
What is a genius?

What are the types of geniuses?

There are triumphant progresses, some are late bloomers, some are transforming in the line of life and death, and some have sprung up after getting a chance.

So, what kind of genius is Wang Heng?

Before that day five years ago, Wang Heng's innate talent could only be regarded as excellent.

But after the battle with a mortal heart, he was transformed, and the potential in his body was stimulated.

Five years of closed-door cultivation, cultivation base Profound Realm Great Perfection, and then seized the opportunity of overtaking at the corner of Ruins Battlefield to emerge suddenly, crossing many levels in one fell swoop, and finally catching up with the group of people in Peak .

I have to say, this is a qualified protagonist template character.

Like the countless legendary stories, at first they were not favored by others, and then they chased after chance until they surpassed!

Opportunity, that is, resources.

This is always the fastest way for Martial Artist to improve its strength.

Because of this, Wang Heng can make such progress.

However, this battle was too reluctant to win.

In Zhang Yi's eyes, with the mortal blow, Wang Heng was completely exhausted at this time, and there was no resistance.


Leave aside Zhang Yi's mind. At this time, under the ring, many Martial Artists have their eyes flashing.

these two people fight each other with fate.

One person died on the spot, and one person exhausted all his strength. They all lost the power to fight again.

Although the ring has a recovery mechanism, with Wang Heng's state, there is no possibility of recovery in a short time, then this inheritance belongs...

Above the ring , Wang Heng looked at the silence below, and understood in his heart.

He must leave the battle for inheritance.

This is the cruelty of the inheritance rules. If you don't have the strength to absolutely exceed, and you want to win an inheritance stone pillar, you will surely meet rounds of challenges.

Of course, a Martial Artist can only challenge once. If it fails, there will be no chance.

Wang Heng adjusted his breath for a while and barely had the strength to walk, so he reluctantly walked off the ring and was held aside by Yun Xia with a distressed look.

The world is hard to have both ends. He can kill Lan Wu and it is already the best ending. How can he expect inheritance?

So, the important thing is not the process, but the result.


Zhang Yi complained in his heart: Gan! Why are the roles of the two supporting actors more passionate than his protagonist?

Of course, Zhang Yi just spit out casually.

He is not envious at all!

After all, Zhang Yi does not advocate skipping grades to challenge. With his stable personality, it is impossible to encounter such a life and death battle.

"Hey, such a thrilling battle, I'm afraid it's missed by me, sure enough, it's better for me to overcome the weak with the strong." He murmured in his heart.

This kind of enthusiasm, this kind of memorable thing, or leave it to others to do well, and he, just walk towards Peak slowly.


The Six Paths inheritance was vacant after Lan Wu and Wang Heng both retired, and then there was another fierce competition. , And was finally taken by a new Martial Artist in the mid-Earth Realm.

Not surprisingly, the seventh inheritance was also taken down by a Martial Artist from the mid-Earth Realm period. That person fought Lin Qing with hundreds of moves and then defeated him.

Only the eighth inheritance was finally taken by an Earth Realm Early-Stage Martial Artist Krypton Gold. The man was dressed in Third Rank treasure, and his armor was thicker than Third Rank Peak. Soil armor.

The auction price is not much lower than Monster Sealing Mirror.

Zhang Yi is also envious, this is a local tyrant, even if his cultivation base is profound, he is also moved.

So, all the eight inheritance stone pillars have candidates.

In addition to an Earth Realm Early-Stage, the lowest cultivation base of the other seven courses is also the mid-Earth Realm stage. After all, there are few skipping grades to challenge in the world.

"The eight pillars of inheritance are all candidates. The real inheritance moment is about to begin." Zhang Yi thought, suddenly moved in his heart, and looked up.


At this time, as the last inheritor was in place, the sky above the entire Inheritance Land suddenly changed.

There is a barrier emerging from the sky, it is the banning formation that appears.

Then, the majestic Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi poured in backwards, slowly turning, it actually formed a huge energy vortex about thousands of meters!

While the vortex revolves, an extremely mysterious breath gushes out from it.


The eight inheritance stone pillars glowed, and eight pillars of light rose into the sky, connected between Heaven and Earth, and inserted into the vortex.

The endless rays of light suddenly poured down the beam of light, directly covering Zhang Yi's body.

[You are accepting sword dao inheritance...]

In the system prompt, Zhang Yi closed his eyes.

At the same time, many Martial Artists within Ruins Battlefield discovered that this world suddenly became repulsive, and an oppression flooded their minds and made them leave.

It's time to leave, many Martial Artists thought.

They looked at the silhouette in the eight pillars of inheritance light with different looks, with envy, jealousy, and unwillingness, but in the end, they left one after another.

Their Ruins Battlefield tour stops here.

"Senior Brother, how is it?"

Yun Xia asked worriedly.

Wang Heng reluctantly laughed, "It's just that I don't have enough energy. For the following section of the road, I have to rely on you."

"Leave it to me."



