Since Claude kept me busy, I had forgotten to choose a request.

Cain immediately went to the request board to take a look. The requests he could receive were G or one rank higher F.

Most requests for these ranks were request within the city.

Still, Cain would prefer to choose some of which do not involve cleaning or carrying things.

Although if he were to choose one of those of transporting things, he could finish it quickly with his item box skill.

Looking at the issued requests, Cain found one recurring request that deals with the subjugation of goblins and wolves.

For both goblins and wolves, the reward was a copper coin with no upper limit.

If he defeat one of them, converted to Japanese yen, it's about 1000 yen, but whether that's cheap or expensive, Cain had no idea.

The recurring request board states that they can be found in the eastern forest, so he decided to go there.

Cain departed through the gate of the royal capital and started walking towards the eastern forest. And as expected, being very close to the royal capital he saw many people along the way.

Cain really would have liked to use his transfer magic and appear quickly there, but as there were many people around he decided against it and started to run fast.

As Cain moves away, there are fewer and fewer people, so he leaves the road and enters the grass. Then he used his transfer skill all at once and appeared in front of the entrance of the forest.

「So this is the eastern forest? I wonder how many monsters are here?」

Using Search he let his magic power expand thin and wide.

With the increase of Cain level, the distance he can examine increased to almost five kilometers.

A few kilometers away there was a reaction, there was a group gathered.

「I found them. Should I try going to the village-like place they are gathering first?」

Cain used the physical strengthening and ran through the forest, avoiding the trees.

As he approached his destination, he began to observe the group while hiding in the shade of the trees and saw that there were dozens of goblins gathered together. There was a higher rank Goblins Soldier mixed among them.

「I should use a little magic to reduce their numbers」

Cain released Air Cutter from behind a tree.

The bodies of several of the goblins that were in a straight line were severed in half.

Holding the sword in his right hand and throwing magic with his left hand, he advances towards the center of the group.


A nearby goblin screamed.

The higher rank monster in the back seems to have noticed the commotion and started heading towards me bringing with it a rusted sword.

He released an Air Bullet at the Goblin Soldier's face and this hit its face.

Aiming at the moment he held his face in pain, he beheaded it.

After that, he exterminated the goblins that were gathering with his sword and magic.

「Now, the last one」

Then he took care of the last one.

「It was the right ear for a goblin, right? I guess I should take the magic stone too」

He cut off the right ear of the defeated goblins and tear apart the chest to extract their magic stones.

「I hate getting the magic stones out the most」

While saying that, he cut off the remaining goblin's right ear.

Then he put them in a bag, and from there he placed them inside his item box.

, he gathered all the bodies of the goblins he had cut down and using earth magic he made a hole and buried them all together.

「There we go. It's too early yet, if I were to come back now, it would be... yeah, let's keep looking a little more」

He used Search to find their next settlement.

Then, he headed to another location while checking the location of the monsters.

In the next place, there were lizardman, however, a few. Cain did not know, but those monsters by themselves are D-rank, but when there are several together they are classified as C-rank. The whole body is covered by scales, and it is said that their body is harder than other monsters.


Regardless of their screaming, Cain added magic to his sword and made their heads fall.

Once he gathered the ten bodies, Cain stood in front of it, troubled.   

「I wonder what part of the Lizardman I have to present? Besides, when I looked at the request board there was request about them, but well, let's ask later」

Cain muttered and put the lizardman's corpse away in the item box.

「I feel like the monsters in the forest in Gracia's territory were stronger. I'm sure the people of the guild will be able to tell me about places with stronger monsters. But for now, let's return」

As he said that, he chanted transfer magic.

In an instant, he was in the grass near the gate of the royal capital. With an innocent face, Cain showed the guild card and went through the gates of the royal capital.

It was still early in the evening so the guild was empty. The receptionist who had assisted him, Letia-san, was there, so he lined up.

When it was Cain's turn, Letia noticed and smiled at him

「Cain-kun, welcome back. Have you found a request that caught your attention?」

Apparently, Letia-san thought that Cain had completed some request within the city or at most gathered materials nearby.

「Letia-san, I just came from defeating a couple of goblins as specified in the recurring request, but I was wondering what part I should hand in when defeating other types of monsters?」

「It would be the right ear when it comes to goblins. But if it were, for example, a wolf, it would be the tail」

「I was wondering about other types. To tell you the truth, I ran into Lizardmans, but I didn't know which part to take」

Letia was surprised to hear those words.

