
Cedric and Letia opened their eyes wide in surprise. The Knight Commander of the imperial guards, who is the strongest knight in this country is also famous for being the daughter of a Duke. That same Duke's daughter is currently hugging a ten-year-old boy while calling him husband.

「Tifana! You can't say such things since it's still a secret that we are engaged, okay?」

Cain stops Tifana.


Those words surprised Cedric and Letia even more.

「Ah, oops」

Cain regretted that such words had slipped out of his mouth.

「I knew it, you were the rumored Cain-kun, huh? Or should I call you by your title, Baron Cain?」

Cedric and Letia froze at Eden's words.

「Baron... Cain??」

Cedric murmured.

「What? You didn't know that? He was appointed Baron at the age of five after saving Her Highness Princess Telestia and Duke Eric's daughter Miss Silk from a horde of orcs. He single-handedly annihilated thirty of them. Moreover, he's the son of Margrave Garm Von Silford」

「Eh? Ah, wasn't he just a commoner... but for him to be Margrave-sama's...」

Cedric's face was turning pale.

「I didn't want to be treated as a nobleman, so I just registered as Cain. Once again, my name is Baron Cain von Silford」

Cedric's face went beyond pale and turned white.

「And besides, when they get married, he will become my brother-in-law」

The guild master Eden says with a big smile on his face.


This time it was Cain who was surprised to hear such words.

That was the biggest surprise of this day. Come to think of it, he remembered that she called him "nii-san(brother)" when she came into the room earlier.

「That's how it is, understood? Cedric and Letia」

Cedric started to shudder as Eden told him this, then he knelt down in the direction of Cain.

「My deepest apologies from what I did before. I will be more careful from now on, so please spare me from lese majeste」

He rubs his head against the floor and apologizes.

「Tifana, what's lese majeste?」

Cain didn't know, so he asked Tifana.

「It's a law that allows us to get rid of commoners who insults nobles and royalty, however, legitimate children of nobles do not have that right, but since Cain is an independent nobleman that law applies to you too」  

Tifana told me honestly.

「Hmmm. I didn't know there was such a law. It's okay, I won't do such a thing, Cedric-san. Please raise your head」

Even so, Cedric still did not raise his head while he was prostrating himself.

「Cain-kun is saying that, so you can sit there」

Cedric finally got up from his kneeling position after being told by both of them, and just as Eden said, went to sit down.

「Baron Cain-sama, please forgive me for what happened this time」

Cedric apologizes again as he places his hand on the table.

「It's okay already. Just make sure you don't do something like that again in the future. This also includes anyone else, okay?」

Cain says, as a reminder to Cedric.

「Of course. I won't do such a thing again. I'll be careful in the future」

「So, can I turn in the lizardmans?」

For Cain, that was the most important thing right now.

「As for the lizardmans, you need to turn in the tip of the tail. However, since its whole body is covered by scales, it is possible to turn in the whole body as it can be used to make armors among other things」

The one who answers is Letia, who is next to Cedric, who is still frozen and with a pale face.

「Then I will turn in goblin ears and ten lizardmans bodies」

「I understand, I'll be handling it then」

「Sorry to butt in, but I can't let a G-rank rookie just like that after this one bring 50 goblins and 10 lizardmans bodies, so as an apology for what happened, I will raise your rank. For all that has happened, I wonder if it would be okay for you if I raise your rank to C-rank?」

Eden, the guild master, said so.

It would be great for Cain if he could raise his rank to C. After all, there are no decent requests in the G rank.

「Oh my, if it's about my husband, he delivered an earth dragon to the knights at the age of five. Also, there is a stuffed red dragon displayed at his home, but if I remember correctly, that one was also defeated when he was five years old. By the way, although we often have mock battles, he's stronger than me, you know?」

Tifana said something unnecessary.

「An earth dragon!? A red dragon!? Aren't those A-class and SS-class monsters! And she's saying that he's stronger than the Knight Commander Tifana-sama...」

Letia is even more surprised.

「Then I'll have to rethink your rank, don't I? To tell you the truth, I can make you A rank, but originally in order to attain a B-rank or higher, one would need to have a track record of defeating bandits. After all, if you can't kill people, you can't escort them. By the way, S rank and above need to submit a report to the country to get permission. As for the A-ranks, I just need to report them」

Eden crossed his arms and was thinking about it.

