It had been a few days since the exam, and the day the results were announced came.

In order to prepare for this day, Cain was called for the past few days to the royal castle and lectured almost every day.

His Majesty delved into the fact that he was named A-rank in the Adventurer's Guild and was also questioned about how he destroyed the state-run academy's training grounds.

Of course, Cain also argued about it.

「The examiner said to do my best when casting a spell. I was told that there was a barrier. Of course, I thought that using super class and imperial magic would be overkill so I lowered it to the beginner level. However, thanks to my blessing, the power increased and the entire barrier was destroyed. As for the Adventurer's Guild issue, I had planned to start as C-rank but with just one word from the Knight Commander to the Guild Master, I was promoted to A-rank」

Cain, of course, doesn't think he did anything wrong, after all, all the problems caused were caused by others, and he was only been pushed around by the situation.

「I don't even know how many times your actions have given me a headache... But before that! Cain! You said imperial class!? Are you able to use the magic written in that book??」

「Yes, I understand it, so yes, I can use them. However, I wonder what would happen to the whole area if I were to use it...?」

「Cain! You mustn't use that magic! Seriously, don't use it!!」

As if he had lost his composure, His Majesty tried to seriously stop me.

And then, as if His Majesty had remembered something, he speaks to me.

「That reminds me, where did you take the exam-ja? Telestia and Miss Silk told me they didn't see you anywhere in the exam」

「I went as usual to the southern gate and was taken to the classroom where the exam was taken, wasn't I?」

「...Cain, weren't you aware why the academy has a north and south gate?」

「Of course. I know that. The north gate leads to the nobleman district while the south gate leads to the commoners' district」

「So, tell me, which gate did you enter, and where did you hand in your registration-ja?」

「That's easy, the south ga... Ah!」

「That's right, there is also a reception desk for nobles in the north, so the place you took the exam was in a completely different place! You took the exam with the commoners-jazo. That's why you wouldn't be able to meet anyone. Telestia was angry that she couldn't find you, you know?」

「Moreover, you registered at the reception desk using only the name "Cain," didn't you-jarou?  Due to that, the academy was in an uproar-ja. The headmaster came to Eric, the superintendent, for advice-jazo」

「Eh? Why did it end like this...? Moreover, why did it end up becoming such a big deal?」

Cain still did not understand, and could only nod.


Time goes back a little.

A teacher who was grading the entrance examinations jumped into the headmaster's room.

「Headmaster, we have finished grading everyone, but we have a problem. There is one person who has answered all the exam questions correctly, however, that person is a commoner. If that child becomes the head of the class... Moreover, this year, Her Highness the third princess, and the daughter of the Duke Eric are both taking the exam. The results show that the Her Highness the Princess will be the second place, while the third place will be the Duke's daughter」

The examiner who graded the exams speaks to the headmaster.

The headmaster folds his arms and starts to worry.

「Can't her Royal Highness and the Duke's daughter overtake the commoner by adding up the points they have earned in the practical exam? After all, in this country, one cannot look down on a commoner for something like, or one would be punished, even me」

In the Esfort Kingdom, since the time of the first King Yuuya, it has been said that students are equal in everything and should be given equal rights to study.

「As for that matter, in practical skills, that commoner child destroyed that training ground with beginner's magic, and as for swordplay, he had a decent fight with the A-ranked Claude-dono of Ice Flame. The rating for both magic and swordplay, are S+」

「Ah, that child? Then, there's no way to change that. I'll have to ask Duke Eric, the superintendent, about this. As expected, this is not good」

Then the headmaster went to visit Duke Eric.

「Duke Eric, I'm sorry to interrupt when you are busy. however, I have a problem with this entrance exam, and I came to consult it with you」

「What's the matter, headmaster? Why not you just release the results as they are?」

「The thing is...」

He explained the matter to Duke Eric. That the commoner had gotten a perfect score in writing exam, and of course, that he had destroyed the training grounds and had a decent confrontation with an A-rank adventurer.

Hearing that, Eric couldn't help but laugh.

「Duke Eric, this isn't a laughing matter. That commoner will sit at the head, Her Highness the Princess at the side, and your daughter in the third seat」

The headmaster speaks to Eric seriously.

Eric replies with a laugh.

「Let's leave it at that, shall we? Isn't that child's name 「Cain」?」

「You're correct, that child's name is 「Cain」. How do you know that?」

The headmaster asks Duke Eric.

「As expected, it was Cain-kun, huh? Then it's better to leave it that way」

Duke Eric still laughs as he answers.

「Why is that?」

The headmaster tilted his head.

「Were you aware that Cain-kun's official name is, 『Baron Cain von Silford』? He's Margrave Garm's son. Moreover, he was conferred at the age of five, so he is officially the head of a noble family 」


The headmaster was surprised.

「Then why is such a person...」

「Maybe it's because he came in through the southern gate from the commoner's side? That's something Cain-kun would do」

「...So that's was the case. I understand. Then I will announce them in that order」

Saying that, the headmaster bowed to Duke Eric and left.