「Cain-kun! You are just a G rank who has just registered, so it's not good if you push yourself too hard! A Lizardman is a rank D monster on their own, and if there is more than one you need a party of C-ranked adventurers. It's a good thing that you escaped without being found」

Letia sighed and was glad that Cain had returned safely.

「...Letia-san, about those Lizardman, I defeated them by accident, right... So I came to ask what part do I have to hand you. Also, I brought goblin ears」

Saying that, Cain made as if he took the bag with the 50 goblin ears out of the magic bag and placed them on the counter.


Letia was surprised to see how many there were.

「Cain-kun, wait here for a second, okay?」

Letia suddenly got up from her seat and went to the back of the room

Cain stood there at the reception desk, not knowing what to do.

Letia quickly returned with someone.

「Sorry to keep you waiting, Cain-kun. Can we go talk about the lizardmans in another room? This person is my superior」

「My name is Cedric, I'm the sub-guild master here. The guild master is entertaining a guest at the moment, so I'll be dealing with you. We have a private room ready, can you come with me?」

Cain was led by the two of them into a private room.

「No one can hear you here, so now you can say it. Be honest and say it, where did you find those goblin ears?」

Cedric, the sub-master, asked a question.

「I found a goblin settlement while exploring, and I defeated them all」

Cain answers honestly.

「It's impossible for a kid to do something like that! And you even said that you defeated a lizardman, which is obviously impossible since you just registered and are a G-rank」

「Why do you think it's impossible? I defeated them like any other would, didn't I say that?」

「If you're going to go that far, then I have no choice but to strip you of your guild card for cheating」

Letia was surprised to hear that he was going to strip Cain of his guild card.

「Isn't that too much? After all, Cain-kun may be telling the truth」

Letia timely helps me.

「Even if you are the sub-master, isn't it too absurd to decide without any kind of evidence that I cheated?」

Cain begins to argue as well.

「As the sub-master, it's my decision! This commoner brat became pretentious just because he became an adventurer! If you had told me the truth, I would have thought about it」

「That's too domineering!」

Cain also retorts.

Just then, a knock was heard and the door of the private room opened.

「What the hell is going on here?」

The person who entered was a elf man in formal attire.

「If it isn't the guild master, sorry about this, I was just questioning this little brat because he's cheating」

Cedric explains to the guild master.

The guild master sits on the sofa in front of Cain and looks at him.

「Nice to meet you, my name is Eden. I'm working as guild master here」

「Nice to meet you, I'm a G-ranked adventurer who just registered with the guild today, Cain」

Cain greeted him politely. Eden also looked at Cain with a smile.

「So Cedric, why do you think he cheated?」

Eden stares at Cedric while talking.

「On the first day he registered he brought with him a bag full of goblin ears and not only that, he claims to have defeated lizarmans! He has to be cheating, for sure」

Cedric responds relentlessly.

Edin lets out a single sigh.

「Cedric, it seems that the one who doesn't understand is you. We are the ones who don't have any proof.  If all this were true, how will you take responsibility for it?」

Eden asked coldly.

「And don't forget that you even told me that I'm just a commoner brat who became pretentious just because I became an adventurer」

Cain added fuel to the fire. A big smile, of course. The malicious one.


Cedric turns bright red and glares at me.

「I wonder if that's true? Letia, you were listening. Be honest, and say what you've heard」

Eden's cold gaze pierced Letia.

「...Yes...  Cedric-san did indeed say that earlier」

Letia answered honestly, shifting her gaze as Cedric glared at her.

Hearing those words, Eden glared at Cedric.

「Cedric, I wonder if you understand what will happen now that you have broken the guild rules」

Eden glares at Cedric.

「You're choosing this little shit over me!? For a rookie who just signed up today!!?」

Cedric shouted furiously.

「You're the one who doesn't understand. Wait a second. Hey! Come on in」

At the sound of his voice, the door opened.

The one who came in was an elf woman dressed in an Imperial Guard Knight's uniform.

That's right, there is only one elf woman who wears the Imperial Guard's uniform.

The moment she came in, Cedric's eyes widened and he fell to his knees.

「If it isn't the Knight Commander Tifana, thanks for coming. You look even more beautiful than usual」

Cedric gave the highest greeting he can give.

「Nii-san, what's so suddenly? Eh? Isn't that my husband!? What are you doing here?」 

Saying so, she hugged Cain.


Cedric and Letia opened their eyes wide in surprise.

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