Affair With Stranger At Our Wedding

Chapter 415: To give face.

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Dominant President Chong You Did Not Discuss Search Novels (" in Baidu!If something happens to Lin Ruoran, he will regret it then. Sima Dingran's words are very pertinent, but his good friend is not happy that he pushed the wine to Sima Dingran and then said to Sima Dingran.

"I haven’t seen you for so many years, so what’s wrong with buying you some wine? What do you mean if you have a drink? It’s to make our relationship further, do you know that after the two of us graduated from high school, after you joined the army, We haven’t seen each other in years. I used to think that you would never call this number again. Do you know that when I saw you calling me today, when I heard your familiar voice, I had How excited, I was almost crying at the time, I thought you forgot my friend, and did you know that I brought this bottle of Red Star Erguotou from China, and it was given to me by my old husband. I have been reluctant to drink it. If it weren’t for you, how could I have taken out this precious bottle of Red Star Erguotou? I used to be a good brother who planned to drink when my daughter got married. Don’t disappoint your brother’s kindness, I am I treated you as a brother and I invited you to drink this thing. Really, then we are neither drunk nor returned today."

This man's attitude is ten points resolute, on the other hand it is his own work, on the one hand it is his own feelings, Sima must be very entangled, what should I do?Just when he felt very entangled and overwhelmed, the installer had already asked the waiter to take two bowls, and then he opened the bottle of Red Star Erguotou, filled the bowl in front of Sima Dingran, and you put yourself The bowl was full, and then he raised his hand, and said the bowl to the man in front of him.

"When you left, you told me that you would renovate with me when you meet again. Now we have been separated for so many years. We have met for the first time. You are a real bastard. Years, you have retired for many years, you have never come to me, although I have been developing abroad, but you only need a phone as a brother, I will definitely come back to find you, this bowl of wine for the previous Those unpleasantness, don’t drink it. After drinking this bowl of wine, our brothers are still brothers. After drinking this bowl of wine, our feelings are still there. After all, we grew up together, since childhood, it is really iron buddy that cannot be iron. Dude, drink it."

My good buddy has been around for a long time, and he lifted it up high. If Sima would definitely not drink it, then he really wouldn’t be a good buddy for myself. I shouldn’t have been away from home for so many years, so Sima must be at this time. Slowly picked up the wine glass, after he gently touched the bowl of his good brother, then he gently brought the wine glass to his mouth again, but he just took a sip.Xishi Literature

"As the saying goes, the feelings are deep and bored. What do you mean by a small Corgi? Chu Mingxuan, do you look down on me? You are because you have developed so well in China for so many years and you look down on us abroad. A person who develops? Chu Mingxuan, I treat you as a good brother before I invite you to drink these. Is it that you are now so ignorant of your desires? I really don't know how you are a brother."

The brother's words kept stimulating Chu Mingxuan's heart like a bayonet. Chu Mingxuan felt that his heart was broken, but his brother was right. He hasn't seen each other for so many years. What's wrong with a drink?Is it okay to have a glass of wine?In addition, I still need the help of my good friend here, so Sima must have gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and poured all the wine from the bar in front of him into his throat.

"Is this Sima sure to be my good brother? Good brother, drink it. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Now we can just narrate, talk about our previous lives, and talk about our previous trends. Let’s talk about the things we missed before."

Then the two people sip the wine, one story, one sip of wine, one story, and they kept chatting. After talking for a long time, Chu Mingxuan also drank high. After she finished drinking the wine brought by her good brother, the two of them held hands. When he set out to walk out of this small restaurant, and then was about to go for a chic, Sima must suddenly think of something, patted his brother on the back, and then said to his brother.

"This time I drank with you, I almost forgot a little bit of business, I came to you for help this time, I am now a bodyguard, something happened to my job, I need your help, so I hope you can Help me, because I used to be your good brother, of course I am also your good brother now. I don’t know if you are willing to help me."

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