All the personnel gathered.

Just when I thought I could relax and live a quiet life, my father said something.

「The newly settled nobility in the royal capital need to throw a debut party, so make sure you throw one as soon as possible」

Eh? What's that?

「Is such a thing necessary...?」

「There haven't been many new nobles granted with a rank these days. Although the are those who are given to their heirs. The newly made nobles have a debut party to make themselves know and to greet every noble」

Then he turned to Koran, the newly arrived butler.

「I'm aware of it, sir. I learned that while I was apprenticing as a butler. I had already scheduled an appointment with my uncle Sebas regarding the list at a later date」

As a butler, he is excellent. He's really helpful.

「That's right, you might want to have Sebas teach you how to prepare yourself」

After saying that, he got into his carriage and left.

Then all the people who work for me, including Koran and Silvia gathered in the lobby.

「Sorry to call you guys when you're working. Let me introduce myself again, I'm Baron Cain von Silford. I may be a kid, but I think I can help you all with various things. I'm looking forward to working with you」

Cain greets them.

「「「「「「「Pleased to meet you」」」」」」」」

Everyone bows their head and greets me.

「Then, first of all, we should make that list for the debut party you mentioned! After all, I'll need to send the letters」

With Sebas' help, I made the list and sent out invitations. The debut party is in two months.

The time is due to the fact that it takes up to ten days for some nobles to receive the invitation. I've heard that nobles who are not in the royal capital and are governing their lands often send a representative or just send a letter of congratulations.

After all, it would be difficult for them to come to the capital every time someone throws a party.

I also sent a letter to the nobles of the royal capital just in case. I even sent a letter to the Marquis Golgino even though I didn't want to.

And although I sent a letter to Duke Eric and Prime Minister Magna, I did not send one to His Majesty.

I've been told by Koran that rarely does anyone send an invitation to the royal family. Even if you send it to them, only dukes and other high-ranking nobles would come.

No one would send an invitation to the royal family for a new Baron.

Ten days after I sent out the invitations, I got contacted from the royal castle telling me to come to the court.

This time, I took my own carriage and headed to the royal castle.  I was about to walk to the royal castle until Koran stopped me.

「Please stop doing that. As a nobleman, you have to act like one」

Seeing that he was so desperate to stop me, I had no choice but to get in the carriage.

I was guided to the usual reception room once I arrived at the royal castle. The tea and sweets are delicious here.

After a short time, His Majesty, Duke Eric, and Prime Minister Magna entered.

His Majesty seemed to be in a bad mood. Prime Minister Magna remained the same, however, Duke Eric had a smile on his face.

Then His Majesty began to speak.

「Cain. I heard that you're throwing a debut party at your new mansion. Eric and Magna have received invitations, but I haven't received any.  Why is that-ja?」

He looks at me with his eyes narrowed.

What? This is why you're in a bad mood?

「I'm the one who conferred your title-ja. Why is it that Telestia's fiancé, in other words, you, has not sent an invitation to his future father-in-law? Even Eric came to my place to brag about how he was sent a letter of invitation!!-jazo」

「It's not good to attack Cain-kun, Your Majesty~. It is impossible for a common nobleman to want to invite His Majesty to a debut party after all」

Duke Eric follows up.

「That's the point-ja! You are no ordinary nobleman! You're my future son-in-law. So why won't you invite me?」

Koran told me this might happen once I was called to the castle.

Inside my item box is an invitation letter.

「Your Majesty, it's not that I didn't want to send you a letter of invitation, it's just that I thought it would be better to give it to you directly, so I was carrying it with me. However, forgive me for not being able to visit you sooner」

As I was apologizing, I pulled out the invitation letter.

「Umu! So that's how it was-jarou? Eric, I told you, didn't I-jarou? That I was sure there was one for me」

Both Duke Eric and Prime Minister Magna laughed bitterly.

「I plan on bringing Telestia with me that day. I'm looking forward to the food and drink.」

Apparently, he was busy so once he grabbed the invitation letter, he said goodbye and left the room.

「You've got it difficult, too, Cain-kun~. His Majesty would never go to the appointment of a new Baron and the debut party of some person's mansion. But with the enthusiasm he showed, I'm pretty sure he'll go! Good luck~!」

Eric also left and I was left alone.

「Fuu. It was just like Koran said. I'm glad I brought it」

All Cain could do was sigh.

He got into the carriage and returned to his mansion.  Then he told Koran what had happened.

「His Majesty will also come? In that case, we must make the proper preparations」

「I will consult with my father about drinks and food in that case. I'll arrange for the cook to come as well」

The next day I headed to Garm's place.

「What did just say!!! Even His Majesty will attend!!!」

The first thing he said was that.

「They usually don't come, so I didn't send a letter of invitation because it was rude to do so, but...」

I told Garm about how I was called to the castle and my interaction with His Majesty.

Garm sighed and leaned back in his chair.

「You're not wrong in how you dealt with it. I'm sure I wouldn't have just ended up with His Majesty in a bad mood if you hadn't had the letter of invitation. You'll have the support from the cooks from here too. What else do you need?」

「I was wondering If I could borrow soldiers from your private army since I don't yet have people I can call my own knights. And also food and drinks. I will prepare tableware and the like」

I returned to my mansion after installing what I had promised in Garm's mansion.

First, I gathered all the people who worked in my mansion.

「Although it's a debut party, His Majesty will also come. It's gonna be hard, but I want everyone to do their best」

The first sentence made the maids dizzy.

「We need to buy some tableware among other things for the party, what should we do?」

Koran comes to ask me.

「I'll take care of that myself. Including the glasses」

I'll have to use the World Dictionary and Creative Makeup. I have plenty of magic power. Let's make all the tableware and glasses.

「Koran, ask Tamanis of Sarakan company to arrange for the drinks. You can ask him to help with the details, too」

「Cain-sama, I understand」

Once the arrangements were made, Cain left to do something only he could do.

He goes to a table in the hall and increases his magic power.

「The most famous glass is the Venetian glass. I guess I'll have to look up how to make it in the World Dictionary and make a lot of it」

After researching one thing after another, I started creating them. I made several kinds of glasses and a lot of plates.

I made a pair of Venetian glasses as a souvenir.

Then, Silvia came looking for me, and found me in the middle of making them and was fascinated by the beauty of the glass.

I even made forks and knives in one go. There wasn't much of a problem since it wasn't much different from the others.

Now all that's left is to think about the food.

It's going to be a special party, after all. I want to serve a meal that surprises everyone.

This is the time for me to use the knowledge and recipes from my previous world.

Even if the names of the ingredients are different, I should be able to produce the same taste... I hope.

I researched a lot of recipes and had a meeting with the head chef.

After repeated trial and error, we came up with something that satisfied us.

And so the day of the debut party arrived.

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