Heaven and Earth shattered, and the darkness flooded Zhang Yi's sight. He seemed to be in a dark empty space, without the concept of distance and time.

"oh la la!"

I don't know how long it has been floating, and Zhang Yi woke up suddenly with the sound of water.

He opened his eyes and found that he was on a white sandy beach with sea water submerging his lower body.

Did you hear the sound of hua hua in the sea just now?

He first looked at the system, and after seeing the 50% progress bar that was still going forward, Zhang Yi relaxed, and with the system, he was fearless!

The question of asking the soul just now is really evil!

The man who is exactly like Zhang Yi, that ghostly smile is too terrifying!

Though looking back now, Zhang Yi has to compliment him for being so handsome!


In this world, he is enough, there is no need for extras.

Compared with this kind of weird performance, Zhang Yi finds that he still prefers to go straight. Isn't it okay to be more honest?

Zhang Yi stood up, changed his clothes, and touched his chin.


After he is also a super expert in the future, why not leave a chance everywhere?

At all times, I found the opportunity he left by accident somewhere, and then it triggered a fight among all parties...

Think about it, that seems quite interesting?

Of course,

He will not intervene in the future. After all, being a director is very tiring. He deeply felt the hardship after Lan Wu and Wang Heng.

In the future, if someone gets the chance left by Zhang Yi, is it soaring to the sky, or being murdered to seize the treasures, then it’s not in Zhang Yi’s consideration. Up.

I’m buried here by chance, and your future depends on your own struggle.

Just like he helped the pair of siblings in Qianji City.

Zhang Yi just gave him a chance, and his future success depends on him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi stroked his chin.

"By the way, the first time I saw them back then, I should have been around 70 years old, and now I’m 81 years old. After so many years, the kid should be 23 years old, and the girl Well, they should be seventeen years old."

"I don't know what happened to them. Did they grow up smoothly or have an accident happened?" After thinking about it, Zhang Yi made a decision.

After accepting sword dao inheritance and returning to Raging Fire Country, stop by Qianji City to find out their news.

I just don’t know if they are still there after so many years?

Of course, Zhang Yi feels that there is little hope of finding them. After all, eleven years have passed. This is not a short span of time.

After making a decision, Zhang Yi's mind returned to all around, "It should still be in inheritance."

He looked towards all around and found that all around is a piece of The ocean, and he is on a small island.

The island is not big, it is estimated that it is about a few playgrounds, I am afraid that a larger wave will flood it.

In the center of the island, there is a grassy wood house.

Zhang Yi is definitely nodded, "I said that the thatched house is the standard configuration of the hidden expert, and it really is so."

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi walked towards the wood house Go, "In other words, I should be considered to have passed the first round test. "

Although the system is already receiving sword dao inheritance, I still have to go through the process.

Um...the so-called story?

After that, Zhang Yi came to the door of the wood house.

"pēng pēng pēng. "

Zhang Yi tapped his fingers three times.

"Squeak. "

With a squeak, the door opened.

Zhang Yi did not report any hope of knocking on the door just out of courtesy, and received feedback.

Zhang Yi's heart shook, and the door opened automatically.

Zhang Yi immediately recovered his calm, and as he stepped forward, he also saw the situation inside the wood house.

At the table in the wood house, there is a middle-aged man sitting there.

At this time, Zhang Yi’s arrival seems to have broken something. This middle-aged man lifts the head After looking towards Zhang Yi for a while, he said in a tranquil voice, "Do you accept my inheritance?" "

"Junior Zhang Yi, I have met senior. Zhang Yi said respectfully, arching his hands.

"Sit down. "

The middle-aged man looked calm, pointed to the side of the wooden table casually, and said.

Zhang Yi naturally did not postpone the action, but calmly The middle-aged man sat down opposite.

Zhang Yi thought for a while and asked, "senior, did I pass the first round test? "

middle-aged man nodded, said, "No matter what the problem of the first round test is, it can be summarized in four words in the final analysis, stick to the heart. "

"Marital Dao Path, only by sticking to the heart and not getting lost in all the temptations can it go to the end. ”

Whether it is Sword Dao or other Martial Dao roads, it is very important to stick to your heart.

Zhang Yi nodded, stick to your heart, this is for him. It’s simple, but over the years, he has perfectly followed his original intention.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi asked again, “senior, if my first round test fails, what will happen? ? "

This question Zhang Yi is really curious. Although there is a system, the failure of answering will not affect the inheritance of sword dao, but the plot will change a lot.

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Yi and said slowly, "If you fail the first round test, you will still get part of the inheritance, but only part of the inheritance, and you won't see me. "

"Is this..." Zhang Yi looked thoughtful.

Then this sword dao inheritance is very humane, no matter whether the test is successful or not, you can get a part of the word dao Inheritance will not be empty-handed and make your face dull.

The middle-aged man went on to say, “Since it’s here, then sit down and chat with me, although this is just a piece left by me when I was alive. image. "

"Yes, senior. "

Zhang Yi said obediently, and then started to communicate with the middle-aged man.

