Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 147 - Turning the ability off!

"What is that? Ian!" This was immediately asked by Kin'emon the moment Ian finished uttering the word 'help'.

His number one duty was to protect his lord. And Ian's explanation of the ability the voice of all things had put a new perspective for him about it.

And if this ability could do harm to his lord at any given moment, he might as well take this opportunity that was laid down in front of him by Ian and then shut down this ability for his Lord until he grows at least somewhat older.

So to protect his young Lord he was willing to do anything in repayment.

"I'm willing to give you anything! Just help Lord Momonosuke! Please!" Kin'emon spoke up with determination in his voice. He then bowed towards Ian. Not the least ashamed from that.

And he meant every word of it. For Momo he was even willing to be a slave to Ian.

Kanjuro joined him and bowing. His gaze shared the same determination on Kin'emon's face.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi joined him soon after.

"Please! We can't bear to see our Lord in pain!" Nekomamushi spoke up, his head bowed.

"We'll never forget your help in this young Ian!" Inuarashi added with his head bowed too.

Momonosuke by the side was also happy that Ian would be able to help him. But then he understood that Ian would have to be given something in return. So when Kin'emon and the others all bowed he tried to bow his head, from his place on Kin'emon's back. But then a pair of hands gently reached out and took him.

Ian had frowned the moment he saw Kin'emon and the rest acting like that. But as he was about to speak he saw Momo trying to do the same. And that was it for him.

He reached out for Momo as he took him from Kin'emon and started to speak.

"Don't speak about this anymore! I don't need anything! He is just a kid! Do you think I would ask for something in return for helping a child? What kind of man do you think I am? And you little guy, don't do like them! You're are still young, so act like your age!" Ian shook his head as he reasoned with the man before him. He then addressed Momo as he pinched his nose.

"Also stop bowing to me, Man! Don't do that! Just talk to me normally like you would a friend!" Ian then said with annoyance in his voice.

Kin'emon and the rest laughed nervously as they straightened out. They were thankful to Ian. And with this, the man had earned the respect of both samurais.

And this managed to bring a smile to everyone looking.

Well, those that already knew Ian beforehand just smiled at him, but for the others, the feeling was more obvious. There was also admiration in their eyes. Admiration and aspiration to be someone like him.

"Anyways moving on… what I can help Momo with is to turn the ability for him! Although I wouldn't be able to do it alone and would require your help little guy, alright?" Ian then continued with his explanation. And Momo nodded his head at Ian.

"I understand!" Momo replied determined.

This was good news for them. If he was able to turn his ability he would no longer feel bad every time.

Kin'emon gave Ian a nod.

And Ian continued. Meanwhile using his ability to soothe Momo's mind, and help him with what he was going to do next.

He looked at Momo in his hands and told him.

"I need you to close your eyes!" Ian told him. And Momo nodded his head and did as Ian asked.

"That's good just like that! Now, I want you to imagine yourself holding a sword. You trained with swords before right?" Another nod was Momo's response. "That's good! Then just like that imagine yourself holding a real sword this time. And you are training various moves with it!" Ian guided him through this as if it was a dream.

Again Momo who appears to have entered a focused state nodded subconsciously.

In his mind, he appeared in his training gear. Just like when he used to train in the past. Except for this time the sword was real. He was somewhat excited at that. He was never allowed to hold a real sword as he was still too young.

Though the sword didn't feel heavy for some reason. He knew a real sword was heavy from the few times he had sneaked off to play.

He began to go through various moves he had learned in the past with the sword he was now holding. It had been a while since he trained with the sword and was enjoying this. Each move came to his head immediately after he finished the first one.

"Now imaging that when you swing this sword, you begin to hear voices all of a sudden. This is confusing for you right?"

A voice in the back of his mind told him so, but he couldn't focus on it at all.

Still, when he swung his sword this time, voices started speaking at the same time. Making him clutch his head with one arm. And scream in pain. Still, he didn't drop his sword. It was essential for a warrior to never drop his weapon. This was something he remembered from his training.

He couldn't understand what these voices are, however. It had never happened before in his training. So he had no idea what to do.

"What are these voices? Why am I hearing them! So you swing again downwards, next upwards, and so on, but the voices never get clearer."

Momo started to swing faster and faster trying to see if he could understand what these voices were trying to tell him. But even after had tired himself out, he couldn't see any difference with the voices.

He sighed in tiredness. Thinking to himself that he would ask someone about them later.

"So you grow tired and decides that you no longer want to hear them. So you sheath your sword! That's right sheath it and the voices disappear, giving you peace of mind once again!"

Growing tired of these incoherent voices, Momo sheathed his sword, hoping the next time he trains he'll be able to understand the voices more.

And just like that, the voices went away and he could no longer feel the pain.

Momo then opened his eyes.

He was confused for a bit, as he remembered training in his house, but then memories rushed back to him and he understood that Ian had done something for him.

And when he focused more, he found out that he could no longer hear the voices that hurt him.

He smiled at them all and especially Ian as he spoke up.

"It worked. I can no longer hear them!" He yelled as he jumped up from Ian's arms and started to spin from happiness.

Ian chuckled at this.

Meanwhile, Kin'emon sighed relieved.

Even the two rulers and Kanjuro smiled happily. By themselves, they knew that they were no help whatsoever to their lord. They were glad that Ian was there.

And then all of them started walking towards the door hidden in the giant whale tree, where the road Poneglyph was waiting for them. Along with the ugly Ninja.

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