Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 200 - Worry!

{A/N: This is the 200 chapter of this fic. Just WOW. 200 chapters and more than 250 thousand words. I have truly mastered the Dao of Bullshit with this fanfic!}


Three days had already passed since big mom died.

When big mom died, it was only obvious that Im would be the first to know. But it was only in the latter of the first day since her death.

This made her furious beyond reason. All her plans were getting thwarted by this Ian Louis. Big mom played a role in her future plans… but now she was dead. But even so, Im could get past that as it was not a huge setback.

What was more important was the fact, that Elene was the one who beat big mom and not Ian himself. This meant that she had to reevaluate the whole strength of the crew.

Perhaps they had become the strongest crew in this world already. Not knowing if this was true or not, almost drove her insane...

The next day after that, the news spread around the whole world.

Im had anticipated this of course, but it didn't lessen her frustrations at all. In fact, it even increased with the titles on the news she read.

Things like, 'Are all the crew members Emperor level powerhouses?' and 'Elene dominated big mom so easily, what are her real limits?' and then 'If she is that strong, how strong is the captain Ian D. Louis?'

The last title about Ian infuriated Im. 'She' knew of course that he was a 'D', that was not the point. Otherwise, he would not have been able to run from her the last time they met. But her knowing that, did not mean that the whole world should also know. Which is what happened.

That bastard Dragon and Morgan were responsible for this.

Im right at that moment decided that she would kill Ian no matter what. And this time not by half-assed means. She would show him true despair before he dies.

As such the third day after big mom's death, all the marines were tasked with finding out Ian Louis's current location. The order came from above, and they hurried to complete it. The order was only for his location nothing else...

And by a chance of fate, one person did spot Ian and he reported soon after.

When the news reached Im, she for the first time for a while grinned savagely.

"Let's see how you deal with this, Ian D. Louis."

she then started to evilly laugh as the sound echoed in the huge chamber...


Ian and co had been sailing for three days now, and they had finally reached close to the land of Wano.

Ian estimated that they only had another four to five hours of sailing to reach it.

The day had been going on good.

He and the girls, Elene and Robin, had enjoyed their 'time' on the night of the party privately.

But afterward, they had resumed their routine.

Don had his fight. And he finally got his wish of knowing where he stood up in terms of power.

He actually requested Ian to train him, but Ian only shook his head stating that he was not a teacher, but he gave him a helping hand by stating they could spar as many times he wanted.

Don felt that that was beneficial to him. So he agreed.

Aokiji also spared against Ian and showed him his trump card, and also spoke about Akainu's trump card too. Ian then and there understood that Aokiji only lost against Akainu due to the disadvantage of his fruit.

But if he compared it to Kizaru's trump card, then they all would fall short.

The rest did like the usual.

But now when they were just about to reach Wano, they were finally excited.

The girls talked about buying outfits to blend in, and Ian was pretty interested in seeing how he would look like in a kimono.

Ian's eyes all of a sudden glinted red.

But before he moved, the ship vibrated a bit and Ian knew Libell was doing something immediately. He looked for her around and found her on the mast of the ship looking worried and concentrated.

Since the ship was protected by them both, it would rarely vibrate and would always stay steady.

But when it was disturbed, it meant the ship was moved. And Libell as she was now, she was capable of teleporting the said ship. Even faster than Ian would be able to.

But why would she do that?!

Ian looked at where her eyes were looking, and he then noticed that they had moved a huge distanced backward from the island they were going to reach.

And in their previous place where they had been just seconds ago… a huge dark shadowy arm was plunging into the sea releasing a massive tsunami that reached them as soon as they saw it...

Ian controlled it with his telekinesis to settle the sea around them. So it didn't do any damage whatsoever.

If they hadn't moved, then perhaps the ship would have been brutally destroyed with them being injured badly. It seems they owed Libell this time, after all, was said that the ship's spirits can react to danger much faster than its crew. But the thanks would have to wait until later...

Trailing the arm of the shadowy figure revealed something Ian detested to see at this time.

Without a doubt, that was a diávoloi. Ian didn't need any further proof.

And this one was neither alone nor at the same size as the one Ian fought in the war the last time.

Indeed. Four other somewhat smaller ones were surrounding the huge figure. Well, they were only small when compared to the huge one...

Ian didn't bother sizing it up, as he could tell that the very arm of the Diávoloi was as huge as an island. The fact that they were all standing on water also further proved their massive size and form.

Ian took a deep breath. Perhaps he had underestimated Im.

If she had pawns like this to send to kill him, then he really did underestimate her.

The energy he was feeling from the largest figure among them immediately had him think of one thing.

That's a fourth stage being. A being at what he had dubbed, the saint stage.

He had thought that only Im was one. And perhaps the existence that talked with him. But today he was enlightened on this.

Who said there were only three Diávoloi's? And who said that they were the strongest? The fact that Whitebeard and Roger fought them, didn't mean they were the only three of their kind. And definitely not the strongest.

He had already guessed the existence of a war in the past. And in this war, Zunesha already told him and confirmed a war happened where they were called to fight. Beings like the elephant fought in this war. Then against whom?

As such it was only right to assume the other side had an army of Diávoloi too. Perhaps they were injured or recuperating which is why only those three were the ones that Roger and Garp fought… Ian didn't know and he didn't care at this time...

And just like Ian had guessed, Im was quite furious this time, even more so when knowing he was heading towards Kaido right after beating big mom... So she had directly used a huge part of her energy to hasten the awakening of one of the strong Diávoloi of the past that she had under her control.

And then she opened a portal from the place where they were to where Ian was reported to be. Consuming once again a large amount of her energy...

This lead to the current events.

Ian scrutinized them with his eyes for a few seconds. And he came to the conclusion that if he was using his all against the strongest Diávoloi here, he still had a small chance to win, even with the difference between them being huge...

But that would mean he can't focus on the other four ones, and if even one of them helped then he would lose… not to mention his crewmates…

Perhaps they could take on one or two maximum. But not anymore.

The situation was turning bleak fast for Ian. And for the first time ever, Ian started to feel worried.

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