However, Zhang Yi soon discovered the generation gap because of the few names the man said He didn’t know at all, and he had never heard of it.

Soon, the middle-aged man also reacted, and had to sighed and said the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, and then stopped mentioning about Questions in this area, instead, I asked them casually.

"Boy, what is your Martial Dao goal? "

"senior What does this mean?" "Zhang Yi asked puzzledly.

"It's your goal for Martial Dao. Generally speaking, you have a goal. "

"For example, wishing to become a Sect Master in the future, or establishing the sect, or revenge, etc., will have a clear goal. "

Zhang Yi heard the middle-aged man's answer, thought for a while and said, "Long live, this is my goal." "

And the middle-aged man was taken aback, then laughed heartily, as if he had heard something funny.

"senior, what's wrong, is this goal very abstract? ? "

"you brat, really dare to think about it!" "

After laughing for a while, the middle-aged man said.

"You know, even me, I haven't seen a long-lived person. "

"This goal is completely unachievable! "

"Even the saint is only a lifespan of thousands of years. "


A name I’ve never heard!

Zhang Yi's eyes narrowed, "senior, this realm of the sage is after Heaven Realm The realm? "

"Not bad! "

middle-aged man nodded.

"Waiting for breakthrough Heaven Realm is to reach the realm of the sage and master the power of the sage. At that time, not to mention running amuck throughout the world, but Ren Woxing can also be the world. "

"Your goal of longevity is too far and vague. Simply impossible! It's not as practical as it is to be a holy person as the goal, this is a little bit possible. "

"But it's just a little bit possible! There are countless Heaven's Chosen, but very few can become Saints. "

Zhang Yi retorted in his heart, I can now Ren Woxing in the world.

It’s also not right. Maybe he said the world is two different from Zhang Yi’s current world. Meaning.

"Senior, is it possible that the sage is the realm?" Zhang Yi asked.

"That's right! "

The middle-aged man answered with a smile.


Then I think it’s easy to be a saint, Zhang Yi I thought to myself.

But Zhang Yi naturally couldn't answer that way, so he pondered for a while, replied against his will, "It seems really difficult. "

This is a white lie.

Zhang Yi never tells a lie, unless compelled by circumstances.

"That is, I think at the beginning, I also experienced sufferer The untold hardships only break through to this realm. "The middle-aged man said.

"The senior, please help Junior. "

"What's the hurry, I won't be able to give you the sword dao inheritance later, but I will realize it by myself." "Middle-aged man said dissatisfied.

"Oh, my Sword Dao insight can only help you reach the limit of Heaven Realm. After that, you have to comprehend yourself. After all, everyone The roads are different. "

Zhang Yi nodded, very understanding, "thanks Senior. "

Zhang Yi then asked, "senior, is there a way to revive others?" "

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows: "en?"

"You brat thinks a long way. One will be longevity, and the other will be resurrection. Isn't it invincible? in the whole world? "

Zhang Yi's old face is a bit embarrassed, replied, "This is not a rare opportunity to meet a super expert like a senior, I just want to ask. "

"hmph! Don't shoot flattery, although the truth is told, I don't want this set. "

middle-aged man scolded, it seems a bit angry and disappointed.

"Don’t think about it so much, obediently and honestly cultivation, don’t aim too high, maybe you can Bring it up a level, otherwise Heaven Realm will not be able to break through. "

"Is the Heaven's Chosen outside so unbearable?" Such a person who accepts my sword dao inheritor is actually so eyes high above the top. "The man seemed very disappointed, his figure gradually dimmed.

"Eh, senior! "

Zhang Yi yelled.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, in midair gathered a big sword, and then waved his palm, this big sword was directly inserted into Zhang Yi In his body.


Zhang Yi called out pitifully.

He feels very painful, super painful!

That nihility sword was directly inserted into his brain!


At this moment, Zhang Yi's intention Sea of ​​Consciousness roared loudly at this moment, rolling up and rolling. Waves.

Above Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a great sword of nothing standing in the air, spraying sword dao profound mystery towards all directions, one after another sword dao, the storm swept away in Zhang Yi’s head Come!


"I will give you a bit of hardship, let you converge, and do things with your feet on the ground. "

In the murmur, the middle-aged man's figure gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared.

In the wood house, only Zhang Yi screamed.

In the progress bar of the system, the progress bar for accepting sword dao inheritance also began to speed up.

In Zhang Yi’s opened eyes, at this moment, there is a bright sword light gathering. Countless sword shadow sword moves passed in his eyes.

And this super powerhouse’s various perceptions of sword dao, unique understanding of martial skills, and various mysterious intents of sword intents were all caught by Zhang Yi at this time. Absorbed.

Zhang Yi is like a dry sponge, and it swells up quickly after being put in the water!

Although the man is a bit unkind, Zhang Yi is very painful, but useful Ah.

At this moment, Zhang Yi just wanted to say:

"Don't stop! "

If it is only painful for a period of time to obtain such a large amount of various knowledge, Zhang Yi let go of his chest and said that despite coming, he is not afraid of it.

Pain and happiness In, Zhang Yi’s sword dao comprehension is rapidly improving!


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