「I'm Yuuya. Yuuya Tera Hirasawa Esfort or also Yuya Hirasawa. You're a reincarnated person, I'm a summoned person, or would it be better to say a transferred person?」


The young man in front of me was unexpectedly the first King of Esfort.

「It was really so unexpected?」

The black-haired young man, who looked to be in his twenties, took a sip of his coffee and laughed at the sight of Cain's face.


「Yuuya is fine」

「...Yes, but history books say that Yuuya-san is a person from 300 years ago」

When Cain was reincarnated into this world, the first book he read was about history and magic.

That's where he remembered seeing the name of the first king.

「Yep, that's right. I don't understand very well how time works, but here, in this world, about 300 years have passed」

「This world? What's that?」

Cain expressed his doubt at Yuuya's answer.

「Well, let's leave that for later. Cain, can you remain here for a while?」

「I must return by tomorrow. Besides, I have school tomorrow」

「Fumu, I see, then should we go over there?」

Cain had doubts about what Yuuya said.

「Should we move on once you finish your coffee? Come with me to this room」

Once Yuuya finishes drinking his coffee, he places the cup on the table and begins to guide Cain.

From the living room to the hallway, Yuuya stood in front of a single door.

「We're going to move around a bit」

Yuuya said just that and opened the door.


That's all Cain could voice out.

What was on the other side of the door was not a room but it led outside. However, it was a completely different place.

Yuuya urges me to walk through the door.

「What in the world is this place...?」

Cain asked Yuuya.

「This otherworldly dimension was created by me, I guess? This world is called Fabinir」

「You're saying you made this...?」

Cain was shocked, what was in front of him was beyond his imagination.

He walked through a door and found a sandy beach.  There was a large forest in front of him, and when he looked up to the sky, there was a herd of dragons flying. As he looked back, the door was gone, instead, there was a sea spreading all over.

「Could that door from before be... the anywhere doー」

「Stop there」


「Well, normally that would be the case. Well, Cain, you have the appraisal skill, right? Use it on me, I made it so you can see it」

Yuuya said such words to Cain.

All this time Cain has not used appraisal on people a lot because he knew that using it on someone would make them feel uncomfortable. There is no problem using it on monsters, but if you were caught using it on someone else and that person had found out, they would say it was a breach of etiquette.

This time Cain had Yuuya's permission so he used appraisal on him.


【Name】Yuuya Tera Hirasawa Esfort (Yuya Hirasawa)

【Race】God 【Gender】Male 【Age】Transcended

【Title】Summoned person / Hero / King / Transcender / Demi-god / God of Creation






Cain was surprised again.

Cain had not expected that the person in front of him to be a God too.

「Cain, now do you get it? This is a world I've created」

「Yes... I never thought you had become a God...」

「That's how it is, if you become a God, even if you grow older you don't age. It would be strange if I had remained a king without growing old, wouldn't it? That's why I left the throne to a child at the right time and came here to relax」

「But why did we come into this world?」

Cain didn't know why they had to come to this world.

「It's because time moves differently here. You can stay a whole year here while in your world only one day will pass」

「Isn't that the... Hyperbolic Time Chambー」

「Stop there!」


「I've been a God in this world for about 10,000 years. Everything will be fine even if you take it easy a bit here, right? After all, even if you stay a whole year, it's only one day there」

「If you put it that way, you're right. I think I can take it easy then」

「For the time being, let's go to my house in this world. We're transferring, so hold on to me」

Yuuya said that and put his hand on Cain's shoulder.


In an instant, the landscape changed, and in its place appeared an even bigger mansion than the house I had seen before. In this place, there were also fields around the mansion, and it looked like he was living a self-sufficient life here as well.

「I usually spend my time here. Well, come on inside」

With that, Yuuya opens the door and goes inside. Cain followed him into the mansion as well.

Despite living alone, the mansion was clean.

I was taken directly to the reception room and sat on the sofa.

「Speaking of which, the God ofCreation Zenom-sama told me to go see Yuuya-san...」

「It's about that... Actually, Cain, I've been asked to train you」

「Even now I'm trying to suppress my inhuman power, so why do I have to go that far?」

Yuuya lay down on the couch and looked off into the distance.

「Umu. To tell you the truth, in the world you live in, the number of Gods was eight. The remaining God, was called Aaron and was the God of Games. But his mischief went too far, so that geezer Zenom sent him down to the world. His mind got twisted there, and he ended up becoming an Evil God」

「An Evil God, huh...?」

「Umu, there wasn't much to play with in your world, was there? That happened because there was no God of the Games」

Cain was convinced. Even reversi has become so popular that it is now being exported to other countries. And that was because until now citizens didn't have the concept of 'playing' in their daily lives.

「Even so, what kind of mischief could he have done to be sent down...?」

「...A death game with the entire survival of the world as a stake. He sent an oracle to the upper ranks of each country and led the whole world to war. Aaron's playtime has gone too far...」

Cain was convinced that even the God of Creation would surely be angry at that.

「I've never seen a record of such an Evil God! And where's that God called Aaron is now...?」

「You've never seen any record of that Aaron because I sealed it 300 years ago. That's what I was summoned for.  Then, once I sealed him, the Gods sealed the memories of people all over the world. At that time, I was only a human so I didn't have the power to kill a God, so I asked that geezer to teach me the method to seal a God, however that seal is going to fall apart in a couple of years. And when that happens, the death games may happen again...  and I want to stop that from happening」

「Then why don't you seal it again, Yuuya-san?」

「Right now I'm the God of Creation of this world, and a God can't interfere in the earthly affairs of other worlds. That's why they are raising a proxy in the form of an apostle」

「That means... Could it be that...」

「Cain, that's you. That geezer chose you to be an apostle so you have to be the one to do it. However, as you are now you won't have a chance against Aaron. That's why that geezer asked me to train you. If you train in this world, you will get hundreds of times more experience than you would otherwise」

「It seems that I have to go complain to the Gods later, but for now, I have no choice but to do it」

Cain made up his mind. He straightened his back and stared at Yuuya's face.

「Master, please take care of me」

「Ah, I will」

Cain became Yuuya's disciple.

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