After rescuing the three, Cain headed to the royal capital at the same pace as the others.

Having been attacked by bandits, they camped on the way and entered the royal capital before noon the next day.

At the entrance to the royal capital, the guards were surprised by the horseless carriage and were even more surprised by the bandits they had caught.

「It's really hard to believe that a kid like you has caught this many bandits...」

Cain presented the guild card he had with him stored.

With the guild card in his palm, Cain let his magic power flow to make his name appear.

What surprised the guards the most was to see a glowing golden-colored guild card.

「It can't be... for him to be an A-rank adventurer... Sorry, I was being rude」

The guard changed his attitude. No matter how much the person in front of him looks like a child, the person in front of him is an experienced adventurer, an A-rank adventurer.

「I also brought a corpse with me, where should I leave it?」

「If that is the case, I will have to confirm it, so please, you can just leave it in the back」

After leaving the corpse at the place where a soldier guided me, I was given a certificate validating the body as a bandit.

Sabinos-san and the others had finished the entry procedures and were entering the royal capital.

「Cain-sama, I've kept you waiting」

「We just finished delivering our part too」

The self-propelled carriage in which the bandits had been pushed was also stored, and the four of us got into a company carriage and drove there.

When we arrived at the company, Palma was helping in the store.

She had just finished attending to some clients and when she saw all of us she headed towards us.

「Ah, father, thank you for your hard work, but why are you with Cain-sama?」

It was unexpected for her to see Cain on her day off from school so she was surprised.

「Actually, Cain-sama helped us when we were being attacked by bandits. Thanks to him, no one got hurt and the goods are also safe」

Palma was surprised to hear that they were attacked by bandits.

「Cain-sama, thank you very much for helping my father」

Palma bowed politely to Cain.

「I'm glad this ended well. I was also asked to subdue the bandits...」

While receiving Palma's thanks, I couldn't help but scratch my head at how embarrassed I was.

Sabinos-san who had gone to leave the carriage in the back of the company had returned.

「With this you have ended the one-way request. Now you have two days off to do whatever you want before we have to go back, so please come to the company on the morning of the second day」

「「We understand」」

Sabinos-san told Milly-sensei and Nina-sensei such a thing.

「In that case, I will also go to report to the guild」

「We're coming with you too」

Leaving the Sarakan company behind, the three of them walked to the guild.

「I've heard it, you know? That you've become a Baron. Should I call you Baron Cain-sama?」

「Tama no koshi...」

TN: Palanquin set with jewels/Filthy rich/It is used to refer to a woman marrying a man of power and wealth.

One of them said something I don't understand so I let it pass.

「Such a thing, Milly-sensei, and Nina-sensei, you two are my teachers, so don't worry and keep calling me just 'Cain', please」

「As expected, it has been five years, of course, you would grow. Cain, you have grown up a lot」

Milly held Cain's head in her arms. He felt Milly's chest on his face and couldn't help but blush.

After a short walk, they arrived at the guild.

「Letia-san, I've finished subduing the bandits. This is the certificate. I've handed them over to the guards」

Saying that he gave Letia the handover certificate he received from the guards.

「No way, that you have completed the request the day after you accepted it is... I'll go report to the guild master. Please wait a moment」

Letia went inside with the certificate.

When Cain turns around, he finds Milly and Nina looking at the request board. On his way to the royal capital, he found out that they had raised their guild ranks to B-rank.

While these two were looking at the requests, three familiar people approached them.

「Hey beautiful girls, have you come for a walk in the royal capital? If so, we'll guide you in every sense...」

They were those thug adventurers who came to bother me when I registered as an adventurer.

「Huh? Oh, it's you three. Go away」

「Not interested...」

Neither showed any interest and continued looking at the requests.

「isn't it okay? Join us for a while!」

Cain quickly stands between the hand that one of them had stretched.

「They are my acquaintances. Could you disappear please?」

Cain says coldly to the three of them.

「Aren't yo' the rookie that registered last time? Do you have a problem wit' us, C-rank adventurers!?」

「Please leave...」

The three of them were about to jump on Cain just as he unleashed his bloodlust.

In an instant, the inside of the guild fell completely silent.

The adventurers who were close instinctively brought their hands to their swords while the low-ranking adventurers began to tremble.

Those three who were hit by the bloodlust fell to their knees and being unable to get up began to shake on the spot.

As his level had increased from training with Yuuya, with just a little, the entire guild was filled with bloodlust.

「Did you understand...?」

「YES... I understand... I'm sorry...」

The three thugs adventurers fled the guild crawling on all fours while trembling.

As they left through the guild door, someone else came in.

「What's going on? For those guys to have left... Oh, oh, that's a hell of a bloodlust」

The person who had entered was accompanied by another and headed towards Cain.

「Oh, if it's not Cain? That's a hell of a bloodlust. What happened?」

The person who entered with the exit of those three thugs were Claude and Lina from Ice Flame.

I withdrew my bloodlust and turned to Claude.

「Ah, Claude-san, and Lina-san, it's been a long time. Those three were bothering some acquaintances of mine so...」

「An ordinary guy would have a hard time if he was hit by such a thing, right? Anyway, your acquaintances are...」

「That's us... Aniki」

It was Milly who spoke from behind.


