The entrance ceremony ended and the orientation began.

In addition to the basic courses, the royal academy has other elective courses.

The basic courses includes, language, arithmetic, history, and so on, which are compulsory.

Among the optional courses, there are different specializations such as noble course, adventurer course, business course, domestic politics course, magic course, martial arts course, magic tools course, pharmacy, home economics, etc. There are several courses to choose from, and students must choose one or more that are suitable for them. Some students choose three or four courses.

Incidentally, only the nobles are allowed to choose the nobility course because there they study domestic politics, diplomacy, and etiquette as a noble.

Cain nods his head as he looks at the list of possible courses to choose from.

「As expected, I have to choose the adventurer's course!」

「「You can't(desu)!!!」」

Cain's choice was completely rejected by Telestia and Silk.

「Cain-sama, are you not already the head of a noble family? That's why you must learn a lot about nobles. You must choose the nobility course」

Telestia knew that Cain had registered as an adventurer, however, she couldn't concede about this issue.


Cain nodded without energy.

「Wouldn't it be okay if you chose the adventurer's course in addition to the nobility course?」

Silk's words energized Cain.

「That's right! I could choose more than one, right? Though it's hard to choose between the course of adventurers... magic, martial arts, and magic tools」

Not knowing what to choose, Cain crossed his arms and began to think.

「I think you will be fine with four courses. Anything more than that and it will be difficult to manage」

Shocked by Cain's choice, Teles advises Cain.

「I've decided! I'll choose the nobility's course, adventurer's course, magic course, and the magic tools course」

「Didn't you want to choose the martial arts course?」

Silk asks me.

「I'm already using martial arts as an adventurer, so there's no problem if I keep learning it as I fight. What will you two choose?」

Cain asked them both.

「I'm thinking of choosing the nobility course and the internal affairs course...」

Telestia responds while blushing.

「I understand why you want to choose the nobility course, but why the internal affairs course?」

Cain curiously asked Telestia.

「That's... Of course, to be prepared to manage our future territory, Cain-sama... AH!?」

Telestia's face was red as an apple when she realized what she had said, she then covered her face with both hands.

「Oh my, already saying such things, Telestia. Then I guess I should choose the nobility course and business course. I was thinking about how it would be nice to study something so I could help Cain-kun govern his territory」

Silk replied to Cain frankly. Although her cheeks were a little red.

「Thank you both. Right now I can't say anything about territorial management, but I will do my best for both of you」

Cain honestly thanked them both for their feelings.

After a couple of days, the orientation for the optional courses ended. Cain decided to write down the courses he had decided on and submit them to his homeroom teacher.

「Everything should be okay now. That reminds me, I haven't been going to church lately. I wonder if the gods will complain to me if I don't show my face from time to time?」

As I said this, I stopped by the church on my way home from school.

I entered the church, handed an offering, and knelt in front of the statues of the gods.

And as usual, Cain was wrapped up in the white light.

「Cain, it's been a while. First of all, congratulations on your enrollment」

Once the white light subsided, I found the gods sitting as usual.

「It's been a long time. And thank you as usual」

Having said that, I sat in my usual seat.

「We've all been enjoying ourselves watching you」

On the screen, he had just unleashed magic that destroyed the training grounds during the entrance exam.

「You're watching me again!!」

「Cain! You should have used the imperial magic that was written in the book instead of beginner magic!」

The one who said that was Reno, the God of Magic.

「Imperial class magic would be a bit too much... Don't you know what would have happened if I had released the imperial class magic over there?」

「Hmmm, not only the training ground would be destroyed, but the school building would be completely destroyed as well. Maybe everything about one kilometer would be ruined?」

「Why are you saying with doubts!? If I had done that, the royal capital would have been in trouble!」

「Cain, listen to me! Forget about that kind of magic, why are you neglecting your swordplay so much? You could have defeated him with a single blow, right? With your status and blessings, you should have little trouble with that」

The one who interrupted was Sanos, the God of War.

「I fought within the limits of a human! Can't you imagine what would have happened if a ten-year-old had beaten an A-ranked adventurer in front of everyone on the entrance exam?? Everyone would be so scared that no one would want to come near me!! And if I had wielded my sword seriously, I would have destroyed another wall with only the strength of my sword...」

Cain, who was already beyond the limits of an ordinary human in terms of status and blessings, had difficulty keeping his strength within the limits of common sense.

「Well, all joking aside, Cain, there is a place I want you to go-ja」

Saying that, Zenom hands Cain a map.

The map was centered around the kingdom of Esfort, with the Bysas Empire adjacent to the territory of Gracia. It also mentioned the surrounding countries, such as the Kingdom of Marineford, which was the opposite side to the Royal Capital, the Kingdom of Tumbleton, high in the mountains, and the Republic of Irstin, a major commercial city.

「I've never seen a map this detailed before」

Cain was captivated by the first time he saw a map with different countries than his own.

「This is where I want you to go-ja」

The place where Zenom, the God of Creation, pointed to was deep in the Monster Forest next to the Gracia territory.

It was a place even deeper than the place where he defeated the red dragon when he was five years old.