「Cain-kun, even so, you went flashy~ I'm sure that Prime Minister Magna will be surprised to see the estimated repair costs later」

In the room, all alone, Duke Eric murmured.


I went to the place where the numbers of the successful candidates were announced.

There was a crowd of people in front of the bulletin board.

In front of the bulletin board, some children were crying while others were rejoicing in joy. The school in the royal capital has a very high level. There are 220 successful applicants per grade, and they are divided into classes based on their results. The top 20 students are placed in class S, followed by A to E, each with 40 students per class. Moreover, the top 20 students have their names next to their examination number written on the bulletin board. There were more than 1000 candidates.

「I wonder where the number 285 is...」

Cain looks at the bulletin board and searches for his number.

Then suddenly, someone taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around, he finds Miss Silk.

「Cain-kun, congratulations, you're the top student! Teles is in second place and I'm in third place. Look, over there, there you can see the names and numbers lined up, right?」

As she was saying this, she pointed to the place that stood out the most on the bulletin board, where the rankings were written. 「Top student - Number 285 - Cain」「Second place - Number 012 - Telestia Tera Esfort」「Third place - Number 025 - Silk Von Santana」

「Seriously,  I'm so glad I passed」

For Cain, it was more important to have been accepted than to have obtained the first place.

「Even so, I heard from my father. He told me that you went through the south gate where the commoners enter and that you registered and took the exam with them. Ah, by the way, I saw the training ground that was destroyed. That was terrible~ I was about to go to the practice area when that terrible thunderous roar surprised me. Also, Teles was angry at not being able to find you in the exam hall, you know?」

「I didn't know there was a receptionist at the north gate too. Although I thought it was strange, after all, they asked everyone to write only their names」

After having a little chat with Miss Silk we parted ways.

「I'll see you at the entrance ceremony then! Look forward to our uniforms, okay?」

With that said, Miss Silk ran off.

Once I finished checking whether I was accepted or not, I saw a familiar face. My sister Reine.

「Reine-neesama, it's been a long time」

When she realized that Cain was calling her from behind, she showed a big smile.

Reine being 14 years old was getting more and more mature, and a feminine-like bulge was also coming out.

Even if he sees her in a favorable light as her younger brother, she is still a beautiful girl.

「Cain-kun! It's been a while. You are not coming to the mansion at all! Also, congratulations. How did you do on the exam? What class were you placed in?」

「I'm the top student, and I was placed in S class. But well, I'm happier to have passed than the result」

Although it was a little difficult for me to tell Reine that I was the top student, I told her honestly.

「T-Top student... you said? As expected of Cain-kun. I saw your name written there, but I didn't recognize it because the last name Silford was not written. In that case, I'll have to do my best to greet you every morning as we enter the school」

As expected, Reine did not think that I would end up being the top student, so she was surprised.

「Are you prepared to give the enrollment greetings?」

Cain was not informed that the top student had to give the enrollment greetings.

「Didn't you know? Every year, the top student gives a welcome speech. I thought you were told」

「There was something like that...? Can't Teles take that role?」

「It's already been announced, so it's impossible. More importantly, since you've been accepted, you should come to the mansion and tell the mother about it」

「Yep. I will try to go there today」

「I was also planning to go back to the mansion in a while, so I'll be waiting for you, okay?」

Reine said that and started walking to school with some papers in hand.

「I should show my face from time to time around my parent's house」

Saying that, Cain walked through the gates of the school and walked towards Garm's mansion.

His brothers Jin and Alex had already graduated from school and were now at Garm's mansion after returning to the Gracia territory. And, of course, Maria, the first wife was there too.

Jin-niisama was learning about territory management to succeed Garm. As for Alex-niisama, he was apparently observing one of the cities in the territory of Gracia as an internal affairs officer.

The only people living in the mansion right now are Sara and Reine. Garm also returns to the mansion at this time of year.

When I arrived at Garm secondary mansion in the royal capital, Reine had not yet arrived.

「I'm home~ Or not」

I opened the door and entered.

「Oh my, if it's not Cain-kun~ I'm sure you passed your test, but how did you do?」

It was my mother, Sara, who greeted me.

「I passed as the top student. When I met Reine-anesama at the school, she told me to come and inform you」

「Oh my. It's amazing that you're the top student, right! Garm is in the territory of Gracia, I will send him a letter as well」

「Yes, please do that」

「What will do you today? Will you stay at the mansion?」

Sara suggested, however, everyone in my house was waiting to hear from me.

「Silvia is waiting for me, so I will go to my mansion for today. I'll be back again soon」

With that, I left Garm's mansion.

I returned to my home and reported to my butlers, Coran, and Silvia.

「As expected of Cain-sama. Even so, I'm surprised that you're the top student」

「We are talking about Cain-sama, of course, it is natural for him to be the top student!」

Coran was surprised, but for some reason, Silvia was proud, as if it was something natural.

Although in the end, both were pleased.

「Thank you, I'm looking forward to the school」

The days passed and finally the day when the entrance ceremony would take place arrived without any problem.

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