「Isn't that a national treasure class...?」

Lina muttered.

And then stared at Cain.

「Cain-kun, I wonder why you can make something like that...」

Holding Cain's shoulders tightly, Lina asks.

She seems to be quite drunk, her eyes became bloodshot.

「...No, it's just that...」

「We also have a hard time with a bag of such little capacity, you know...?」

Lina with her face in front of Cain's stares at him.

Cain gave up seeing Lina's eyes full of anticipation.

「Yes... I will be pleased to make you one...」

Unlike before, Lina leans on the table with a big smile.

It seems that Lina can't quite hold her drink, and always falls asleep after.

「Cain... Sorry. My Lina is... She probably won't remember what happened today」

Claude apologizes to me.

「It's fine. But more importantly, I need to discuss something with you」

Cain's expression got serious and as a consequence everyone gets serious.

「When we were attacked by the bandits, I heard them say that they would sell us to a slave trader. But isn't it illegal for slave companies to deal with kidnapped people? So I questioned the bandits, and that's when I heard that the Narnis company would take them」

「Narnis company, huh? That's a fairly large company. I think they have some high ranking nobles as backers」

When Cain heard that, he recalled the cologne-smelling branch manager that had come to his debut party in the territory of Gracia.

「So it's like that. When I turned five, a person from the branch store that is in Gracia came to my debut party and said 'We can prepare everything' to me」

「The mere words of a bunch of thieves are not enough evidence. Hopefully, the capture of these bandits will calm things down a bit」

Claude thinks as he continues to drink.

「By the way, isn't it time for you to go home, Cain?」

The one who said that was Milly.

「Aren't you going home too early?」

It's just like Claude said, but tomorrow is a school day. I skipped three days last week, so I have to go this week.

「That reminds me, you were a student, then it can't be helped」

「Ten years old kids sure go home early」

While being teased by Claude, Cain walked away from everyone who was drinking and started walking home.

After Cain left, Letia came into the drinking area.

「Huh? Claude-san, is Cain-sama still here?」

「If you are looking for Cain, he already went back. After all, he has school tommorow」

「Well, actually, the adventurer who was asked to give tomorrow's lesson at adventurer's department by the school got hurt and now they are urgently looking for a subsitute」

Everyone grinned.

「Letia, could you tell us a little more about it?」

Needless to say, they all had a strange smile on their faces.


The next day I went to school and took two basic classes, then the next hour I had the elective class of the magic course.

Thinking that he could finally learn new magic, Cain was a little excited.

「I'm Melissa, the one who will be teaching in the magic course. My specialty is fire and wind. Now all of you will throw the magic which you think is your specialty into the target there. Once you are done, if I see any flaws I will point them out. Also, is Cain von Silford here?」

「Yes! Present」

Cain raised his hand in anticipation.

「You have been banned from using offensive magic in the school. I've heard that the barriers here can't withstand even your elementary magic. You can just watch the class. The principal told me that I can just hand over the credits to you. As long as it's not offensive magic, you can participate, but since today it's offensive magic you can't」


After choosing the magic course with so much anticipation, there was nothing for Cain to do.

「Melissa-sensei, can I go to the library to study on my own...?」

「Umu, that's fine. You are free to go there」

「...I understand. I'm going...」

Cain couldn't do anything in the class, and so, the lesson of the magic course ended for him.


After lunch, we had an elective class in the adventure course.

「I'm a Bowgun, the person in charge of the adventure course. I'm a swordsman by trade. Today in particular came an adventurer of the guild as a teacher」

The door opened, and Lina walked in.

No, not only her. , Claude came in followed by Milly and even Nina as well...

The four adventurers lined up at the podium.

「To tell the truth, a C-rank adventurer was supposed to come, however, today instructors will be the A-ranked Claude-san, Lina-san, and B-ranked Milly-san and Nina-san. Everyone applaud」

The students who have chosen to take the adventure course were in an uproar when they saw those high ranking adventurers coming. The boys were captivated by the three female instructors.

Cain looked down without saying a word.

「You all didn't say a word about this yesterday...」

Cain muttered to himself.

Claude stood on the podium as their representative.

「I'm the A-rank adventurer Claude from the Adventurer's Guild. I'm sure some of you know me because I was in charge of the practical test at the entrance exam」

As he said that, he grinned at Cain when he found him.

「The fact that you have enrolled in this school and have chosen this adventurer course means that in the future you will register as adventurers. I'm sure in the future there will be times when you will be asked to take requests on your own or in a party like us. Of course, that will depend on your own ability, so don't be overconfident. Overconfidence will only kill you」

The students shuddered at the word 'kill you'.

