The day of the debut party finally arrived.

We were able to prepare ourselves well enough. Garm also sent us some help.

Cain was greeting all the visitors who arrived one after another.

After hearing that His Majesty would come a little later Cain relaxed.

It seems that if His Majesty were to come before the other visitors he would have caused quite the stir.

Not all the nobles who were invited came, some only sent a congratulatory gift or a letter while others sent their representatives. The assistants guided them in turns to the hall.

Duke Eric brought Miss Silk and his wife. Needless to say, they were surprised the moment they entered the hall.

「To surprise me with only the hall, eh~ And this mansion, if I remember correctly, didn't look so new last time, was it?」

Duke Eric's reacted sharply to Cain's surprise.

「So I'll be living in this house in the future, huh?」

On the other hand, Silk was in the middle of a delusion. Duke Eric was chuckling next to me.

All the guests who came were overwhelmed by the dragon in the first hall.

The moment they enter, they find a stuffed SS-rank monster used as a decoration. It's impossible not to be surprised.

Since the first guests who came in screamed, I now try to explain in advance.

Then, the guests continue from the hall to the party hall and are overwhelmed again.

Most of the glass in this world is made of metal, while the commoners use those made of wood.

All the glass lined up on the table was made with Venetian glass.

They recognize that it's something they would not be able to create in this world.

Even the plates have a beautiful pattern on them.

At first, I thought about preparing Japanese glassware, but then I realized that this world is closer to medieval Europe, so I thought that European glasswork would be better.

I kept making glasses and plates with magic, and in the end, I ran out of magic power and passed out.

The dishes are being brought in sequence. For this occasion, I chose recipes from my previous world.

As for the ingredients of this world, it is difficult to get better ingredients than those already available to the high ranking nobility.

That's why this time I went with recipes from my past life, leaving aside those of this world.

Roast beef, hamburgers, french fries, fried food, and fried chicken are dishes that they don't have here.

And for the drink, I made champagne. The basis of this world is wine. There is no such thing as a carbonated drink. However, since not everyone likes carbonated drinks, we prepared wine for them.

Of course, we have non-alcoholic champagne for children. Since I'm one too. I'm still a five-year-old child.

Thanks to the World Dictionary, I managed somehow to make it.

Most of the people I sent an invitation to ended up coming. It's a good thing that people who didn't have to come didn't come.

Almost a hundred people entered the hall, including the nobility accompanied by their families.

Then, the curtains were raised when it was time.

Cain stood at the center of the platform.

「Today, I would like to thank all of you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join someone inexperienced and young like me. I had the good fortune to been given the title of Baron and the mansion by His Majesty, and today I hope to successfully finish the debut party, I am Cain von Silford. We have prepared a modest amount of drinks and food for you to enjoy. I hope everyone can have a good time today. Then, let's make a toast」


I prepared champagne for the toast.

「What's this glass!? It's made of glass, but even then, what's with this beautiful pattern? And what's with this sizzling drink!? I can't get enough of the sensation and the sweetness it gives」

More and more voices of surprises are heard.

It was a success.

The nobles, who ate unusual dishes, were surprised. After all, there is no such thing as a hamburger in this world.

They are enjoying themselves as they bite into the overflowing juicy meat and its soft texture.

All the nobles who attended thought they did the right thing for coming.

「Cain! Tell me how to cook this dish later!」

Even Garm, who is helping me, was in that state. As for Reine, she never left the food aside for a second.

「Father, I've given the recipe to your head chef, so you can make it at home in the future」

「It's the first time I've eaten or drunk such good things. Tell me about these kind of things next time」

As expected, I can't say that it's knowledge of my past life, so I have no choice but to properly deceive him later.

「This glass is wonderful, Cain-kun. What do you think about this? Would you be willing to sell me a few to me as well?」

That was Duke Eric.

