Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 146 - I can help him!

When Ian and co rejoined the others they were just about to climb up the whale tree.

From the side, all the straw-hats appeared to have understood things that happened so far. Especially as Luffy looked at Ian in gratitude.

Sanji had explained everything to him. Including how he was planning to leave the crew so that he will not implicate them. But then Ian had stopped him.

This was why Luffy was grateful.

But Ian only smiled in response.

Meanwhile inside he was quite happy and excited to finally be done and get his first Road Poneglyph.

Nekomamushi then proceeded to explain that they had to take a certain vine root to reach the place. The place where Raizo was kept hidden.

At that point, Momo remarked about how a voice he was hearing was getting louder and louder the more closer they were getting to their destination.

This had drawn the attention of everybody there. Including Ian.

So he strutted closer to him.

When he reached him he spoke up.

As he had heard about how Oden had the same ability he went straight to the point.

"That ability is named the voice of all things! However, since you are still young you are not supposed to be using it now!" Ian told him.

And Momo widened his eyes. He thought that only his father had that ability. Still, he nodded his head to Ian, waiting for him to continue.

This caught the attention of both rulers and Kin'emon.

"Young Ian, do you know about it?" Inuarashi stopped in his place and asked Ian.

And with that everybody surrounded them and tried to see what the matter is.

Ian gave a nod.

"I can use it." He told them.

This surprised them all there.

The ability was not exactly common after all. Except for Ian's crewmates, and Law, the rest didn't even know what it is.

"Can you teach Lord Momonosuke how to control it?" Kin'emon asked hopefully. Even Momo had eagerness visible in his eyes.

Ian shook his head.

Which brought sad looks onto their faces. Ian was about to speak and explain when Inuarashi interrupted him…

"I only know one other person who could use that ability. And it didn't sound like it could be taught!" Inuarashi spoke up. With Nekomamushi nodding to him.

"Wait! What I meant is that its training is quite hard. Even for someone like me! As such I would rather not train anyone in it but if it's really necessary, let's at least wait until he is older! Also, there is another person here who can use it, or rather will be able to use it in the future!" Ian explained to them.

It was surprising to them to know that Ian was well versed in the ability. Enough to be able to teach it to another user.

"Who is the other person?" Nekomamushi asked in surprise.

And Ian pointed at Luffy, who like the rest were quite perplexed.

The two rulers and samurais were quite shocked, to say the least. To think they would find three of the users of that ability in one place.

The confused Kin'emon however chose to go back to the subject at hand.

"But Lord Momonosuke can already use it, which is why he is feeling sick!" He told Ian.

Ian thought for a bit before he replied.

"This is just a guess. But maybe Momo is using it unconsciously, which means the ability is always active, but in a weak state. Otherwise, if he used it actively I'm afraid his mind would shatter!" Ian told them his guess.

"Let me try to explain it more thoroughly. The voice of all things refers to the words conveyed by inanimate objects and animals that do not speak the human language. Although these words are usually either inaudible or unintelligible to humans, this ability helps you to understand them. Whether it's an animal incapable of speech, or even a simple rock, you would be able to understand things about them using this ability." Ian explained the ability so that they can understand what he was trying to say.

The others took a few minutes to think before they gave nods that they understood. This was in tune with what they knew from Oden and Roger.

Meanwhile, the rest of the onlookers finally understood how this ability would be useful. They looked at Luffy in admiration. With the person himself having a serious look for once.

"Well, since it helps you understand inanimate objects and animals, how many of those can you see in the surroundings?" Ian then asked them this question.

Which left them surprised.

Still, Inuarashi was quite fast in grasping what Ian wanted to say to them.

"You are saying that If Lord Momonosuke was using the ability consciously, he would hear all the voices of the trees, grass, ground, and everything surrounding us at the same time, instead of just one voice like he is doing right now?" He asked.

"Exactly! That is why I said that his mind might shatter from the stress of that! Let me tell you, and you know I'm quite strong, but even I had trouble the first time the ability activated. I could say your young lord is quite lucky! I'm guessing that since he is not using the ability at full power, he is only hearing inaudible words which are giving him headaches." Ian told them.

Inuarashi couldn't help himself as he asked Ian.

"How many voices did you hear at the same time when you had used it first?" He asked.

And at this Ian took a deep breath before he spoke up again.

"Well, I don't know for certain how many, however, I know for a fact that it was more than a few million… it was in fact so much for me, that I started to bleed from my seven orifices. And at the time if I hadn't released a conqueror Haki infused Yell, I would have possibly lost consciousness for days, waiting for my mind to heal. As it stood the yell was enough for them to shut up!" Ian explained to them.

This shocked everyone there.

To hear millions of voices in your head at the same time. It was indeed something that might shatter a weak mind.

Ian looked at his crew for a bit, before he proceeded to explain how to train that ability. He had hidden this from them before, but it was time they knew.

���Which brings us to how to train it! We as you know nothing can be free. You have to endure and endure to be able to use this ability. There are no shortcuts. For me, I woke up ahead of my crew every day, and then activated the ability, with a bucket of water at the side and a towel to wipe the blood and then continue. Then while it was active I would try to lessen the number of voices I can hear each time, and after I became quite tired I would go back to sleep just when my crewmates were beginning to wake up, making them think I was just used to sleep a lot. And just like that, I went from millions to thousands. And from thousands to hundreds. And so on until I had mastered it completely. You can understand now why I don't want to train him as he is now! But in the future, I might be able to help him learn it faster!" Ian finished and took a deep breath.

Then after a bit of silence.

Elene yelled at him.

"You stupid asshole… why did you hide this from us?" she spoke up as she had tears in her eyes. And then she went forward to hug him.

He comforted her as he eyed the others and noticed that they all had admiration in their eyes.

Well, Robin had tears too as she came closer to him and held his hand.

Kin'emon closed his eyes for a bit. He could understand what Ian meant now.

"Indeed. Ian! The best option is to wait for Lord Momonosuke to grow up some more. Still, at that time we'll be in your care!" He told Ian as he bowed.

"No problem!" Ian replied nonchalantly.

The two rulers shared a look.

The same thought going through their heads. Of how Ian was worthy of admiration.

Then after Elene had stopped crying. Ian spoke up.

"Well, I can do something for Momo now, however!" He said.

"What is that?" Kin'emon asked Ian with anticipation. He wanted to help Momo after all.

"I can help him turn the ability completely off!" Ian grinned.

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