「How many of you are registered as adventurers?」

All the students raised their hands in response to Claude's question. As expected, they had registered beforehand before choosing the adventure course.

「It looks like everyone has registered. Whoever has a guild card, bring it out」

Claude says as he looks at me.

All students have an #iron card since they have just registered.

They show them to each other. As expected, Cain didn't bring out his card.

He couldn't be the only one bringing out a gold card among them.

「Hm? You didn't bring your guild card, Cain-kun?」

Claude asked Cain with a smile on his face as he held back his laughter.

「I'm sorry. I forgot it today」

Cain couldn't afford to take out the guild card in front of everyone, so he pretended to forget it.

「Everyone must always carry their guild card without exception unless you are at home! After all, it'll be your ID in case something happens. Don't forget to always take it with you, this is for you too Cain-kun!」

Claude tapped twice Cain's shoulder and started walking around the room.

「You have the nerve to said all that even though you know it's not iron...」

When I looked at Milly and Nina, they quickly averted their eyes. Their shoulders were shaking as they held back their laughter.

During the next hour or so, we were explained the preparations for the camp and the things to confirm when accepting a request.

And now it was time for practical skills.

Cain got worked up thinking about how he will get back at Claude soon.

「I'll return you what you did to me, so wait for me...」

「Then, we'll practice while in the physical strengthening state. Adventurers may lose their weapons at any time. We will perform kumite while you have your body strengthened. Start!」

The students split up into their areas of expertise.

The students who gathered with Claude and Milly were with the swordsmanship group, while with Lina and Nina the magic group.

Of course, Cain chose the swordsmanship group without hesitation.

「I'll take you all one by one. Come at me in turns」

Claude said that and began dealing with students who were able to strengthen their bodies in shifts.

Cain waited until the end. To exact his revenge.

And then finally it was Cain's turn.

「Claude-sensei, pleaseー」

Bing-bong bang-bong


「I guess that's it for today」

It was the bell that concluded today's classes. Claude signals the end of the classes for the day.


Cain was shaking.

Claude tapped Cain on the shoulders.

「It seems that we are short of time this time, until the next. Ah, the teaching request was only for today by the way」

Claude left with a laugh.

Cain didn't utter a single word at school that day.

He had a negative aura extending around him, and neither Teles nor Silk could approach him.

On his way home, Cain headed to the Monsters Forest in the Gracia territory without changing his uniform all the way from the royal capital.

He walked to the depths of the forest without stopping.

In a straight line knocking down anything that gets in his way.

Then, he climbed a rocky mountain of a certain height where the red dragon lived.


『Meteor(Rock Meteor Shower)』

Cain unleashed it at the mountain. A combination of super class magic of fire and earth.

As if it were a meteor shower, burning rocks of several meters were falling from the sky in groups.

Several craters were created, smoke rose high to the sky, and the place where the rocky mountain was ceased to exist.

「Fuu, that felt good」

Cain used magic to clear the fog that was accumulating.

That day in the territory of Gracia, burning rocks were seen falling from the sky in the  Monster Forest.

The great earthquake was observed by the inhabitants and seeing the smoke rise to the sky it caused a fuss in the territory.

The royal castle was quickly contacted, and knights were dispatched from the royal capital.

What the knight saw was a part of the monster forest cleared in a straight line five meters wide making a path, and beyond that were several craters making a horrifying landscape.

When the gentlemen saw that scenario, they all said the same thing.

「Perhaps a demon king appeared...」

Cain who had not realized what he had caused felt refreshed after throwing a large magic spell and returned to his normal life.

Later, Cain was called to the royal castle.

His Majesty and the Prime Minister were sitting in front of him.

「To tell you the truth, a few days ago I received an urgent call from your father, Garm.  He said that a demon king may have appeared in the monster forest」

「A demon king you said!?」

His Majesty's words startled Cain.

「Umu. That's right-ja. The forest was wiped out a few meters wide, and from the skies a group of burning rocks rained down, creating many large craters-ja. If this calamity were to head for Gracia's territory... That is why I called you-ja. Haven't you had any revelations from God as an apostle?」

His Majesty and the Prime Minister were seriously worried.

A cold sweat ran down on Cain as he had an idea about it...

「No... I-I didn't have one... Couldn't it just be a natural... disaster?」

His Majesty noticed that Cain was restless.

「Cain... Isn't there something you want to tell me?」

A cold stare from both of them pierced him.


Without saying a word, Cain and His Majesty stared at each other.

A few minutes of silence continued.

Then Cain confessed.

「I'm sorry... I got irritated and I just cast a spell....」

Cain took another break from the school to be lectured at the royal castle for three days.

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