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Lin Ruoran didn't know what was behind this door or who was in the room.

Lin Ruoran stood at the door, raising her fingers to knock on the door, but he lingered.A single woman came, and there was no familiar person to accompany her.There is no way to determine whether the person inside is a male or female, a good person or a bad person, Lin Ruoran faintly felt anxious in his heart.

"Boom," Lin Ruoran summoned the courage and finally knocked on the door.The crisp sound was transmitted into the room, Lin Ruoran listened carefully, but did not hear any movement in the room.

"Don't you think I am a room service, so I don't want to talk about it?" Lin Ruoran thought, rich people generally pay more attention to their privacy.She would not respond easily, which she can understand.

"Hello, I'm Lin Ruoran from Tiancheng Film and Television Company. Mr. Lin Zhen asked me to come over to negotiate. Would you please open the door?" Lin Ruoran asked gently inside, but there was still no answer.

Could it be that the people here went out?But obviously I made an appointment before, and Sister Chen Lin urged me to come.I didn't reply twice, maybe I wanted to trick me on purpose.Gradually, Lin Ruoran became interested in this room and wanted to find out.

Lin Ruoran patted the door hard with a hint of resentment.With a "crunch", the door of the room opened by itself, leaving a thick crack in the door.Lin Ruoran, with a beautiful face and a beautiful face, was suddenly taken aback. Could it be that he was too powerful to knock the door open?

If you think about it, it's impossible.Could it be that such a high-class hotel can be easily opened by others?It should be the original door was not closed, leaving a thin door gap.

A sharp and bright light poured out from the room, warm and peaceful with a fresh fragrance.Attracting people inexplicably, Lin Ruoran couldn't help poking her head and looking inside.

The white carpet extends from the doorway to the corner. Due to structural limitations, it is not possible to get a thorough view.

"Hello, is there anyone? I'm here for the appointment, are you there?" Lin Ruoran pushed the door open slightly, the layout was ingenious within sight, and the facilities were luxurious, but there was no one in the shadow.

Lin Ruoran is almost certain that there is no one in this room, but she doesn't give up and wants to confirm.Otherwise, if you just leave like this, you won't know who released the pigeons first.

Slender high-heeled shoes stepped on the carpet, all the sound and friction were submerged in this thick layer of softness.From the first step, give people a sense of comfort and peace of mind, and fall deeply into it.

Lin Ruoran quickly scanned the neat bed, the slumped sofa, and some messy papers on the table.Everything is announcing that the owner of this room has just left, and there is still a few traces of man's breath and tenderness.

"Sure enough, no one, it seems that they should have gone out." Lin Ruoran changed the restraint just now, and instantly relaxed a lot."Sorry for interrupting. I didn't mean to break in. I just wanted to make sure that there are no people. If there are no people, then I will go out first. I would take the liberty to say it.

After the explanation, Lin Ruoran was just about to go out.Suddenly, a black figure sprang out from the corner of the room and pounced impartially on Lin Ruoran.

"Ah", Lin Ruoran, who was so frightened that Huarong was pale, shouted out in a panic.Lin Ruoran felt a suffocation in her chest, and only after she became sober did she realize that she was hugged tightly from behind.Judging from the only physical contact, there was a man behind, whose tall body directly wrapped Lin Ruoran, Kong Wu's powerful arms firmly confined Lin Ruoran's thin arms.Eighth Book Bank

Oops, it won.Lin Ruoran suddenly realized that what was just now was a trap, and the purpose was to trap her.

hateful!Although Lin Ruoran couldn't look back at the gangster's face, she knew it in her heart.The other party must be a fat man with big ears and a greasy face.

Through treacherous tactics, to violently occupy one's body.It seems that Lin Zhen and Chen Lin were also deceived by him, and they were innocently pushed into the fire pit.

What should I do?Lin Ruoran yelled at the first thought, "Come on, help. Help me, there is a bad guy here. Is there anyone, please help me? Someone wants to plot an evil, call the police for me."

Lin Ruoran screamed desperately, thinking that he had just joined a new company and the filming of the film hadn't finished yet.I was hit by such a poisonous hand, and couldn't help but feel sad and increased my voice.

Even if you can't become famous in the future, you can't fall into the hands of this kind of person.

Lin Ruoran struggled hard, but helplessly the other party was a very powerful man.How could Lin Ruoran's weak body contend?

The door of the room was open, and Lin Ruoran's sharp voice was quickly transmitted outside.Lin Ruoran looked forward to the arrival of someone who could rescue her quickly.

In order to prevent extra people from coming to watch, the man behind covered Lin Ruoran's mouth with a large palm.

"Woo...cough..." Lin Ruoran howled desperately, only to find that it was only a faint whine.In a hurry, Lin Ruoran opened her mouth and bit her sharp teeth on the man's palm.

"Ah..." The man screamed in pain, he didn't expect Lin Ruoran to resist so fiercely, or even do such a thing.

Listening to the voice just now, Lin Ruoran hesitated for two seconds.Hey, why is this voice so familiar?

"Oh, it hurts. It's me, don't bite anymore, let go." The man changed from screaming to pleading.

Lin Ruoran trembled all over, and there was a tingling in her ears.Is this voice...

Lin Ruoran turned her back, looked at the man in front of her, and cried out in a panic: "Chu Mingxuan, what is going on with you. Why are you here, you, your hands..."

Looking up and down, it was indeed Chu Mingxuan that was right, neither his figure nor his appearance was wrong.It's just that there are a few stubbles on the chin, which adds a bit of vicissitudes.It was vaguely able to find that kind of extravagance from the eyebrows, as well as Ling Ling's gaze.

Chu Mingxuan had a grim expression and frowned.He closed his lips tightly and refused to let out a painful moan from inside.The right hand held the left arm tightly, and the tiger's mouth of the left hand clearly showed several deep tooth marks.

"This, I'm sorry..." Lin Ruoran looked at Chu Mingxuan's injured palm, guiltily covered her face with her hand, and lowered her head.

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