The maintenance of the mansion ended, and the day to move out came.

The reason I decided to move now was that the butler and the maids were chosen and dispatched.

As for Silvia, I've told her beforehand and she's already waiting for me at the mansion.

Cain is organizing his luggage. I'm empty-handed because I put everything in my item-box.

When I went outside, Garm was waiting for me.

「You may accept it, a congratulatory gift from me」

Sebas brought a carriage being pulled by two horses from behind. It wasn't flashy, but it was well made.

「Father, thank you. I'll take good care of it」

I bow my head and thank him.

「Cain, you don't pay attention to this kind of thing, after all, it seems that you walked home all the way from the royal castle」

Ordinary nobles wouldn't do something like walking home from the castle.

But I did it because I wanted to take a walk.

When I looked inside the carriage, there was enough space for six people to sit face-to-face. My father's carriage is large enough for ten people to ride, however, I think this is the perfect size for now. We climb into the still-new carriage.

Two carriages are heading for Cain's mansion.

It takes about twenty minutes to get from Garm's mansion to Cain's mansion by carriage.

I pass through the gate and attach the carriage in front of the main gate

In front of the entrance, several maids including the butler were waiting in line. The head maid is Silvia.

Silvia is only eighteen, but she's been taking care of Cain since he was born five years ago.

Most of the new maids are a little younger than Silvia.

By the way, the butler was also young. Probably a little over twenty.

The butler comes to greet us as the representative of the group.

「Margrave Garm-sama, Baron Cain, I've been expecting you, my name is Koran, the new butler of Cain-sama. I am Sebas's nephew. Upon hearing that the position of Cain-sama's butler was open, I applied. I have heard from Sebas that Cain-sama is a remarkable talent that you don't see often. I look forward to working with you in the future」

Then he lowered his head.

When I looked at Sebas-san's face, he smiled and winked at me.

It seems that Sebas was already informed. On the contrary, I'm more relaxed knowing he's a relative of Sebas-san. Besides, Silvia is also here.

The people hired to work at Cain's mansion are, Coran the butler, Silvia the head maid, three other maids, one head chef, one assistant cook, and a horse keeper cum gardener.

When I was wondering if it was okay to hire seven people all of a sudden, I was told that even if I added up the labor costs of all seven, that with just one gold coin a month it would be enough. I still have the platinum coin His Majesty gave me, so I'll be fine for the time being. And I'm sure the sales of reversi will come in sooner or later.

Everyone enters the mansion.

「Not only the outer wall, but the whole interior looks beautiful as it were new. Aren't you happy you got this new mansion?」

Sara asks.

「As I recall, I remember coming to visit the Viscount's mansion, but it wasn't as beautiful as it is now」

Garm also followed.

「Originally, we planned to start cleaning up as soon as we got here, but there wasn't a speck of dust when we arrived」

Silvia replies.

「Ah, it's just that I cleaned up the mansion the other day with magic when I came here! And while I was at it, I used magic to repair the rest and now it looks so much better」

Both Garm and Sara are dumbfounded.

「I'd forgotten that Cain was outside of common sense」

I guided my family around the house. No matter where you look, everything was as if it had just been built. There is no way I can complain.

「Since Cain's only five years old, it's normal that he doesn't know about decorations. Oh, well」

Indeed, the mansion isn't decorated at all.

「I wonder what would be okay as decorations? I don't know much about paintings and vases」

「Umu. If we're talking about an adventurer, for example, most would display a large stuffed monster as decoration and the like」

「So a monster it's okay too, right!? Then I'll display it in the front. I'm sure I could have one set up right away with magic」

Saying that, Cain leaves his seat immediately. Once I'm in the middle of the hall, I look inside my item box, wondering which monster would be good.

While I was wondering which one to choose, I finally found something good. Since the ceiling of the entrance hall is also part of the second floor, it has to some extent a very high ceiling.

If I use this, it'll have a big impact, and not only that, it'll be cool too.

And what I brought out was a red dragon with its head detached. It's not an earth dragon or a flying dragon.

It was a monster that would reach eight meters if it extended its neck.

I found it when I was deep in the monster forest, so I tried fighting it.

I placed the dead body of the dragon in the center, and so, while I was solidifying my mental image, I continued to knead magic power.

『Creation makeup』

A light envelops the dragon.

When the light disappears, a red dragon appears posing as if it were alive. Of course, it's not alive, it's a stuffed monster.

