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"Ah, what?" Chen Lin was surprised for a while, couldn't believe that it was from Chu Xuan's mouth on the phone, surprise was far more than surprise."Aren't you kidding me, you are at the airport now, and you are still in transit when you come to me. Then kill the time, are you in time?"

"I'm at the nearest airport to the film and television base right now. I have endured for more than ten hours, and I can't restrain my inner excitement. I want to see you immediately and can't wait."

Chen Lin didn't know that Chu Xuan had changed the flight for various reasons. In short, being able to meet immediately was the most important thing.

"Yes, of course I have time. I'm done, you send me the address, and I will find you right now." Chen Lin hung up the phone in a hurry, and immediately rushed towards the airport.

After Lin Ruoran changed his clothes, she put the torn costume on her arm.When I came out to see, Chen Lin was no longer in sight. She was the one who had clearly urged me to change clothes just now, but now she has disappeared.

"Strange, where did Sister Chen Lin go. She was still here just now, let me wait for her, what's the matter."

The crew members who come and go on the scene are busy closing work, moving things one by one, in a loop.Chen Lin was never seen in the crowd.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd was evacuated, and then gathered at the door, each returning to their residence.The park fell into a quiet and dead silence again, waiting for tomorrow's call to resume busy.Day and night, there is no time limit.How many people have come and come back, how many crews are here, and it has witnessed the birth of countless works with a tolerant bust.

People see it as a place to work and come here.Relying on their own expressions and actions to interpret different plot needs and present a segment of performance to realize dreams.

The clouds on the horizon are more dense and colorful, but they have now turned into large patches of blue and purple.The heavy leaves and branches intertwined, as if wrapped in clouds and mist.Long and mysterious, unpredictable.

Countless large buildings have been reproduced, once so resplendent and gorgeous.It's just that now there is no blessing of brilliance, no whitewashing, just submerged in light and shadow.

Lin Ruoran couldn't find Chen Lin everywhere, but decided to call her for safety reasons.After all, the last time Lin Ruoran came back, he was terrified and almost had an accident.

"Hey, Sister Chen Lin. Where are you? Have you returned to the hotel. Didn't you let me wait for you? I can't find you anymore."

After Lin Ruoran connected, he heard a loud noise from the other side of the phone.The crowd was full of excitement, and there were many cars whistling.

"Are you okay, Sister Chen Lin. Where are you now? Why are there so noisy over there?

Chen Lin was sitting in the car at this time, about to go to the airport.Chen Lin tries her best to keep balance to slow down the bumps caused by the car.

"It's okay, I will leave now if I have something to do. I forgot to tell you, I'm really embarrassed. Oh, yes, don't you go back to the room. Go to room 308 of the hotel first, there are important things." No mistake Novel

Lin Ruoran couldn't figure it out, the more he thought about it, the more strange it became.At this time, what else can there be?At this time, the agent is not by his side, so how should we deal with it?

"Sister Chen Lin, what the hell is going on. I don't hear clearly, can you explain it more carefully."

Chen Lin firmly blocked one ear to reduce interference from the outside world."If so, I'm not in charge of this matter. It was President Lin who asked you to meet someone and said that it was a boss who was here to invest in you. Go and take a look."

Afterwards, Chen Lin didn't even have any murmurs, she fell into a void.

"Hey, hello, Sister Chen Lin, are you still there? Did you hang up?" Lin Ruoran looked at the phone, and the call was over.

Lin Ruoran was secretly grateful to hear that someone wanted to invest in himself.It has been so long since his debut, and finally someone appreciates it.It's just that when Lin Ruoran changed his mind, he realized that when he used to work in Liu Yi's company, those gold masters also used such names, but they were extremely shameful.

Each brain is full of intestines and fat, and has a big belly.As soon as I saw the woman, my eyes couldn't be separated anymore, my eyes were always on the girl's chest, buttocks, and legs, even openly touching with those fatty hands.

"Could it be a fishing trap, under the banner of discussing the script, and then want to do something wrong with me." Lin Ruoran increased his vigilance, thinking in his mind.

However, Chen Lin just said that it was President Lin who asked him to go.Lin Zhen is Lin Ruoran's boss and has a good understanding of her. He gave Lin Ruoran a rare opportunity. How could Lin Ruoran forget.

"Furthermore, Lin is always a rich young man, and he doesn't care about wealth and fame at all. There is no need for these indiscriminate methods to push his own artists on crooked roads." When he thought of this, Lin Ruoran was relieved a lot. .

After all, it was recommended by Lin Zhen, it might really help Lin Ruoran's future career.Moreover, as her own experiencer, Chen Lin has always worked hard. With this heavy ideological guarantee, Lin Ruoran finally eliminated her doubts.

This luxurious and splendid hotel is surprisingly quiet, probably because most people simply can't afford such a fee and they are discouraged early.

Fancy decorative lights are installed on both sides of the long corridor, which is both bright and eye-catching.Bright yellow lights hit the corridor wantonly, as if entering a wonderland, so beautiful that it was even unreal.

Everything was cleaned spotlessly, Lin Ruoran stepped on the carpet cautiously, afraid that the dust on his shoes would make it dirty.

Lin Ruoran was the only person in the empty and secluded passage, and the sound of high-heeled shoes stepped on her ears, frightening every step of the way.Without Chen Lin's company, Lin Ruoran felt a huge discomfort, and couldn't help panicking.

Lin Ruoran tidied up her clothes, straightened the collar, and buttoned every button.Strive to show an image of a backbone capable of doing every task so that the other party will not see yourself clearly.

The dress style that favors formal wear concealed Lin Ruoran's inadvertent appearance and exquisite curves.But it is not easy for the other party to have other evil thoughts.

Lin Ruoran came to the door of the room he explained, and the gold metal plate on the bronze door had 308 written on it.

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