The entrance ceremony was successfully carried out. However, it was still necessary to buy what was needed to start the school, such as the uniforms, so for the moment all activity as an adventurer was halted.

The school in the royal capital has two days off from the six weekly. Thirty days or five weeks make a month. It is a repetition of two days of rest and four days of study every week.

As I put on my uniform in my room, I began to get excited about my upcoming school life. In my previous life, I was able to go halfway through high school... Then, suddenly, Saori's face came to mind. Not only her face but also Aimi's. I wondered if they were doing well, but I quickly shook my head and abandoned such thoughts about my past life.

「Cain-sama, the uniform suits you very well!」

「Have a safe trip」 

Coran and Silvia saw me off with a smile.  Lately, Silvia and Coran are spending a lot of time together, besides, they are both at that age, so if everything goes well... while I think about things like that I head to school.

It's a ten-minute walk from my house to school. This is because His Majesty carefully chose this place.

In order not to make a mistake this day, this time I entered the school from the north gate.

To accommodate the large number of new students, they were guided to a gym-like place where each one sat in their respective seats. There was also a second floor, where parents were currently sitting. Not surprisingly, the parents' seat was divided into nobles and commoners as they could not sit together.

When I looked at the side where the nobles were sitting, my father Garm and Sara were there.

「So my father was able to come」

Cain muttered happily.

「Good morning!」


Suddenly, a voice came from behind, and as I turned around I saw two familiar people.

「Teles, Silk, good morning! I'm looking forward to our time in school」

Cain replied with a big smile. Both could not help but blush at the sight of such a big smile.

Teles and Silk sat next to Cain. As the three of them continued to talk, they could hear the people around them whispering.

「Hey, isn't that Princess Telestia? And look there, on the other side of that man is Duke Santana's daughter! Who the hell is that guy? The one talking nicely with them...」

「I envy that seat in the middle...」

「But the boy in the middle is good-looking too...」

Such voices came to Cain, but of course, he pretended not to hear it.

「I've already enrolled in school, and as soon as my father permits me, I will announce it-desuwa」

「Yep~ True~ It's a hassle to hide it」

They both kept quiet about their engagement for five years. As it was a confidential matter, they had to settle for tea parties inside the castle without being able to go out on a date outside.

「One of these days I will talk with His Majesty and Duke Eric and decide when」

While we were chatting, the entrance ceremony began.

The principal stepped up to the podium and began to speak.

「Congratulations on your enrollment everyone, this school isーー」

Once we finished listening to a somewhat long explanation, we all started applauding at the same time.

Then, the entire student council staff lined up at the podium.


Cain was surprised.

It was because among the student council staff was his sister, Reine.

The student council president explained, and for the first time, I learned that my sister was the student council vice president.

「Continuing, freshman representative, first-year head, Cain von Silford」

The chairman calls him to the podium, and Cain gets up from his seat and walks to the podium.

Cain then took a breath while in the podium. After looking around, he started talking.

「Nice to meet you, my name is Cain Von Silford and I'm the top freshman this year. Of all the test-takers, the students here are those who passed the exams and entered the school. I may be a nobleman, but in education, there are no nobles or commoners. Regarding the right to learn, the first king decreed that all citizens have equal access to education. I look forward to making friends in school life that will start in the next days regardless of one's social standing. However, I think there are many things that new students like us will not understand, so I look forward to the help and support of our teachers and seniors. I'm the first-year representative, Cain von Silford」

When Cain bowed, there was a big round of applause.

After finishing my task I returned to my seat. Teles and Silk were waiting for me in our seats.

「Cain-sama, your speech was very dignified」

「Cain-kun, you were so awesome!」

「Thank you both」

The chairman continues with the meeting.

「Now, to conclude this meeting, His Majesty who is here would like to say a couple of words」

Teles and Cain jerked at the words.

「Teles, did you know His Majesty was coming?」

「No, he didn't say a word about it」

His Majesty glanced at us as he climbed to the podium. Cain felt in danger.