「For those of you who have come today, you will receive a couple of these drinks as a souvenir」

「Ooh. I'm grateful for that! If possible, I'd like to have this drink too」

「Well, I'll have them prepare a few bottles for you. The trick to making it taste delicious is to keep it cold」

「Yeah yeah. Thank you. Look, look over there. They usually say that to catch a man you have to do it by his stomach, but it seems that Silk has been the one caught」

He smiled and pointed his finger in the direction of Reine and Silk who were engrossed with the food.

I'm glad that Silk seems to like it too.

While I was chatting with Duke Eric, Koran walked over to me.

He whispered in my ear.

「Your Majesty, the Queen, and Her Highness the Princess Telestia have arrived」

「Oh. I understand. Let's get ready to receive them」

And so I head to the platform.

「Let me apologize for interrupting you all in the middle of your pleasant meeting. His Majesty has now arrived. He will be entering now, please let welcome him」

A voice of surprise rose again. The King has come all the way to a party of a mere baron.

Under normal circumstances, such a thing would be unthinkable.

Then the doors opened and the royal family came in.

Everyone kneels on the spot and bows.

Then, the King starts walking towards the platform and stands next to Cain.

「Sorry to interrupt the meeting, everyone. We decided to come to the party of the little hero who saved my Telestia-ja. The protagonist of this party is none other than Cain, so don't worry about us and continue enjoying yourself」

With that, His Majesty stepped down from the platform and went to the dining table.

The maids placed plates on the table and presented them to His Majesty.

Together with champagne and wine.

「Mumu. What's with this glass? Isn't it made of glass? What's more, this pattern. Cain! What's with this?」

「Haha, I made the glasses and the plates you see here. As for the plates here, the chefs also followed my advice on them」

「Send some of the food to the royal family, I'll pay for it」

「I understand. I'll present it to you when it's ready」

「Umu. But what's with this dish anyway? Even though the meat is soft, it's still overflowing with juice. Was this dish also your idea?」

「Yes. I asked our head chef to help me make it. It's called 「Hamburger」. If you're going to praise someone, please praise our head chef. If you'd like, I'll put together a recipe and present it to the royal family later」

「That would be helpful. Cain, I'm pleased with the party today-ja. Isn't the same for you too, Teles-jarou?」

「Yes, father. Thank you for inviting me here today, Cain-sama」

「No, it's my pleasure. Thank you for coming to a place like this」

「Also, Cain, I want to ask you something. Were you the one who slew that dragon in the hall?」

His Majesty's face became serious for a moment.

「...Yes... It's like you said」

「Umu. I understand. Including your strength too. We'll have another discussion at a later date」

「...I understand Your Majesty」

When I walked away from His Majesty, Koran came to me.

「Marquis Golgino is here with his eldest son, Habit-dono」

The trouble has come. And I thought they weren't going to come.

I had no choice but to head down the entrance hall.

As I headed out the entrance hall door, two people were stepping out of a carriage.

「What a small building-jano. To have his debut party in such a kennel, that's why you can't expect much of a Baron」

「Father, indeed, it can't even compare to our mansion」

「Well, if it isn't his Excellency Marquis Golgino and Habit-dono, thank you for your presence today.  Though it's a small mansion, please make yourself at home. Let me show you to the hall」

Cain pretends like there's nothing inside and opens the door to the entrance hall.

For the two of them who didn't know anything, the moment they walked through the door, a dragon appeared in front of them.

「「Hiiiii. A d-d-dragon...」」

They both tried to escape as they were unable to stand up due to fear.

「Let me apologize for this. This is a stuffed dragon. The territory of Gracia is located right next to the forest of monsters, so we are displaying the monsters we hunted there」

Cain bows. But as usual, he has a malicious smile on his face.

Marquis Golgino who recovered, start to get worked up.

「It's tasteless to leave things like this without any artwork. Or should I say, as you'd expect from someone from the countryside?」

His response comes pretty strong.

「Indeed, I'm still not very well versed in the subject of art, so I don't have anything to display. I would appreciate your guidance from now on」

「Umu. I understand. I should give you a couple of lessons, shouldn't I?」

Marquis Golgino says, with a slightly unpleasant smile on his face.

