needed to think about how to completely grasp the right to use his body.

After striking the virtual flash that Ping Zizhenzi had released, Heiqi Yihu suddenly stopped, his entire body releasing a blood mist, a burst of even more powerful energy burst out from Heiqi Yihu's body, with him as the center, a red dot appeared in the middle of the two gigantic horns, and immediately, the red dot became huge, and a small car-sized blood light ball appeared on top of Heiqi Yihu's head.

"This is bad!" Yes, quickly stop Heiqi Yihu! " Pu Yuanxizhu shouted to the fatty at the side. If this virtual flash was to be shot out, the underground space would collapse. If he did not stop it, everyone would be buried in this space.

"The chanting of the Four Beasts Seaman: Eight inches of the military phase, no retreat is justified. Bolt of green, Bolt of white, Bolt of black, Bolt of red. They did not enter the sea after biting each other. The gates to the city with dragon tails, the gates to the city with tiger bites, the gates to the city with turtle shell, the gates to the city with phoenix wings, and the gates to the city with four beasts. Four Beasts Sealed Gate! " A few huge black walls instantly surrounded Heiqi Yihu, and even the top of his head and his feet were tightly sealed. This could be said to be the strongest defense Zhao Tian had.

"He actually stopped me!" He never thought that the fat man would actually be able to use such a strong defense, if Heiqi Yihu could use that virtual flash, his plan would have been wasted, but as long as he destroyed that wall, then it would be fine. However, Pu Yuanxizhu who was standing at the side would not let him go.

"It's too late."

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