「Everyone, congratulations on your enrollment. As Cain, the new student representative, said earlier, nobles, commoners, and royalty all have the same right to education. I'm sure the teachers will have it difficult because of the non-standard students they will have this year, but I hope you will do your best. Please do your best from now on」

With that, His Majesty's words ended. I'm sure His Majesty looked in our direction on purpose when he said 「Non-standard」. Amidst the loud applause, His Majesty left the platform and the entrance ceremony ended safely.

Cain went to greet his parents after the entrance ceremony ended.

「Father, thank you for coming all the way from the territory」

「I got a messenger pigeon from Sara, and I thought, what could have happened? When I read the letter I learned that Cain was the head of the class. So I left my work to Jin and Alex and forced my way here」

Garm laughed as he said that.

Apparently, being the top student at this school means being the top student among all the students in this country. As a parent, they were happy because this school is one of the hardest to get into.

After leaving his parents, he was on his way to his classroom when he saw a familiar figure behind him.

「Hey! Palma!」

It was Palma from the Sarakan company. She had said she was going to take the exam at this school, and it seems she was accepted.

Palma turned around, and upon noticing Cain, she waved her hand with a great smile. Her tail sticking out from her skirt is also swaying.

Being a beastman, her growth rate was faster than that of a human, and you could already see a girlish bulge in her body.

「Cain-sama, congratulation on being the top student. Your greeting as the representative was wonderful」

「Congratulations on enrolling, Palma. In which class are you?」

「Since I spent my time studying with everything I've got, I was able to get into the A-class. It's a shame that I couldn't be in the same class as Cain-sama, but I can't do magic or swordsmanship, so I'm going to do my best since I got into the school. I want to aim for the S class until the time I graduate!」

「Being in the A class is already awesome! If there's anything you don't understand, I'll teach you, so feel free to talk to me!」

「Yes! I'll be in your care」 

Our classrooms were next to each other, so Palma and I split up and I headed for the S class.

When I opened the door to the classroom, I saw that Teles and Silk were already there.

「Cain-sama, you're late!」

「Cain-kun, so slo~w. Over here」

They were both laughing and puffing out their cheeks, beckoning me to join them.

「Sorry, I haven't seen my parents in a while, so I was talking to them. I also met an acquaintance, so I wasted a little time chatting」

「An acquaintance? Is it a girl?」

Teles jumped at the chance to ask.

「She's the daughter of a business partner I'm doing business with. She is always helping me」

Hearing those words, Teles and Silk began to talk to each other sneakily.

「Don't you feel like Cain-sama plans to increase the number of candidates again?」

「Hm~ Isn't it okay, even if it increases?」

「But if the number increases too much, the time he will spent with us will be less and less!」

「That's a problem, indeedー」

Both started talking about such things. Cain could hear it, but all he could do was chuckle.

The chime sounded and the teacher came in.

The teacher was a woman.

「Students, please take your seats. My name is Elka von Portrai, and I am the new homeroom teacher for this class. I would like everyone to introduce themselves first. Let's start with the top student, Cain-kun」

Cain left his seat and headed to the side of the podium.

「Nice to meet you, I'm Cain von Silford. Although I may be a nobleman, don't let that stop you from calling me 「Cain」. I look forward to getting along with you all from now on」

I bow my head and return to my seat. Teles is next.

「I'm Telestia Tera Esfort. I may be the third princess, but please feel free to talk to me, just like Cain-sama. It's nice to meet you」

Like royalty, she gave a magnificent bow and returned to her seat.  , it was the third place, Silk.

「I'm Silk von Santana. I may be from a Duke house, but please feel free to talk to me just like to Telestina and Cain-kun. Nice to meet youー」

After that, the other classmates continued to introduce themselves.

「The greetings are over now, that's it for today. Tomorrow you will have orientation. You will need to choose your elective subjects, choose carefully」

Then, today's class was dismissed.  The other classes also seem to be over as the students begin to leave their classrooms.

