"Long time no see, everyone." A familiar figure walked out from the black hole. It was Stark, who was fighting against Bai Zai previously.

"Because I know that you all possess powerful strength, I've also made some preparations. What you all need to face now is the true Ten Blades. Enjoy it. As the feast before the birth of the King Key, cheer for your good fortune! " The corner of Lan Ran's mouth raised slightly, and a black crescent moon actually flew towards him. However, just as it was about to arrive in front of Lan Ran, it was blocked by a gigantic sickle.

"Ulchola?!" Qin Tianyu looked at Ulchola in shock. He had personally killed his, why would he appear here again?

"It looks like it's time for the event to start. All the captains listen to my orders and assist Qin Tianyu and the others. Stop all the broken surface and create a chance for the two of them to come into contact with Lan Ran!" Shan Ben Chief Officer's squinted eyes suddenly opened, and an astonishing spiritual pressure burst out. The muscles on his thin and small arm suddenly bulged, and the wooden staff in his hand also exploded, revealing a Soul Severing Knife, which Chief Officer grabbed in his hands.

"Everything in the universe is ashes, the flowing blade is like fire!" A wisp of flame rose from the location of the Chief Officer's Soul Severing Knife s, engulfing the entire blade edge. It was like a taikou made of blazing fire, exuding a scorching aura.

"The strongest fire attribute Soul Severing Knife, is it a flowing blade like fire? Shan Ben Chief Officer, you are the only person that I am worried about, but I have also made some preparations for this matter. " Even though he understood Shan Benyuanliuzhai's Soul Severing Knife power, upon seeing him, Lan Ran's eyes were still opened wide in shock. The Fire Element was the strongest, its power could be said to be able to destroy the heavens and earth.

"Humph, these words will wait until you receive this old man's attack. Hou Fen!" The Soul Severing Knife in Shan Ben's hands released a huge ball of flame, which transformed into a huge palm and grabbed Lan Ran into it. Even Lan Ran would not be able to endure such a scorching flame, but.

"As long as you change your position and avoid being hit by an attack, you won't have to worry about receiving damage anymore. You already lost the moment the mirror and moon shattered." A strand of Lan Ran's hair was charred and curled up, even though he had hypnotized Shan Benyuanliuzhai's senses and caused his attack to go elsewhere, the fiery heat of his attack still spread to Lan Ran.

On the other side, although Qin Tianyu's attack missed, Qin Tianyu was still powerless. Lan Ran was hypnotizing them with his five senses, so even if Qin Tianyu wanted to report Shan Benyuanliuzhai's attack, Shan Benyuanliuzhai wouldn't be able to hear it. But in front of him, this damned mantis was not willing to retreat at all.

However, all the broken surface were just stalling for time and did not directly fight with the captain, but once the captains did not support Qin Tianyu with their broken surface, the broken surface would desperately attack the captain. For a moment, everyone was restrained, as the number of captains was limited and the Death Gods, who were at the vice-captain level, could not pose any threat to Lan Ran, thus the atmosphere became extremely stiff.

The only thing that did not get stopped was that Lan Ran's five senses hypnosis was unable to cause any harm to Lan Ran. If this continued, the situation would become more and more unfavorable for Qin Tianyu and the others.

"Isn't it over there? Since we can't attack you like this, then let's try this, the Hot Hell!" As Shan Benyuanliuzhai's voice fell, dozens of fire pillars rose up from the ground, surrounding Lan Ran. Once these fire pillars gathered together and detonated, even the ground several times larger than that of an empty seating area would be razed to the ground, such a large scale attack would not even differentiate between friend or foe, once it erupted, Shan Benyuanliuzhai would be the only one left alive in the entire seating area.

Seeing such a sky-piercing torch, Qin Tianyu started to sweat profusely, to the point where he wanted to tear open the space to escape.

"It's about time for you to come out, Ma Erjiela." Lan Ran's mouth hooked up, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky, a black hole that was twice as big as normal opened, a huge eye opened.

"This is … the eye of that time!" Shan Benyuanliuzhai slightly narrowed his eyes. This eye had also appeared when Lan Ran had used his reverse film to escape from the necromancy.

An unusually large creature squeezed itself out of the black hole. Due to its huge size, it could only crawl out from the black hole. On its head was a very small figure. However, this figure was relatively small.

Wang Huai Das Ma Erjiela, this was the name of the broken surface, this was also a method Lan Ran specially prepared to deal with Shan Benyuanliuzhai.

Roar! The gigantic beast beneath Ma Erjiela suddenly opened its mouth wide, and spat out a burst of black energy. All of the black energy was actually Ji Lian, and as soon as the countless of Ji Lian landed on the ground, they immediately started attacking the party leaders around them. virtual flash s lit up twice in a row, and then shot towards the team leaders.

Ma Erjiela was a broken surface with golden hair and freckles. The Soul Severing Knife was carrying it on its back. From the looks of it, it seemed like a child who had yet to open his mind, but it did have a strange power.

Because of the appearance of the virtual reality, there was initially some energy left over, as they were considering how to approach Lan Ran's masked army, which also started to get busy. With Ma Erjiela's appearance, their advantage now completely fell to Lan Ran's side.

And the only area of effect move that could kill Lan Ran.

"Seal him." As soon as Lan Ran finished speaking, Ma Erjiela immediately rushed towards Shan Benyuanliuzhai, the spiritual pressure on his body gradually started to spill out explosively, and following that, the shape of his entire body also started to change. The crown shaped mask on his head changed to become a crown with eyes, his shoulders and thighs became extremely huge, his arms and calves became extremely small, and even his ribs and pelvis became hollow.

And just as Ma Erjiela's transformation was complete, Shan Benyuanliuzhai was caught by him, and just as Shan Benyuanliuzhai's hands were about to land, the surrounding fire pillars suddenly went out.

"What?!" Not only Shan Benyuanliuzhai, everyone present widened their eyes in shock.

"I specially prepared this for you, a broken surface with sealing Flowing Blade like Fire ability, it took me a lot of effort these few days." The corner of Lan Ran's mouth raised, as long as he sealed the ability that was like fire, no one would be able to kill him.

"I didn't think that Lan Ran was hiding these past few days just to complete this broken surface." Qin Tianyu opened his eyes slightly. Whether or not the jadeite on Lan Ran's body had fused with one another, the system's countdown time was already up. Logically speaking, Lan Ran's jadeite should have already been completely merged.

However, the mission of the jadeite was still there.

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