Adventure Of Tomorrow

Chapter 68 - War of the best: Enters Blackbeard (14?)

It had been widely said that Whitebeard was known all around the world as the strongest person alive.

And with today's battle it had been proven why.

With physical power, which is far superior to even a giant, gigantic size, and considerable speeds, enough to be able to surprise the admirals. This man did not need any fancy moves or showoff abilities, to be the strongest ever.

Every casual move of his packed with it enormous power and untold destruction.

And as was shown at this time, with him attacking a little bit seriously, the whole headquarters of Marinford almost crumbled to dust from the attack he made.

This man, even at his late age, made the marines regret ever having provoked him at the first place. And once they know that everything had been broadcasted live to the journalists, who themselves will deliver the news globally soon after, the marines wouldn't be thinking of provoking an emperor of the sea anytime soon in the coming years. This times war had started to be prove that it was a huge mistake on their part.

Ian, from the side, watched with amazement as the old man kept up with the admirals and Sengoku with relative ease. Granted he too was doing the same, but this man before him, was releasing devastating moves that unearthed chunks of earth every time he moved his hands or weapon. There was no reason for Ian not to admire the power of the Tremor-Tremor fruit.

He would surround his naginata, the Murakumogiri, with a quake bubble to greatly increase its striking power and range then start to successively attack with it multiple times unlike in the anime, where he was tired and old and was only able to shoot it once in a while.

Each wave of the blade, would deal a huge shockwave in the direction it was shot. The few times the admirals had been caught up in it, had them injured badly.

Now there was no one that was not injured in some way among them. And every time the old man was attacked from two direction, he would punch casually either sideways or at the front and the back releasing shockwaves there and stopping the attacks.

Sengoku himself was strong and no one that knew him would dare deny that, but he was mainly a defensive person with his fruit. His attacks were limited apart from the shockwaves he was able to shoot from his hands, which against the old man Whitebeard was doing nothing for him and proving useless against him. So in this fight he was not in his element. Meanwhile someone like Garp… now that would be someone more appropriate. Granted he would still find the fight hard, as unlike Garp Whitebeard had been reinvigorated to a healthy state as if he had grown younger.

Ian knew that soon, Aokiji, and Garp too, would be back to join in the fight.

Garp would be happy that Ace was saved. As such this time he would not be holding back. As for the warlords they did not dare join in on the big fight, if they did… Ian wouldn't just sit and watch…

And then there would be Blackbeard and his crew… now that was someone that the old man would be pissed off about.

However Ian had already told him to expect him to join in this war, as such Whitebeard wouldn't be caught off guard.

'When they come, Sengoku would be enraged about the prison escapees… he would most likely order someone from his side to take care of them… or he would be the one to take care of them… but there is no need to think about it too much… when the time comes I'll make sure that whitebeard has his revenge on Blackbeard by keeping anybody off him for a while… that would be the time they would see that until now I had just been playing around…'


The fight went on just like that for a while until Aokiji recovered enough to rejoin the fight.

The fight for Ian and Whitebeard did become a bit harder and would have been even more if there was not a certain 'never miss hidden sniper' helping them from somewhere unknown.

Not a while after, Ian noticed the event he had been waiting for as he stepped backwards a bit of distance away from the marines.

The old man too noticed as his eyes flared up in anger, but he still made some distance between them.

In the midst of this chaos, finally the Marines notice a shadow behind the ruined Marine Headquarters building which soon reveals itself to be a huge giant. But he was not alone; they notice more figures on the scaffold of the building. Doflamingo laughs while Sengoku is less than pleased when he saw Blackbeard and his band of pirates, which now includes a few new crewmates recruited from Level 6 of Impel Down.

Suddenly Blackbeard laughs as he addresses Whitebeard.

"It's been a long time… I'm happy to be here to attend your funeral… pops" He said. Just like in the anime, he talked down on Whitebeard as he saw him filled with injuries and taking deep breaths from exhaustion. In his mind, he was already close to winning and getting the strongest fruit…

Of course whitebeard was not really tired. And his injuries while there were small, and the result of fighting multiple opponents at the same time… which Blackbeard had no way of knowing. And if he did then he would have refrained from ever coming to the war.

Sengoku went on to ask about Impel down and its warden. To Which the Blackbeard pirates reply that it's his problem to find out about.

The old man Whitebeard finally had enough from waiting and attacks with his weapon sending a huge shockwave at them that they weren't ready for and ended up injuring some of them.

"You are the only one I refuse to call my son… Teach" Whitebeard said with gritted teeth.

And as Blackbeard starts to use his Black hole like he usually does in any attack, Ian kicks the ground, and appears in front of the rest of the Blackbeard pirates who were now at the back of Teach.

He stood there aloofly as he declared.

"None of you shall pass here" he said.

Then as one of them rushed at him in rage from being belittled, Ian made his move.

He released his conqueror Haki for the first time in this war concentrated at the crew, then he added his gravity making it hard for them to even stand.

He then moved at his top speed, and appeared behind them in front of the Giant in a second, with the Blackbeard pirates soon falling to the ground one by one. He then stealthily took a bit of DNA from that Giant as he was close to him and none would notice what he had done.

He had delivered a heavy blow, enough to make them lose consciousness, to each one of them at that short time.

He then kicked the ground and once again stood in front of the admirals, Sengoku, and Garp who had just come and were looking at him shocked. As he had just took care of highly dangerous individuals, while at the same time had conqueror Haki…

He once again addressed them.

"None of you shall interrupt the former father and son from having a 'talk'" Ian said.


One could say the three admirals were insulted.

If you would look at their numbers, Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu, they were a huge fighting force, and Ian still dared to say that none of them can pass.

Arrogant. Extremely arrogant.

They didn't bother talking with him as they attacked in union. But Ian just smiled as they made them all face the top most amount of gravity he can holds while practically flooding them with his conqueror's Haki.

Suddenly all of them were rooted to their space feeling that it was hard to move even a finger.

They hurriedly used Armament Haki to try to negate the effect, but it only lessened it a bit.

They soon reached the conclusion that the gravity was not made on them but on the area around them so they tried stepping out of the zone of gravity.

All throughout this Ian just stood there watching. His only mission was to stop their advance and give the old man the time needed for him.

"None, of you, shall p-a-s-s" Ian said once again, this time his words carrying more power.

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