Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 184 - Vs big mom!

As it was expected, the Pirates there didn't agree with Ian at all.

There was no way they were going to watch their mother fight without doing anything.

They were her children, and it was their responsibility to help her when in need. Though it might backfire on them if big mom was in a bad mood and thought that they were looking down on her by trying to help her…

Some of them indeed thought of that, but it was better to suffer her wrath than her falling a victim to Ian…

But… will Ian and co let them do as they like? Of course not.

The moment anyone moved, they would retaliate hard.

It was also fortunate that the stronger pirates like Katakuri, Smoothie, and Cracker were on the side of Ian and Kuzan.

It was not that Bert and the rest would lose, but the fight would be quite hard and troublesome… and if it was indeed so, then the fight between Elene and big mom would be interrupted.

And Ian wouldn't have that.

As such the moment any one of them moved, Ian started delivering his own attacks.

And each time they got back up, he would increase the power. He was trying to warn them to watch the fight subtly, and so far only Katakuri seemed to understand that.

But at one point, Ian might just have to start cutting limbs off to make sure he was understood…

The same thing could be seen happening with the rest of Ian's crew.

Ian looked at them in pity.

'Just give it up… there is no way big mom, would stay alive after tonight…' He thought to himself.

He wouldn't do this just to torture her children, but big mom was not someone that should be kept alive.

She was utterly cruel and evil, even to the very same children that were trying to protect her…

Of course, he wouldn't let Elene kill her, he would let her win before he will personally finish her…

The same can be said about Kaido…


On the other side of the fight, Linlin had just righted herself on the ground after being kicked brutally. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_15935515306575705/vs-big-mom!_52300246075626459">#!_15935515306575705/vs-big-mom!_52300246075626459</a> for visiting.

She got up and dusted herself, but a malicious glint passed in her eyes.

'That brat… I'll make sure that he pays tenfold for this…' She thought to herself.

Of course, there was no damage on her body, just like expected from someone of her status.

Granted Ian was also not using any armament or even his full power. It was a kick to send her into their circle that's all.

But it was impressive nonetheless when this simple kick would probably cripple a vice-admiral easily…

'But… How was he able to sneak up on me?' Big mom questioned. Her observation would usually kick up and warn of anything dangerous to her, though this time it remained dormant.

'Perhaps it was not dangerous to her which is why it didn't flare up? Yeah, that must be it' she concluded.

Turning around…

She found Elene on the other side of her looking at her with an excited expression.

"Who are you?" Big mom questioned once she saw that she was 'trapped' in a circle with this girl.

"I wish to fight you for the title of the strongest woman in the world… My name, It's Elene, even though after today you won't need it anyway…" Elene truthfully replied. Though she kept the rest of the words to herself. 'And to rid the world of the evil you bring…'

Elene was prepared to kill big mom after she wins. Why is she so sure about her win? She was not sure. She was just confident.

She looked at Ian on the outside and as if he felt her stare, he turned to her and grinned at her while nodding.

He was encouraging her to do her part. She was happy she had such a supportive man. She nodded to herself. Later there was going to be a reward for Ian. A hot and steamy reward…

Big mom released a hysteric laugh after hearing what Elene said.

"You'll fight me? Step aside little brat. I have to make sure that Ian kid pays for this…" big mom didn't even spar Elene another glance as she moved towards Ian. Still walking leisurely as if believing she was simply the strongest person in the place.

But will Elene let her?

She would not. And that is why she took her weapon out for a small greeting strike.

Just enough to drill it into big mom's brain that she would have to first beat Elene if she wanted to head to Ian.

Also, Elene was somewhat annoyed that she was dismissed easily…

'Let's see if you'll ignore me now…' Elene thought to herself with a grin as she aimed with her rifle…

Charging her energy at the tip of the rifle, Elene used her Haki to imbue the effect of internal destruction into her shot.

That way the old hag would need to dodge at all costs. She doubted even her Iron balloon physique would help her…

With a grin, she released the shot…

Big mom all of a sudden perked up and hastily moved to dodge the massive strike that came her way at an impressive speed…

She barely managed to dodge that… but she clearly felt that the strike would hurt her quite badly.

'This brat… she already mastered that type of Haki?' Big mom thought to herself as she turned towards Elene and concentrated this time.

The people who mastered the advanced forms of Haki were not ones to be underestimated.

Apparently, Ian's crew was quite impressive. Big mom started to think about having them join her crew. They would be quite an addition to her army.

She could capture Ian and torture him, meanwhile having his crew follow her orders scared for their captain…

'Hmm, that's a good plan.' She thought, but all of a sudden the same feeling from before came u and she dodged once again.

"What are you spacing out for, old hag?" Elene taunted her as she spoke.

"Interesting brat. Let's see if you can entertain me for a while." Big mom smiled maliciously. And it appeared borderline insane to Elene.

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