And outside.

Five Heaven Realm experts are entrenched.

Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi wanders around obediently.

At this time, all five of them felt a little bit and looked at the forbidden formation.

There was constant turbulence in the ripples, and then the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi all around converged towards there.

"It seems that Badao inheritance has already determined the candidate." Someone faintly said.

"I hope they can seize this opportunity and soar all the way, so that our thirteen nations will have a higher status in Star Realm." Another person shook his head and said.

"Who can say clearly about the future?"


And Zhang Yi, his thoughts are floating, as if Entered the ethereal realm, and came to a dark side between Heaven and Earth.

In front of him, there is a middle-aged man with his back to Zhang Yi.

Is this the Martial Artist who left this sword dao inheritance?

The super powerhouse on the legendary Heaven Realm?

Zhang Yi opened his eyes wide, trying to see clearly, but he always felt like looking at flowers in the water, with a hazy feeling. It was obvious that the distance between the two of them was only three or four meters, but he Just can't see the silhouette of the man clearly.

He wanted to raise his foot to walk forward, but found that no matter he walked forward or backward, or took a space walk, the distance between him and the man remained the same.

Is this the inheritance process?

Zhang Yi thought in his heart, took a look at system, and waited to see the progress bar displayed by system:

[sword dao inheritance...1%, 2% 】

Zhang Yi calmed down, stopped doing useless work, procrastinated if there was no response, there was a system prompt, so don't panic.

"What is a swordsman?"

Suddenly, just as Zhang Yi thought this way, a voice rang in this empty space between Heaven and Earth.

"Is this a questioning session of sword dao inheritance?"

Zhang Yi thought, glanced at the progress bar, and thought about the novels he had read in his previous life, said in a tranquil voice:

"Swordsman, when fearless, press forward, even if the front is the ten thousand zhang abyss, still moving forward without the slightest hesitation is a determined spirit and persistent belief. Retreat, don’t evade, and still believe in yourself in desperate situations, so you should be a true swordsman."

Zhang Yi talked a lot, as long as he said enough, you can always get a few of them right. Bar.

The voice was silent for a few seconds before continuing, "Is this your true thoughts?"

Zhang Yi frowned, haven't you passed the level yet?


Zhang Yi sighed lightly and said calmly, "No, what a swordsman is, I haven't really thought about it. I just feel that using a sword is more handsome. It's just a sword."

Vaguely, Zhang Yi seemed to hear a chuckle in his ear, but he didn't feel that he could hear anything.

Of course, Zhang Yi, as a transmigrator, would naturally not ignore it. Then he did hear a chuckle. Was it the sound of the man in front of him?

Is his own answer that made him laugh? Zhang Yi feels that the probability is great.

Zhang Yi looked at the progress bar of the system again, it was perfect, the progress bar is still beating constantly, this is the source of Zhang Yi's confidence.

"sword dao, in the heart, everything can be a sword, a swordsman, when you have a sharp edge, maintain an enterprising heart, and fear the challenges of the world, so you can be regarded as a true swordsman." That voice Spread.

And Zhang Yi frowned, replied, "The edge of the sword cultivator is only a characteristic attributed to it by its sword dao, just like the softness of water, the violent fire, Weightiness of Earth, nothing more."

"Although I choose to repair the sword, I don’t necessarily have to be sharp, but follow my heart."

"I want to be free, or to escape, or to face, or to be angry, or to be timid. The temperament can only be determined by myself. My path must follow my heart."

"Even if it is sword dao, it is also sword dao that suits me, not me to cater to it."

As Zhang Yi finished this sentence, it seemed as if something was offended. Suddenly, a violent wind swept across Heaven and Earth. The purple thunder in the dark clouds in the distance slashed down, and the earth was cracking. Fang world is about to be destroyed!

Zhang Yi only feels like a calm boat in the sea. At this time, the sea is angry and the waves are undulating, and the lone boat is about to be dumped.

Immediately, Zhang Yi suddenly found that the hazy feeling between him and the man in front of him disappeared, and Zhang Yi could see the silhouette of the man clearly.

After that, he found that he could act.

Zhang Yi was taken aback, and then ran over violently, putting his hand on the man's shoulder and pulling hard.

This guy should be the owner of the sword dao inheritance, he naturally wants to see the truth.

As Zhang Yi turned the man around, Zhang Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and then his face was full of horror and fear!

This is the first time Zhang Yi has been scared!

The man in front of him is exactly the same as him!

At this time,

A smile appeared on the man's expressionless face like a wood, and Zhang Yi was so scared that Zhang Yi quickly pushed himself to the ground.

Following Zhang Yi's actions, Heaven and Earth suddenly broke into countless mirrors. At the last moment, Zhang Yi only saw the man who was exactly like him turned into a breath, and then fell into it. In his heart.

When he was blinded by darkness, Zhang Yi seemed to have a clear comprehension. The standing man was his heart.

Just now......

Are you introspect yourself......

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