「Everyone is already here, allow me to guide you to the hall」

Cain bows his head and starts guiding them.

「Umu. The guest of honor should arrive late after all」

「Father, since this is a party of the likes of a baron, all those present should be of no importance. Come on, let's get inside quickly」

The guests of honor are the royal family, but I didn't dare to say it.

Duke Eric and Prime Minister Magna are there, though.

Then he opens the door to the hall and I guide him to his seats.

I guide them in such a way so that Marquis Golgino and Habit are out of sight of the royal family.

「It's a carbonated drink. Habit-dono's drink is alcohol-free, so he can drink it without worrying」

「A baron's drinks are worthless, come on, quick, give it to me」

The maid comes quickly, hands him a glass and pours champagne.

When he sees the glass, he is amazed at how gorgeous it is.

Then, after a sip, Marquis Golgino is even more surprised.

「This is amazing. This glass as well, the sake too」

It seems he tried to find something to complain about but his real feelings came out.

The maid now begins to place food after food on the table leaving it in front of their eyes.

After a bite, their eyes widen.

「What food is this? I've never eaten anything like it before!」

「We have prepared a lot, so take your time and enjoy」

Father and son start eating all the food that was served to them.

Without table manners.

The Viscounts and Barons around them are also giving them a cold look.

They gulp down the sake in succession.

「Baron Cain, give me this glass. Also, the recipe for the drink and food」

「That's certainly not possible. However, I'll be gifting a pair of glass to everyone who came in today」

「Two is not enough. Give me a hundred. If a Marquis uses it, your worth will also rise-jarou」

「I'm sorry, but even if you are a Marquis, I can't just accept that」

「What!? You won't do as a Marquis tells you to? You a lowly Baron!」

Oh, he went that far.

Even though he's already behind you.

「Isn't that just domineering?」

「Shut up! A lower noble such as a Baron should listen to a higher noble such as a Marquis!」

He says it as he turns around.

「Fumu. Then, I wonder if I should obey what you say too?」

Marquis Golgino turns pale.

That's because His Majesty is in the place where he just looked. Moreover, it happened after he said 「Shut up!」 to His Majesty.

「B-But if it's not His Majesty. I'm awfully sorry. Why did Your Majesty come to a lowly Baron's place?」

As he presses his heavy belly to the ground, he gets down on one knee and greets him.

「Why, you ask? He's the one who saved my daughter, Telestia, out of danger. It's only natural for me to come. Is something wrong with that?」

「N-No, there's nothing wrong. It's like you said」

「So, when you said, "Give me that glass" "Give me the recipe" and so on, did you really mean it? If you're always behaving like that, then there is a need for you to think about your future, since such a person is not fit to be a nobleman of this country」

The King asks with a straight face.

Golgino's face, which had been red from drinking, turned pale at once.

「Such an absurd idea didn't cross my mind. I was so impressed with the quality of the glass and the perfection of the drink and the food that I asked if he could teach me」

「Fumu. If it's like that, then fine, but don't drink too much」

With that, His Majesty went back to the table he had been at earlier.

Marquis Golgino stood up and looked around.

The Viscounts and Barons, the lower-ranking nobles, were piercing him with their cold stares.

「T-That's right, I had an urgent business. Habit, we're going back for today. I'm sorry, Baron Cain, but I remembered that I had something urgent to do.  Excuse me for this」

「It can't be helped if it's an emergency, but forgive me that I couldn't do anything for you」

Cain bows his head politely.

「Umu, then excuse me. Habit, let's go」

「Wait for me, father」

They left as if they were running away.

I breathed a sigh of relief seeing the two troublemakers gone at last.

「I saw what you did, good work」

Bringing me a drink, it was Miss Silk.

「You were deliberately agitating them at a distance where His Majesty and his party would not notice, and when you were bowing your head you were grinning. Cain-kun, you even had a malicious smile on you」

She hit me where it hurts. Cain thought, as expected, there's always someone who notices what you are doing.

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