Thunderclap Seed,


Earth Realm Great Perfection, Concept of Thunder 49%!

True essence is purified once.

Looking at the feedback given by Eye of Revelation, Zhang Yi frowned, and then stretched out.

Thunderclap Seed, it turned out to be him.

Zhang Yi saw this name in the information given by Rose Chamber of Commerce before, and learned that he had entered the land of Lei Ze, but didn't want to run into it here.

With such strength, it is no wonder that he dared to snatch the inner core of the thunder giant beast in his hands.

While thoughts were surging, Zhang Yi looked at each other coldly, without the slightest ups and downs in his tone.

"Your Excellency is also a person with a head and a face, but doing this kind of bargaining is a price drop. Are you afraid of being laughed at?"

"This thunder giant beast depends on me alone One person can be killed. How can you find the cheapest? You are just one step ahead."

"Furthermore, even if I really snatch it, so what? Who dares to laugh at this Star Realm? Me?"

Thunderclap Seed replied unceremoniously.

Zhang Yi looked at him, and after a while suddenly laughed, "Your reliance is the movement method."


Zhang Yi is calm He said, "You decide that I am not as fast as yours."

"You are confident that even if I attack, you can get rid of me quickly, so you are so calm and indifferent."

"So what?"

Thunderclap Seed slightly frowned, the tone is still calm.

Seeing what it is, it won't work if you can't touch him.

In the previous battle between Zhang Yi and the thunder giant beast, he lurked on the sidelines but watched for a long time.

Although Zhang Yi's burst of battle strength surprised him, its speed was still too slow for him.


Thunderclap Seed is full of confidence in himself, even if he fights Zhang Yi head-on, he is sure to win.

"Hand over the inner core of the thunder giant beast, I can let you go, otherwise, the price you have to pay is more than that."

Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice.

"hmph, what a big tone!"

Thunderclap Seed heard Zhang Yi's words, extremely angry, and laughed, just about to say something, a cold sword qi came from behind Cut it over.

At this time,

The Zhang Yi silhouette on the opposite side began to fade slowly. This turned out to be an afterimage!

As early as when he was speaking, Zhang Yi had already acted.


Zhang Yi's sword did not hit, but slashed in the air.

In the middle of the distance, the space suddenly blurred, and then the figure of Thunderclap Seed emerged from it.

He laughed, with disapproval in his eyes, "Your strength is indeed good. Although you did not make a name on the top of the list, you must have a place in the top 20."

"But it's a pity , Your speed is still a bit short. If you can’t attack people, what is the use of martial power?"


Thunderclap Seed's figure turned into A black shadow swiftly rushed towards the distance, and his wanton voice rang from all corners of the field.

"I want the Thunderclap Seed for the inner core of this thunder giant beast!"

Zhang Yi looked at his back with calm expressions.

Although he has a system, Zhang Yi is not so arrogant that he is invincible on the same level. He might overturn one day.

But at least not now.

It's only 14 on the list. Now Zhang Yi is really not afraid.

The silhouette of Zhang Yi left in place faded and then disappeared. Only the corpse of a thunder giant beast was left on the ground washed by the heavy rain.


After a while,

Cao San and the others looked at the corpse of thunder giant beast with embarrassment, trembling all over.

They spent a lot of effort to put the thunder giant beast into a violent state, and they are planning to kill it after it has fallen into a period of weakness.

But I was cut off by others, and I can imagine the depression and anger in my heart.

Although they converge all their breath and divine sense, they cannot actively explore what is happening outside.

But the fluctuations in the battle between Zhang Yi and the thunder giant beast still made them aware.

At that time, their hearts sank, but they still had a little hope.

And now, it is the moment when expectations are shattered.

Even so, Cao San and the others dare not say more or do more.

Because they heard that sentence, I want the inner core of this thunder giant beast, Thunderclap Seed!

In other words,

The person who won this inner core is the 14th Thunderclap Seed.

Cao San and the others can only bite into his stomach and swallow.


There are other sounds besides Thunderclap Seed.

Is it a person of the same level as Thunderclap Seed?


On the other side,

A pursuit battle is underway.

Due to the true essence of the secondary purification, Zhang Yi has an advantage in this respect.

But there is a big gap in the movement method.

Under such catching up, the distance from Thunderclap Seed is getting bigger and bigger.

Thunderclap Seed is obviously also aware of this scene, laughed heartily, "Why do you waste time, I think, it is better to take advantage of this time to find a thunder giant beast."

Thunderclap Seed's mocking words came, Zhang Yi's expression remained unchanged, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

The opponent's movement method has reached Perfection Realm, so he can't catch up with the opponent.

"The inner core of the thunder giant beast is very important to me, so that I can impact the fleshy body in the later period of Earth Realm. At that time, it will only take another year or two. I will You can purify the true essence for the third time, try to breakthrough Heaven Realm......"

"In other words, I must stop the opponent!"