「What's here?」

Cain asked Zenom.

「You'll understand when you get there」

That was all Zenom said.

「It's too far away for me to go immediately. It's a few days deeper than the place where I defeated the red dragon, isn't it? Besides, I just got into school, so I can't take a few days off right now」

「If it's you, you can return immediately, I'm not right-jarou? I'm sure that the next two days of rest you will have will be enough-ja」

「So you're saying there's a reason why it's necessary for me to go there...? I understand, I'll try going there」

Cain nodded at Zenom's words.

「Umu, I'm counting on you. Then, until the next time we meet」

After hearing those words, I was enveloped in light again and found myself in the temple praying to the seven gods.

I stood up, left the church, and went home.

「I'm home~」

「Welcome back, Cain-sama」

It was Silvia the one who greeted me.

「I have some business to attend to this coming weekend. I will go out in the next two days of rest, so I'll leave the house to you」

Cain told Silvia that and went back to his room.

And in the blink of an eye, it was the weekend.

He put his bags and a few meals in the item box, dressed as an adventurer, and left the room.

「You don't know what's out there, so be careful, okay?」

「Yup. I'm not going to overdo it, so you don't have to worry. Well then, I'm off」

Cain cast a long-distance instantaneous movement(long warp) after passing through the gate and transitioned to where he had defeated the red dragon next to the Gracia territory.

「This place is so nostalgic. It's been five years already」

When Cain faced the dragon himself, he had fired a series of spells, leaving the place deserted, but after five years, the grass and trees had grown.

「This is the way」

I checked the map Zenom gave me and made sure I headed in the right direction.

「I'm running out of time this time, so let's go all the way through without fighting」


As he chanted that, Cain's body floated away, his feet leaving the ground. His body was already at a height above the trees.

「I guess this height should be fine, I only need to cast a Wind Shield magic」

After chanting the Wind Shield magic, he flew at once.

Cain flew at a speed that reached two hundred kilometers per hour.

He flew for two hours, looking at the unaltered landscape of the trees, and then a little further on a field with a house in sight.

「I wonder if that's the right place? But still, I can't believe there's only one house in this place...」

I entered the Monster Forest from the side of the Gracia territory and went at least hundreds of kilometers deep.

The forest stretched endlessly towards the horizon, even when looking ahead.

Cain released his magic and landed at the front door.

Looking around, there was only one house, surrounded by fields that seemed to be self-sufficient.

「Who in the world could be living in this place...」

Cain stands in front of the front door and takes a breath before knocking.

「Excuseeee me, is anyone here?」

「Wait a second, I'm comingー」

He heard a man's voice from behind the door.

Then the sound of footsteps came closer and closer and finally the door opened.

「Oh, welcome. Welcome to this remote place, well, come on in」

The one who came out was a black-haired young man who looked to be in his twenties.

Cain did as he was told by this easygoing young man and went in, then he sat in the chair he was led to.

「Is coffee okay?」

That young man spoke out to Cain.

「Yes, it's okay... EeeeeeHHHHH!!!!」

Cain was surprised, he tried to take the coffee normally, but there was no such thing as coffee in this world.

The young man in front of him didn't particularly care about it and offered him a cup of coffee.

Suddenly Cain's whole body became tense.

「Well, don't be so cautious, reincarnator-kun, I've already heard about you from the geezer Zenom」

「Eh... you talked to God!?」

「About that, yes, those geezers call me every once in a while when they feel like it. That's why I already knew you were coming」

He placed the freshly brewed coffee in front of Cain. Then, he sat on the opposite side of Cain while taking a sip of his coffee.

Cain took a sip, enjoying the aroma he hadn't had in a long time. It was truly the first coffee he had had in ten years.

「Well, let's introduce ourselves first. I wonder, should I call you Cain von Silford-kun or use your other name, Shiina Kazuya-kun?」

The young man in front of him said so.

「I'm Yuuya. Yuuya Tera Hirasawa Esfort or also Yuya Hirasawa. You're a reincarnated person, I'm a summoned person, or would it be better to say a transferred person?」


The young man in front of me was unexpectedly the first King of Esfort.


Reference material

Optional Courses at Royal Academy

Nobility course

Only children of noble families can choose this course.  Students learn about domestic affairs and diplomacy, etiquette, and national events.

Adventurer course

Students learn basic knowledge to become adventurers in the future, as well as about monsters, camping, and escorting.

Business course

Students learn the basics of running a business, including the mechanics of bookkeeping and local specialties.

Internal affairs course

It's a course where students learn the basics of being an officer in charge of internal affairs and learn to train civilian officials and others.

Magic course

A course where students learn about elemental magic, recovery magic, and summoning magic. It is a course that many students choose to take along with the Adventure Course

Martial arts course

It is a course in which students are taught to handle all the weapons and different martial arts.  It is a course that many students choose to take along with the Adventure Course.

Magic tools course

The course includes the development of magical tools using magical stones, as well the development of outdoor lights and room lights and the like.

Pharmacy course

The course is designed to teach students about medicines using potions and herbs.

Home economics

It is a course that teaches cooking and sewing and the like.

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