Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 185 - Cutting ties!

While Ian and co were fighting against big mom and her children, many things were happening around them.

News reporters were doc.u.menting the fight…

Early gests were enjoying the fight from a distance away…

But most importantly…

The Vinsmoke's had already retreated courtesy of Reiju freeing them. When they were free from the candy prison, one order given from their father was all that was necessary for them all to start running. But there was an exception.


She just stood there watching them calmly.

Before she turned to look at Ian. The newest emperor of the sea. The one she had already agreed to join the crew of.

Having already agreed to join im on his journey, there was no way she would leave now. No, she would join him and the rest of the crew in this fight. Even if they were destined to lose this day, she would still do so.

His words that he said to her gave her courage. The way he said that his wife was going to beat big mom might sound foolish to anyone, but she felt she could trust him. And if his wife was capable of going on against big mom, then he must be stronger as the captain of the crew.

And that was what gave her the courage to finally confront her father.

Her father Judge stopped as soon as he saw her just standing there.

"What's wrong, Reiju?" He questioned her. His voice wavering slightly, still not recovered from almost dying along with his dreams…

While they were running, they were not in fact going to run from the island. But rather they were just moving a bit away from the battlefield. He still wanted to thank Ian… and maybe acquire his cooperation… after all Ian did save him and his children so he must also be interested in his technology.

"This is it for me," Reiju replied to him after staring at him silently for a bit.

The three brothers also stopped for a bit as they turned to look at her.

"What do you mean? This is not the time for this." Judge asked her as he had a bad feeling about this.

"This is it for me! You bastard. From this day out, consider me dead. Don't call me your daughter ever again. So long have I waited for this moment… You killed my mother, and you threw away Sanji... you are no way human, you are worse than a demon. I have joined Ian's crew, and I won't ever be one of you again from this day on." Reiju poured her heart as she yelled.

The tears falling freely from her eyes as the memories of her mother and Sanji that she cherished passed through her mind.

Judge was stunned. But only for a second.

"What the hell are you saying Reiju! Seize your temper tantrum and let's move out already!" He yelled back as he turned to continue.

But Reiju didn't move.

"How did it feel?" She wiped her tears as she asked.

"W-What?" He asked perplexed.

From the surroundings, the sound of explosions echoed out. Courtesy of Ian who was moving like a blur and kicking people around.

"How did it feel, when you were about to die, but instead of panicking your precious children who you made unable to feel emotions, were laughing maniacally? How did it FEEL YOU BASTARD!!" Reiju yelled at him and he couldn't help but turn down his head in shame.

Reiju saw that and closed her eyes for a second taking a deep breath.

Sanji came up next to her and held her hands.

She was surprised for a bit, as she didn't see when he came up. Before a small smile graced her visage. She was happy that he was here to support her. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#!_15935515306575705/cutting-ties!_52344099570770462">#!_15935515306575705/cutting-ties!_52344099570770462</a> for visiting.

But Sanji also saw that it was the perfect chance to finally cut out all ties with them.

"Vinsmoke Judge… Even after throwing me out you still wanted to use me for your selfish ideals… This is why I came here this time. From this day on, consider me dead to you. You are no father of mine. You never were, and you lost that chance forever. I was willing to give you a chance, but nothing has changed, so from this day on, I no longer will belong to your family. The next time you try to use me, I will wage war against you. And I will not stop until all of you are down!" Sanji said.

His words carried with them so many emotions that Reiju started crying again.

But his father was not someone to take insults lying down.

"You dare threaten me? You are just a trashy experiment son of mine. Do you think that you could question me?" Judge yelled back at Sanji as he brandished his spear… his stance as if he was going to attack.

But Sanji had had enough and just when his father jumped at him to attack him, he held up his knee as it ignited in flames before he kicked at the spear with all he had after spinning on the ground...

This time there was no one to tank Sanji's kick like in the anime. So the kick with all of Sanji's power managed to break the spear and continue to damage Judge as it threw him away.

Judge, got up coughing blood as he looked at him in disbelieve.

"The only trash here are you and your experiments… even with your technology, you can't beat me the supposed trash… and I'm not even the strongest in my crew…" Sanji said with gritted teeth.

But this time his words carried more weight to them…

Still, Judge was quite stubborn as he replied.

"Boy! I am still your father. You can never change that!!" Judge yelled at him.

But Sanji just shook his head.

"My father?" He muttered as a figure passed in his mind. "You will never be like Him!" Sanji finished on as he grabbed a cigarette and lighted it up. His response leaving them all stunned. Except for Reiju who already heard from him about this.

"Reiju has already joined Ian's crew. So lay off her. Just like me. Don't ever bother us again. Or you won't just have me after your ass… Also, don't try to use Ian's fame to your advantage. He will know. And he will not like it!" Sanji finished on as he started walking back to the fight.

This time his earlier words became like sharp daggers pointing at their hearts. He had casually beaten Judge, and he had a crew with a fleet behind him… and if they added Ian to it… then they would truly be done…

Reiju gave her brother and her father one last look before she started walking back and joining Sanji.

Her last words echoing out to them.

"Farewell, my little brothers… I hope your emotions somehow awaken one day…"

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