「The pose should be okay, the neck is connected nicely and it looks much better than any badly made decoration」

Cain didn't realize at this point. He thought that when it came to dragons the standards were the same as in his past life. He just thought the dragons looked cool. However, dragons were perceived as something totally different in this world.

In this world, dragons are a symbol of fear.

They are natural disaster-grade monsters that would spread its flames as soon as they appear in a city, and could make disappear a small village in a day. This monster that's being used as a decoration is also classified as an SS-ranked monster in the Adventurer's Guild.

Of course, Cain, who is not even registered with the Adventurer's Guild, has no way of knowing this.

Cain then returned to where Garm and the others are.

「I tried decorating the central hall with a stuffed monster. There aren't many decorations, but I hope it's okay」

「Umu, I see. Let's see it later」

Just as I was leading them to the office on the second floor, a scream was heard.


Garm and Cain heard the voices and put on their guard.

「It's coming from the lobby. I'll take the lead」

Saying that, I take out my sword from the item box.

Looking down the stairs, two maids were unable to get up due to fear in the center hall.

The eyes of the maids were glued to the stuffed dragon that I had just placed a few moments ago.

「Ah, I forgot to tell them about it」

Cain breaks out in a cold sweat.

「Cain, what kind of stuffed monster did you place there?」

Garm asks with a cold stare.

「...A dragon...」

Cain replied with an apologetic look on his face.

Garm sighed, unable to say anything.

「For now, let's gather everyone. If we don't explain it, the same thing will happen」

Garm suggested and I agreed with him.

Those in the hall now are, Garm's family, and the butler to all the servants.

「Sorry, I left this without saying anything」

I pointed my finger at a stuffed dragon positioned in the center of the hall.

「Cain, what happened with this dragon?」

A cold voice comes out.

「I've secretly defeated it in the monster forest all by myself...」


My family and even all the servants were speechless.

It was already hard enough to believe that anyone could defeat a dragon, but to believe that a five-year-old could defeat one on his own was unimaginable.

「You'll explain it to me in detail later」


Cain responded weakly to Garm's words.

「But still, for it to be a red dragon. That's an SS-ranked class monster. Just by selling it, you can get hundred platinum coins, you know? This is much better than putting up any poor decoration. You'll register as an adventurer too once you turn ten, won't you, Cain?」

One hundred platinum coins... That's one billion yen! Amazing!

「A hundred platinum coins, eh...? For it to be worth too much. When I turn ten years old, I plan to register as an adventurer before enrolling in school」

I can't say that I want to sell all the dead monster bodies that I stored so far.

「I see, but don't overdo it」

As we were talking, I heard another scream from the back.

That's my mother's, Sara, voice.

「What is it this time??」

I head to where the voice was heard with Garm.

The place we headed was the bathroom.

Then a refreshed Sara came out.

When she saw Cain's face, she became happy.

「Cain-kun!!! What's with this toilet!! It's amazing. It washes with water and even dries. I want one in my house too!!」

Ah, that? I used my previous life's knowledge to build a toilet.

Of course, a toilet seat with a water flush.   ※Wash toilet is the name of a certain manufacturer's product.

In this world, it's flushable, but it wasn't good enough, so I made one.

The controls are set on the right side of the toilet seat, and when you touch it, water comes out of the magical stone inside.

Magic power is automatically absorbed from the user when this sits on the toilet seat.  

「I understand, I'll put it in your mansion next time I go. Father, may I?」

「Umu. You may. I'll try it too」

Garm also entered the bathroom.

A voice came from inside the bathroom, "Uhohoo".

After a few moments, Garm came out, looking embarrassed.

「I want this added immediately. Not only in my secondary house in the royal capital, but in the entire territory of Gracia. Are you planning to put it on sale too?」

「I plan to put it on the market eventually. But I have no intention of selling it to my family, I'll go there to put them」

「Umu. That would be great」

「But even so, Cain-kun really does things that are out of the ordinary~」

That was Sara. Basically, Sara's reasoning is, "since he's my son", and tolerates everything.

It really helps me that she thinks that way.

I guess this is it for the tour. The whole family is leaving, but Cain is going to live here starting today.

As they were leaving, Garm casually said.

「The newly settled nobility in the royal capital need to throw a debut party, so make sure you throw one as soon as possible」

「What's with that!!!」

It was Cain who was speechless.

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