「Hmmm. There are some requests that I'd like to ask you in the future, so I guess I'll raise your rank to a A rank. Besides, I'm sure the country won't complain once I report that it's Baron Cain we're talking about. Oh, of course, I'll have you defeat bandits, though」

Eden makes a suggestion.

「I'm okay even if you don't raise it up to that rank... Is it okay if I capture the bandits and turn them in?」

Cain asks Eden.

「I don't mind. Bandits will be sent to the mines as criminal slaves, so if they are captured, you'll get more rewards」

「I understand. Then, I don't have any problem with it」

「I'd like if you could do some designated requests from me in the future, so as expected, it seems like A rank it's suitable. I will register you as A rank in the royal capital using my authority as a guild master. Letia, go take care of the formalities」

「I understand」

Having said that, Cain returned the guild card he received today, then Letia and Cedric left the room. Apparently, Cedric went to get the guild card recognized.

The three remaining in the room were Eden, Tifana, and Cain.

「Cain-kun. Though my little sister may be quite the tomboy, please take care of her. Our older brother who is the successor is in our territory, so it's just me and my sister in the royal capital」

Eden bowed his head.

「What do you mean by tomboy!? I was just looking for a strong partner」

Tifana puffed out her cheeks with anger.

「Please raise your head. It's nice to meet you too」

Cain also bowed his head.

「Still, I was surprised when Tifana suddenly reported that she had found someone to marry. I was really surprised. Moreover, she told me that he was just five years old. At first, I was surprised, but after meeting Cain-kun today, I think I can safely leave her in his care」

「I appreciate you saying that. I was also surprised when I learned that I would suddenly be engaged to three people」

「That's true. I heard it from my sister, they are Her Highness Princess Telestia and also the daughter of Duke Eric, Miss Silk, wasn't it? When I heard that, as expected, I was surprised, too. At that moment I asked myself if my little sister would be fine being with them there」

「Seriously! Even nii-san is saying such things!」

Tifana was still puffing out her cheeks.

They chatted for a while, and then there was a knock at the door.

「Excuse me. Cain-sama's guild card is finished」

Letia brought me my guild card and my reward for completing the request.

「This will be your new card」

Having said that, what was given to him was a golden A-ranked guild card. Upon receiving it and injecting it with magic power, the name and rank appeared.

「It should be fine now. I might send out a designated request in the future, so please take care of it」

Eden stands up and shakes his hand.

Cain stood up and shook his hand too.

「Then, I'll leave」

Cain said and left the room. For some reason, Tifana followed him.

「I'm returning to the chivalric order too」

Cain and Tifana left the Adventurer's Guild and returned together to the nobleman's district.

「I'm homeー. I'm finally back」

He left Tifana on the way and returned to his mansion.

「Welcome back. Were you able to register with the guild?」

The one who was waiting for my return was none other than Silvia.

「Yup. I was able to register. A lot of things happened and suddenly I was promoted to A-rank」

Then he took out a shiny golden card.

「If it's Cain-sama, it's not strange at all, right?」

Silvia said so and smiled at him. Normally something like that would be impossible, however, Silvia has blind faith in Cain.

「Normally something like that would be impossible, though...」

Coran was muttering something behind.

「The entrance exam for the academy is approaching, so we should prepare for it. It's almost dinner, so I'll go prepare it. Cain-sama, please change your clothes too. I'll call you when it's ready」

He added and went back to work.

A few days later, at the royal castle, Prime Minister Magna was reviewing the documents and giving his stamp of approval. Among them, he found one that made him open his eyes wide, and with the paper in hand, he rushed out of the room. He was heading to the King's office.

「Your Majesty! Please look at this. Look!」

「What? Why are you in such a hurry?」

Saying that he grabs the paper that was passed to him and looks over.

His eyes gradually opened and then he let out a sigh.

What was handed to him was the A-rank registration report submitted by the guild. Inside was an explanatory note, stating that someone had been upgraded from G rank to A rank on the first day of registration.  It also said that the guild master had endorsed his ability.

「That Cain, he's done it already」

The King and the Prime Minister could only sigh together.

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