Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 106 - Meeting Garp and Sengoku again

[A/N: This story was written with the intention of having just two love interests. but it appears many of you don't like that. so I'm going to post two comments. one would be for the harem. and the other would be for things to stay the same as they are. the one with the most likes would be what I'll do. if the comments both stay unliked I would leave things the same. in the case you chose harem, the candidates would be Sanji's sister Reiju. Hanc.o.c.k. or Oden's daughter... not necessarily all of them...]

Ian and the rest were not shipwrights. However, he would say they had done good enough fixing the ship, not to mention there was not a lot of damage. Bert was a bit knowledgeable in this area and he was the one telling each of them what to do.

Still, Ian made a note to have the ship looked at properly in the near future. As soon as they meet an expert at this.

With so many things to do now, he was hard-pressed to think of what to do first.

He knew that Dragon would most likely meet him soon, curtesy of Yu who he suspected was working for the revolutionary army. But he didn't want to meet him before confirming what his father had told him back at his island about the 'D' and the celestial dragons.

To do that he had to meet Garp and Sengoku as soon as possible. But he was sure they wouldn't say anything to him without him doing something for them in return. So he had already planned something for that.

Right now he was sitting on the deck of the ship and gazing at the sky, while his thoughts wandered.

Bert was reading a book for a change. Stella was relaxing on a chair, and Robin was training with Elene.

The two had been sparing for a while now. Though their fight was without weapons and devil fruit abilities. It was purely unarmed combat.

A thin layer of sweat was already apparent on their bodies.

Ian knew that they were close to reaching their destination. Alder Island. Maybe tomorrow morning at worst.

Which he guessed would be the place where dragon would meet him. Considering it the only place he could anyways unless he risked entering big mom's territory.

So he resolved himself to hurriedly go and get the information he needed. And that would be exactly now.

"Hey, guys…" Ian spoke a bit loudly, gathering the attention of the crew. To which they walked to him. Bert closing his book, Stella bringing her glass of juice with her, and Elene and Robin using a few towels that were nearby to wipe their sweat.

When they all stepped closer he started speaking.

"Things have come up. And I need to make a quick trip." He said. His tone implying he won't change his mind.

They stared for a bit at that. Before Elene spoke.

"What about the prisoners we are hunting?" She like the rest assumed that Ian meant all of them would need to make the trip. Which meant they would be leaving the impel down escapees.

"Oh. You'll still be going there. I meant just me." He replied as he noticed the problem.

"I need to meet Garp and Sengoku and confirm what my father had said before we meet Dragon," Ian said. He was not going to hide anything from his crew.

"There is also the fact that I need Garp and Sengoku's help in the future, and this would go further towards that point." Ian doing them the favor he had in mind, would have both of them quitting the marines completely.

They gave nods as they understood.

"Alright," Elene said with a small smile.

"I have confidence in you, and those two can never be a threat to you, so if I don't come back in time you are free to do the job yourselves," Ian said. Then when he mentioned the word job, he briefly looked at Bert, before he turned his gaze.

Bert managed to understand what it meant as he gave a nod back. Disposing of them would be left to him. He and Ian had had this conversation before. And he had assured him that killing bad people was of no problem to him. Granted Stella was the same in that, but Ian would rather he does it himself, or in the case, he couldn't, at least Bert.

"If you meet Dragon, be sure to call me no matter what," Ian told them firmly.

There was no proof that dragon won't attack his crew when he sees he is not there so he reminded them to call him. Although all of this was just in the case he was late to return.

When they gave nods, Ian stood up, gave hugs to Elene and Robin, before he stepped to the side and concentrated before he was engulfed in shadows that started from his legs until it covered his whole body. And then the shadows vanished and with them Ian.

They just shook their heads at the display before each one of them resumed what he was doing before.

Bert went back to his seat and started reading his book again.

Stella put the glass at the side and felt like taking a short nap so she laid down on the deck chair.

Meanwhile, Elene and robin were still in the mood for more training.

"Do you want to continue?" Elene asked.

Robin nodded.

"Yes of course." She replied.

"Well let's head to the back, I can see that little girl wants to sleep… and it won't do to annoy her" Elene shook her head as she said.


Meanwhile, Ian reemerged from the shadow of Garp.

He appeared to be in a room with a desk, chairs, and a table. When he turned to the side he found Both Garp and Sengoku were there.

They were both on guard until the shadows vanished and they saw it was Ian.

"Couldn't you give a call first?" Sengoku complained.

Meanwhile, Garp just laughed.

"It's been a while, brat," He said laughing.

Ian nodded.

"Indeed it was." He said.

"So, what brings you around?" Sengoku went straight to the subject. It was clear he did not like Ian.

"What island is this?" Ian disregarded him in return, which made veins appear on top of the old man's head.

"Former Marinford" Was stated by Garp. Ian knew that the base was called G1 now or something. But from Garp's reaction, it appeared he didn't like that.

"So what brings you here Ian?" Garp then asked as he noticed his friend was about to explode from anger. He snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Right, well I need to confirm something from you and Sengoku" Ian replied.

Sengoku was about to heatedly reply but Garp held his hands up for him to stop.

"Of course, I will give you important information in return," Ian said.

Garp gave a nod for him to continue.

"I want to know about those with the letter 'D' in their names," Ian said finally.

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