Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 105 - The voice of all things

The Odyssey. On the way to Alder island.

Ian was in his room on the ship sitting cross-legged on the bed. He was preparing to inject the three new bloodlines he got as he thought to himself.

He had a reason why he went to all that trouble and hunt for them after all. All three would be able to help his body tremendously.

But while the first two were there just to strengthen his body, the third one, would have a chance to give him the voice of all things.

Which considered he was planning to reach Laugh tale at one point, then he will need it. Essentially his plan was the same as what big mom was planning on. She was waiting for her daughter to awaken it.

Ian mixed all three bloodlines into one syringe. And since none of the bloodlines was stronger than the other, they were left balanced with no one coming on top.

Then taking a deep breath, he injected himself and then set the syringe next to him as he closed his eyes and awaited the start of the process.

Two minutes later, Ian lost consciousness, still sitting cross-legged, however.

Changes soon started happening to his body.

The assimilation started with strengthening his arms, especially, and also his joints. This will allow him to be even more flexible and move in unpredictable angles and ways.

Next was his lower body. Which was strengthened even further than it was. And something that Ian will notice once he got up, would be that he had gained a few cms of height.

But the biggest change would be how his eyes were glowing even if closed. Even his forehead was glowing in the middle as if a third eye was there and it was preparing to open. but in the end, it never did.

This continued on for another hour before Ian finally started stirring awake. Only then did the glow starts receding, and Ian opened his eyes.

His eyes glowed red for a second before they turned normal.

But soon Ian clutched his head in pain as he yelled.

"AHH…AHHH" He yelled loudly. He felt as if small sharp needles were drilling into his skull.

He kept hearing a multitude of voices in his head each one speaking in a loud reverberating voice.

He started bleeding from his nose, eyes, ears…

"AHHHH" Ian tried to turn whatever this was off but he couldn't…

"There… is nothing… to eat… here…"


"Drifting… on the… sea… forever…"

"I don't… think… I would… find… better people… than this… crew…"

"If… only… they… knew… I'm… alive…"

So on and so on, Ian kept hearing voices like this in his head, some speaking of food, some randomly muttering bullshit until he finally couldn't take it anymore.

"SHUT UPPPPPP" He yelled loudly.

And even if he didn't mean to, his yell was infused with Haki, which exploded in a wave surrounding him leading not seconds later to all the voices seizing their muttering.

Ian took a deep breath…

"Finally…" He muttered to himself.

Now that he was calm he was able to focus on his body and find a way to turn off that ability, until such a time where he was able to control it.

It was actually quite easy, with but a simple intention to do so. The key however being he needed to be calm to do that.

He then moved on to finish inspecting his body and noticed how his body felt even more powerful than before. His joints were stronger, and he could move more flexibly than before, not to mention that as soon as he stood up he noticed how his height had increased and reached 209 cm from the 201 he was at.

He surveyed his surroundings and noticed that the room was wrecked as if a hurricane had struck it.

He was quite perplexed as to that. And his thoughts moved until he thought they were under attack or something before he tried calming down and assess the situation.

He still did not know that his yell was unordinary.

When he calmed down after a bit, his eyes suddenly flashed red before he saw a sort of vision.


"Ian… are you okay��� what happened?" Elene's voice came from behind the door as she proceeded to open it and peek at him.

Then he saw how she was breathing roughly and sweat was forming on her forehead.

Behind her stood the rest of the girls and Bert.

And he noticed how they too were in a similar disheveled state albeit a bit worse than Elene.

From the gaps left through the door, he saw that the ship too was broken in some part.

The sight of his crew and ship like that hurt him inside.


The vision ended and Ian was left there perplexed looking at the closed door of his room.

Until suddenly he heard Elene's voice coming from behind.

"Ian… are you okay… what happened?" Just like his vision, Elene's voice came from behind the door as she proceeded to open it and peek at him.

Then he saw how she was breathing roughly and sweat was forming on her forehead exactly similar to what he saw at the vision.

And behind her stood the rest of the girls and Bert.

Once again just like he saw in the vision, he noticed how they too were in a similar disheveled state albeit a bit worse than Elene.

Then seeking to confirm if the rest would be the same as he saw, he turned to look at the gaps left through the door, and then he saw that the ship too was broken in some part.

He was then convinced that he had awakened future sight.

"What happened?" Elene asked as she came closer and held his hand.

He squeezed her hand as he replied.

"I started hearing loud incoherent voices in my head all of a sudden. It was so much that I felt my head was going to explode. Thankfully once I yelled at them to stop, they did." He spoke the truth.

She immediately knew that this was the voice of all things…

Elene then looked at his face trying to search for any injury before she noticed the blood still on him. It was apparent to her that he had bled from his eyes, nose, and ears.

She hurriedly went to the side bathroom, and grabbed a towel and a bit of water, before she proceeded to clean him up. Robin grabbed him a cup of water.

And it was not until Ian held the cup that he noticed how his throat was parched.

He drank it greedily before he turned and asked what happened to the ship and them.

"What happened, did something attack us? Why is the ship like that?" He said.

They shared a look before Elene was the one to step up and explain.

"Well… Ian, your yell was not as simple as you thought… it was infused with Haki… which is what lead to this… even we almost lost consciousness." She said.

"Ian, It was not your fault, you were in pain. You couldn't help it. Don't blame yourself." She added right after and he noticed the rest nodding their heads.

He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. He knew this was out of his hands, but he still had to apologize nonetheless, but he was not going to blame himself over it.

Then after a few seconds, he opened them and smiled at them.

"Thank you, guys. And I'm sorry for scaring you." Ian said as he bowed his head a bit.

"It's fine don't mention it," Bert replied as he waved him off.

Stella said the same, meanwhile, Robin and Elene just held his hands in comfort.

"Alright guys, let's fix the odyssey. She is one of us after all." Ian said to the rest and they all nodded and got out of the room except his girls.

He laughed softly.

"Relax, I'm fine." He assured them and after a bit of intense looking from their parts, they finally left the room leaving Ian thinking.

He couldn't blame them. This was after all the first time he had bled so much and was in obvious pain.

The reason he said that the ship was one of them, is that among the voices he heard one that oddly felt the closest to him. The voice said it's thoughts about how it wanted the crew to notice it, and even if Ian wasn't sure it was the spirit of the ship talking, he was going to start treating the ship better starting now.

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