Cain turned around and was surprised.

「Oh, if it isn't Milly and Nina? It's been a long time」

「Milly, Nina, it's been a while」

Lina who was next to Claude also entered the conversation.

「You all knew each other??」

「Milly is my little sister」

Claude replied while laughing. Seeing her red hair again, I realize that Milly-sensei has a certain resemblance to Claude's and it turns out that they were indeed brother and sister.

「Rather, I'm the one who is surprised to find that you know Milly and Nina」

「As for us, we know Cain since we have been tutoring him when he was five years old. Didn't I mention it to you in letters?」

「True, I remember reading that you had written that you were training a noble boy from the territory of Gracia」

「So that's why that name sounded familiar!」

Claude, Nina, and Milly seem to have reached a conclusion.

It seems that they were sending each other letters.

「Isn't Cain strong? He was able to keep up with me even when I got serious. But Cain, you were a nobleman?」

Hearing that, Milly was surprised.

「But Aniki has reached to the A-rank with his sword, hasn't he? And you're telling me that he was able to keep with you...」

「Cain-kun... is Margrave's son... He has already been appointed as the head of his own family as a baron... Tama no koshi」

It was Nina who dropped the bomb. She even added an unnecessary word at the end...

Hearing those words, this time it was Claude and Lina who froze.

「Would it be better if I called you... Cain-sama?」

Claude looks at Cain fearfully.

「No, please don't, just keep calling me like you always have. It would be more grateful that way」

They both sighed in relief.

「After all, there is something called lese-majesty that every head of a noble family has and while there would be no problem with their children, we cannot be disrespectful to the head of a noble family that has such a right」

「I told you, I don't plan to use that kind lese-majesty!」

While the five of us were laughing together, I heard a voice from behind.

「Cain-sama, the guild master is calling you. Milly-sama and Nina-sama should also come as they are also involved」

「Claude-san, I've been called, so I'm going. See you later」

「Let's talk later, aniki」

「I'm off」

「I'll be drinking in the back, come over there later!」

We entered the reception room while being guided by Letia.

Eden, the guild master, was already waiting in the reception room.

「Hi. Cain-kun, I never expected that you would capture them the day after I gave you the request」

Then Milly explained the situation. Nina was silent.

「And that's when Cain showed up and captured all the bandits in the blink of an eye」

「I see, thank you. Now I can be reassured that Cain-kun will be able to work as an A-rank adventurer without any problem」

Eden then takes a sip of the tea that was on the table.

「Thank you very much」

「That's everything, here's your reward」

I checked the two gold coins in the small bag I received from Eden and put them in the item box.

「Should anything happen, I'll entrust it to you again, brother-in-law」

Something about the last word sounded strange, but I left the reception room and headed straight for the drinking area.

Claude and Lina were already drinking.

「Sorry to have kept you waiting~」

The three of us joined Claude and Lina.

「That reminds me, why were you all called by the guild master?」

It was Claude who asked.

「We were escorting a company when a group of ten bandits attacked us. And Cain who had accepted a request to subdue the bandits appeared and subdued them, so we were asked to explain what happened 」

Milly took a sip of the beer mug that had been brought to her and then began to speak.

The one who was surprised to hear that was Lina.

「Cain-kun, when we met last time at the guild you had come to register as an adventurer, right? Then why are you subduing bandits...?」

Lina poked at where it hurts.

「Cain-kun is already... A-rank...」

And as usual, Nina dropped a bomb.


As expected, Claude and Nina were surprised.

「How come you just registered and got an A-rank??」

This time it was Claude the one who asked.

It can't be helped now, so I'll have to explain it. About how I entered the Forest of Monsters alone when I was in Gracia. About how I defeated an earth dragon and gave it to the knights and how the stuffed dragon I have is an SS rank red dragon that I also defeated.

「SS rank... If so, I can understand why you are A-rank...」

As expected, defeating a monster like that would be difficult even if Claude and Lina were together.

「And to think that you hunted it all by yourself... So that's why you were able to make that magic bag. This has helped me a lot」

Millie and Nina were caressing the bag that Cain made for them. Cain was happy to see that they were carefully taking care of it.

「Wait a moment... Right now, you just called it a magic bag... You're telling me that Cain gave you that? What's the capacity?」

Lina took the bait.

「Cain-kun made it.  I don't know the capacity because until now it has never been completely filled...」

Hearing Nina's words, Lina stares at Cain.

「Cain-kun... Let's be honest. What's with that...?」

Lina's slightly alcoholic stare was scary.

「I made it...」

Cain dropped his shoulders dejected and came clean.

「How much capacity it has? The magic bag we currently have has about three square meters. Even this one cost me two white gold coins」

「It has aboutー」

「If I remember correctly, he said it was fifty square meters...」


I was about to deceive them, but Nina said it honestly.


Claude and Lina froze. The magic bag that these two have hanging on their waist was a national treasure class...

「Isn't that a national treasure class...?」

Murmuring that took everything Lina had within her.

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