Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 199 - Celebration

So the odyssey took off to meet with their allies in Wano.

This time with three new members. Each one strong enough to make a difference in the coming fight they were going to have.

However, since Elene had just won against big mom, it called for a celebration.

So even though they had set sail, it didn't stop them from partying and having fun.

It was currently nighttime.

And that was what was going on right now in the ship.

Ian was enjoying his time as held Libell in his arms.

They were all sitting in a loose circle, each close to their usual circle of people.

Robin sat near Elene and Stella.

Since Elene was the one the party was for, she was drinking nonstop and chatting with the two girls next to her.

Meanwhile, Robin wasn't reading one of her books at this time. After all, this was a part. So instead she enjoyed the food and drinks while answering questions both Elene and Stella would ask her from time to time.

"Big sis, I heard that Fish-men island from which big bro Don came from, is located 10,000 meters below sea level? Is that true?" Her voice was full of wonder while asking. After all, she couldn't fathom how such a phenomenon came to be.

She had on her hands a skewer filled with meat and a glass of drinks on the side.

Elene too had never seen those in real life. Seeing them in her past life didn't count. She also had a plate of cooked meat near her which she ate from.

Robin gave her a nod and a smile. From her face and rosy skin, one could tell that she was quite drunk. But Robin kept her cool and answered.

"Indeed. Though I was never there in person, it is said that the islands rests under the red line. It serves as an underwater gateway to the new world for those who don't wish to cross over the red line above. This had been confirmed by your brother Ian. And he did say we are going to visit the place someday in the future." Robin explained patiently to Stella.

Afterward, she grabbed a sandwich from a nearby plate and started to nibble on it.

Stella smiled happily.

"Hehe. Didn't big bro Ian say we will also visit an island in the sky? Can you believe that? An island in the sky?" Stella said. Ian had told them about this a while ago.

But for one who never visited such a place… how can one expect them to believe that so easily?

Though they were certain the places existed as Ian wouldn't lie to them. They just found it hard to visualize on their own.

Robin nodded.

"He did say that yes." Robin nodded. She had already been there, but it doesn't hurt to visit a second time.

"Don't worry you two, on this journey of ours, we'll see everything exciting there is to see. Haha," Elene from the side promised them as she laughed with them.

Bert sat close to Akemi. The two shared a one-armed hug as they looked at the sky and admired the beautiful sight of the stars. Since they were pirates, they each held bottles of drinks and enjoyed themselves. Near them on a small table, plates with various foods laid there.

There was no sense in being free if you couldn't even do what you wish like this.

Sanji was conversing with his sister Reiju. He was telling her of some of his adventures with the straw hats crew. Whom he was missing right now. Maybe except that dumb Marimo.

Reiju was enjoying her time listening to him, as she giggled from time to time. Both of them enjoyed the drinks and food.

Which left Aokiji and Don who sat near Ian.

The two had hit off somewhat contrary to what Ian thought.

Since Aokiji was calm and collected, meanwhile Don, was a 'do first, talk later, type of guy.

But it appeared the two hit off pretty well even so.

"So you always jumped ahead into fights, like there was no tomorrow? Haha, what if you met some of the monsters of the sea? What would you do then?" Kuzan laughed as he asked Don.

Don chuckled himself. He knew who Kuzan meant by monsters.

"I did meet some of them many times. What can I do? I got my ass beat and told to be responsible." Don replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

Kuzan laughed.

"And so? Did you act responsibly after that?" he asked him again.

An ashamed look was sent his way as Don lowered his head.

This time even Ian from the side joined in laughing at his expense.

"Tsk." Don clicked his tongue in distaste as he downed the bottle of drink he had in his hands. But it was apparent that he too enjoyed his time with them.

Ian felt someone tugging at his shirt, so he looked down at Libell who was sitting on his lap.

"What wrong, my little cutie-head?" Ian asked her gently with a smile full of affectionate warmth.

Libell enjoyed being in her big brother's lap, as she pointed at a cake on a plate nearby.

"Can I eat it?" She said as she cutely started at the cake and back at Ian.

The expression was too much for Ian, so he reached forward to cut a slice for her and then proceeded to feed her himself.

Don and Kuzan also had smiles on their faces seeing this.

Kuzan grabbed another cut from the cake and put it on the plate Ian was holding.

"Here, let uncle give you another piece." He gently said with a smile.

Libell raised both hands in the sky.


Ian chuckled seeing this.

He knew that Libell didn't need and food to sustain herself. But she could eat if she wanted.

As such though he laughed, his hands didn't stop feeding the little girl.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment.

This was what he set out to the sea for. In search of adventure, and most importantly companionship.

After all what good would journeying alone do for you? He looked at Don who was laughing once again with Kuzan.

He knew that the guy must have been lonely on his own. Well, he was glad he was now part of his family.

"No more cake?" Libell's cute voice traveled to Ian's ears.

In his thoughts, he forgot to feed her for a bit so she questioned him.

Ian hastily brought a spoon full of cake to her mouth.

"My little cutie-head can have as much cake as she wants!" He stated with conviction.

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