On this floor there are three first-year classes next to each other, from S to B. Class C to E are on the lower floor.

Cain was about to leave with Teles and Silk when he heard a shout from the hallway.

「Why is a beastman commoner like you in class A? I'm a Marquis, so I should be more worthy of being in class A than you!」

「「That's right! That's right!」」

Looking down the hallway, I saw Palma being surrounded.

At that moment, Cain turned purple with anger and stared at the person who was surrounding Palma.

Upon hearing that the person who had surrounded her was a Marquis, a senior nobleman, Palma started to tremble with fear even more.

「If you hadn't enrolled in this school, I would have been class A.  You should drop out of school immediately」

I looked at the other man's face and saw it was Habit.  He's Marquis Golgino's eldest son.

I went at once to stop him.

「What's with picking a quarrel on the first day of school? In this school, nobles and commoners are equal」

Cain shouted from behind.

「Those rules are for lower class nobles, that kind of thing has no relation to a higher class nobleman like myself!!」

Habit turned around as he said it.  Then he froze. The two followers also noticed Cain and stopped moving.

「I wasn't told of such a rule. Moreover, that girl is also an acquaintance of mine」

As I step in between Palma and Habit, Palma hides behind my back.

「I-If it isn't Baron Cain, You too are a nobleman, yet you take the side of the commoners before your own?」

One of his followers said to Cain.

「It doesn't matter if you're a nobleman or a commoner, I'll stand on my friend's side」

「Humph. You'll side with a commoner instead of a nobleman, huh? If you choose a commoner over a Marquis, I'll tell my father and crush that commoner's house」

At that moment, Cain let out killing intent.  The killing intent was directed at the three of them alone and was unnoticed by others.

「Who's going to crush who...」

Unlike before, Cain turns his gaze to the three of them with a cold voice.

All three of them were trembling under the killing intent.

That's when a voice came from behind.

「Nobles exist only because of commoners, so such a statement is a problem-desuwane. I wonder, does this need to be reported to my father as well?」

The three of them froze even more as they turned toward the voice while shaking.

It was Her Royal Highness Princess Telestia and the Duke's daughter who were standing there.

「Y-Y-Your Highness Telestia! N-N-no... My earlier words were wrong...  I'm sorry, Your Highness Telestia」

Habit was pale in the face as he received killing intent from Cain from the front and a verbal attack from Her Highness the Princess from behind.

「You're apologizing to the wrong person. Don't you need to apologize to the person you have wronged?」

Telestia coldly urged Habit to apologize to Palma.

Habit didn't want to apologize to the commoner, but he knew it would be a problem if it got through to the royal family.

「I-I-I'm sorry about what happened at this occasion...」

Habit and his followers apologized to Palma, who was hiding behind Cain.

「Palma, are you okay with that?」

Cain asked Palma and Palma gave a small nod.


「Habit-dono, make sure it doesn't happen again next time.」

「I understand, Cain-dono」

With just that word, the three of them ran away.

「Palma, sorry I didn't notice before」

「Thank you for your help, Cain-sama」

Palma stared with upturned eyes at Cain.

At that time, a voice came from the other two people there.

「「We need to talk about this」」

After this, Cain and Palma returned to the classroom, accompanied by Telestia and Silk.

「Cain-sama, please sit there in seiza and wait for me, okay?」

「Eh... in seiza?」



Cain had no choice but to sit in the seiza position.

The three girls made a circle and started talking.

Thirty minutes passed, and it seemed that the conversation was finally over.

「Now we are friends with Palma! I hope we get along from now on!!」

Silk talks to Palma.

「Yes! I hope we get along too」

「Ah, I forgot about Cain-kun」

Silk realized that the three of them had been so engrossed in their conversation that they had forgotten about Cain.

The three of them turned their attention to Cain.

There was Cain, with his legs numb and unable to move, sitting in seiza and exhausted.

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