Heiqi Yihu's virtual flash burst out from within the enormous city wall, and cracks instantly appeared on the city wall before it shattered. A few of the virtual flash's aftershocks blew away the dust in the surroundings, but at least they were able to resist.

As the dust dispersed, everyone looked warily at the figure in the middle of the smoke and dust, the dead weight dress s on his body shattered, his white skin regained its original color, the blood red fog gradually dispersed, and after the last trace of blood mist dispersed, a small crack appeared on Heiqi Yihu's mask. Following which, the face of the mask became covered in a spiderweb of cracks, and finally, it shattered with a loud bang.

"Seems like it's a success, Yi Hu." Qin Tianyu looked at Heiqi Yihu, his decision could be said to be very risky, but he had already unsealed the Soul Severing Knife, even if he wanted to do something, in the situation where he did not have the Soul Severing Knife to unseal, he was still powerless.

"I've just caused you trouble. However, I can only do this. That person is me, not me. It's hard to explain. If I say it, he should be an existence similar to the void." Qin Tianyu scratched his head in embarrassment, leaving the few people who were busy at the side with black lines on their heads. However, Heiqi Yihu's spiritual pressure was indeed stronger than before, this was a fact.

"However, there is already no time for us to experience the results. Although we are curious about what happened to you before, Lan Ran has already appeared." Pu Yuanxizhu looked at Qin Tianyu with a serious face, all of them were stunned, and then they rushed towards the stairs.

When they arrived on the ground, the sky was filled with death gods, and in the center of all the death gods' encirclement, Lan Ran and Shi Wanyin was standing there.

"Lan Ran, you have nowhere to go. Killing the forty-six rooms and betraying the Silent Spirit Palace, as well as researching the void-form is enough for you to stay in prison for the next ten thousand years." Mountain stood in front of the various captains and read out Lan Ran's judgement.

"Oh, then let me see how you will take me back to the necromancy, Chief Officer, Shan Benyuanliuzhai." Facing the crowd present, Lan Ran did not reveal any expression of fear, instead, he had a look of contempt.

"Lan Ran!" On the other side, the Japanese Winter Lion Man could not help but rush towards Lan Ran, the Soul Severing Knife in his hands started to dissipate, the Ice Wheel Pill carried the cold Qi of freezing people into ice footprints as it pierced towards Lan Ran.

"What you did to the daisy, I will make you repay it many times over!" Lan Ran! " That girl admired Lan Ran so much, but in the end, she was betrayed by Lan Ran, and was almost killed by him.

"Ignorant." The corner of Lan Ran's mouth raised slightly. In regards to the attack of the Winter Lion Leader, he did not even try to dodge it.

"What are you doing!" However, just as the Gobi Lion Man's Soul Severing Knife was about to stab Lan Ran, Qin Tianyu grabbed its hand and stopped it.

"Qin Tianyu?! Why are you here? Why did you stop me? " He was curious about Qin Tianyu's sudden appearance, because Qin Tianyu should have been in the void before, and he had not received any news of Mao Zhihua returning to the necromancy.

"Look at what you've done!" However, when she turned around again, her entire body was covered in a cold sweat, because the one who stood in front of him was not Lan Ran, but Jensen. Jensen, facing the Soul Severing Knife of the Winter Lion, was trembling, because the cold Qi released by the Soul Severing Knife was such that Jensen was not even able to move an inch.

"Sorry, Qin Tianyu, I owe you a favor." Ri Fan Gu kept his blade back into his scabbard, and at this time, Lan Ran appeared in another place. All the Death Gods stayed where they were, not daring to act rashly.

"This ability is truly troublesome, but, I think only Heiqi Yihu and I can take care of Lan Ran now. Chief Officer, I still need you to help me set up a barrier, to prevent Lan Ran from escaping." Qin Tianyu heaved a sigh of relief. He had accepted this favor from the Winter Lion Man, although there should not be any chance for him to repay it.

"I understand, but all of you have to be careful. Although your five senses have been hypnotized, it's not like you have no way of dealing with him. Barrier Team, seal this place and prevent Lan Ran and the others from escaping!" With the command given by the Chief Officer, a huge barrier rose up right away, enveloping the entire area, including Lan Ran.

"To prevent myself from escaping, it seems that you guys are really confident in yourselves." Also, Heiqi Yihu, how are you going to defeat me? " Lan Ran looked at Heiqi Yihu at the side with a trace of contempt. This gaze made Heiqi Yihu think of the scene when Lan Ran was holding onto the Soul Severing Knife with one hand, however.

"The current me is different from the past." Heiqi Yihu walked to Qin Tianyu's side. In the entire area, only Heiqi Yihu and Qin Tianyu had the ability to fight back. The other Death Gods were hypnotized by Lan Ran's [Mirror Reflection Moon], even if they were the Chief Officer that had strength surpassing Lan Ran's, they would not be able to do any substantial damage to Lan Ran.

"Is that so? However, it's still too early for you to fight me." Lan Ran snapped his fingers, a crack suddenly appeared in the space behind him, the black hole opened, and a few broken surface dressed in white walked out.

"Let's have a good time with them first, everyone."

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