You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!So Lin Ruoran was still a little unhappy. Of course, this man didn’t care if Lin Ruoran was unhappy. After he told Lin Ruoran to be safe, he put on his windbreaker and left, leaving Lin Ruoran and her agent alone in the room again. Lin Ruoran looked at the agent who was sleeping soundly next to him. His agent was sleeping really well. The guy who just lifted the quilt didn't wake up, so Lin Ruoran was afraid of his economic growth, so he picked up the quilt on the floor. , And then put it on his own agent and himself.

Then the two people hugged each other tightly and fell asleep again. Sima Dingran came downstairs and took a taxi, and then went straight to the destination to find his friend. This friend was once a good friend of Sima Dingran, and he was considered him. The two young men grew up together, but when the two of them became adults, Sima definitely had a relative who served the country. So when he became an adult, he went to join the army, but he was a good friend, and his idea was to be with Sima. Not the same, his idea is to make a fortune.

So he went to Southeast Asia to develop. Of course, because the development track and adulthood are not in the same country, the relationship between the two people slowly faded. If Sima definitely wanted to find someone to help this time, he might not be back. Contacting this friend, so Sima must be anxious this time, ready to meet this good friend of his own, after all, not many things have changed in so many years.

The place where the two met was in a small restaurant in a local residential area. Sima certainly didn’t know the location of this place. It only came here through a taxi driver. He came to the door of the restaurant again. I saw that there was a short and sturdy black man standing at the door. After seeing this man, Sima certainly hadn’t seen his own hair for so many years, but after so many years of getting along with him, he had already treated him like a bird. He knew it, even if his good friend turned to dust, he knew it, so when he saw this person, he felt cordial. He quickly checked out the taxi driver, and then rushed into the taxi. Looking at the other two people were stunned.

Then the tears of the two people flowed. They have not seen each other for so many years, and have not seen each other for so many years. Meeting again is no longer the youthful appearance of the past. Sima must have grown strong and very domineering, this black and strong The man looks black and strong, and gives people a very shrewd feeling. After the two people glanced at each other, the two quickly rushed towards each other, and then the two hugged tightly together, and then tightly. Hug tightly together and patted each other's back.Book Bag Network

"Hahahaha, I haven’t seen you for so many years. You still haven’t grown tall as a kid. Didn’t you tell me that you were going to grow up to a little over 1.9 meters and then go to play in the American Professional Men’s League? Why are you now tall? It’s still the same. After so many years, your face is full of wrinkles and your skin has turned dark, but your height has not changed. I recognize you only by your height."

"Your mouth hasn't changed for so many years, and it still makes me dislike it. I said I was going to play professional basketball in the United States. The league was not angry with you. You laughed at me every day and laughed at me, my dwarf. It’s not because of you that I’m so short. You say that I’m short and I didn’t grow tall. So today you have to punish yourself three cups, which is regarded as an apologize to me."

The ridicule of two people is a joke to increase the friendship of each other in the ridicule. After the two patted their backs, they walked into this small restaurant hand in hand. They walked in a corner of the restaurant, and then said nothing, this man The short and stout man took out a bottle of Red Star Erguotou from his arms, and this piece was not like the one on the market that only contained a few taels of Xiaopingzi. Sima surely knew the bottle was in it. A few kilograms of wine, it seems that this good friend of my own is going to die with myself today. When he gets drunk, he can get drunk. Although my sister really wants to get drunk with this good friend, he still has things to do. The man who installed the Erguotou placed the Erguotou in the center of the table, and after making a please gesture to Sima, he picked it up and shook his head, and then said to his good friend.

"Now I have a career, I have things, so I can’t drink, good friend, although I really want to drink with you, but I really can’t drink now, what about opportunities in the future, I will not be drunk with you in the future. No return, after I finish this matter, let's drink into the hospital together, what do you think."

Sima Dingran was still very worried about Lin Ruoran and the safety of her agent, so he felt that he should not drink at this time, after all, drinking was a mistake.

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