Zhang Yi thoughts move, open the attribute Panel, go to the Movement Martial Skill column:

Third Rank movement method: Great Accomplishment

Touch this column, and a prompt pops up:

[Whether to spend 30,000 cultivation points to upgrade Lightning and Thunder to Perfection Realm? 】

Zhang Yi looked at Thunderclap Seed, his eyes flickered.


This is the first time I have been forced to add some more, and I will let you spit it out later!


Zhang Yi clicks Yes.

【Upgrade successfully! 】

[Third Rank movement method: Lightning and thunder (Perfection)]

Zhang Yi’s meaning of Sea of ​​Consciousness tumbling violently, countless knowledge emerged out of thin air, and was quickly caught by Zhang Yi As a result, his understanding of this movement method is improving rapidly every second.

Zhang Yi was chasing Thunderclap Seed in midair, but the speed at which he reached the limit suddenly increased by one point.

And this is not the end, but just the beginning.

With the absorption of knowledge, Zhang Yi's understanding of the movement method of lightning and thunder suddenly became more and more profound, and its speed became faster and faster.

"How is it possible!"

Feeling the sudden acceleration of Zhang Yi behind him, Thunderclap Seed's face changed.

What's the matter?

The opponent's speed suddenly became faster.

Is it a secret technique?

Surprise flashed in my heart, Thunderclap Seed dared not take the slightest carelessness, and fully urged the movement method.

The two of them all turned into a stream of light in the air, passing away in a flash.

Zhang Yi became more and more calm.

At a certain moment, his eyes shined.

"Lightning and thunder, so that's how it is."

With the thorough absorbing of knowledge, Zhang Yi's imposing manner suddenly changed, as if it really became a piece lightning.

Zhang Yi stepped on, thunder spread in the air, and his whole body turned into an electric light and rushed over at the instant the sound of thunder sounded.

Thunder and lightning disappeared in a flash.

It is to hit the target.

The extremely long distance is just a flash of thunder and lightning.

Thunderclap Seed only felt an electric light passing by, saw a blur, Zhang Yi was in front of him.

There are many types of movement methods, such as hurrying, dexterity, charm and so on.

In terms of speed alone, the Raiden movement method is undoubtedly one of the fastest.

Looking at Zhang Yi, the moment he got in front of him, Thunderclap Seed's figure stopped suddenly, his face looked at Zhang Yi with a stern look, and he said with an irritated expression:

"Hehe, your Excellency is a good method. Didn't expect still kept a hand in the battle, but it taught me."

Keep a hand?


Boy, your situation is still small.

Zhang Yi said in his heart, his face unchanged, "Why, is it a guilty conscience?"


Thunderclap Seed looked coldly While talking to Zhang Yi, he said in a deep voice, "Everyone is the Earth Realm Great Perfection. Who wins and who loses is not necessarily the case."

"Before I didn’t want to spend a lot of time, you really thought you. Can you win me stably?"

After that,

The true essence of Thunderclap Seed soars into the sky, and the pressure is rolling toward Zhang Yi.

"Then see the real chapter under your hand."

Zhang Yi watched this scene, the true essence was also exuding, and he faintly confronted Thunderclap Seed.

The two powers were handed over in mid-air, and then they began to pull, and finally formed a situation of forty or six points.

Thunderclap Seed four, Zhang Yi six.

"The second purification, your Excellency really cannot be underestimated."

Thunderclap Seed looked at this scene, and his face became more gloomy.

Originally, if he absorbs the inner core of the thunder giant beast, the number of times the true essence is purified can quickly reach the Second Layer.

But before that, we must first solve the obstacles in front of us.


Zhang Yi grabbed the Void, held the Flying Mark Sword in his hand, and then pointed the tip of the sword straight to Thunderclap Seed.

"Let me see what the strength of the fourteenth place is, is it not just in name only, but also in reality."

Zhang Yi speaks indifferently, looking in his eyes The more calm he became, his sharp eyes locked on Thunderclap Seed tightly.


Zhang Yi moved.

I saw a snow-white sword light cut out.

There was a thunder in the air, and Zhang Yi's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

"in a flash!"

Although the formidable power of this blow is not great, it is extremely fast.

A cold light carrying an astonishing 50% sword intent slammed out, extremely fast, tearing the air instantly, and arrived in front of Thunderclap Seed.

Thunderclap Seed face doesn't change, the right hand seems to be shot slowly and quickly with a palm, forming a thunder mark, and then colliding with Zhang Yi's cold light.

At the moment of impact, the shock wave burst out, his eyes slightly shrink.

A crack appeared on the Thunder Seal.

"Five percent sword intent!"

Thunderclap Seed was condensed, and didn't expect Zhang Yi's sword intent to reach this level.

The true essence of the second purification and 50% of the sword intent? It seems that this person has already embarked on the path of breakthrough Heaven Realm.

Thunderclap Seed's evaluation of Zhang Yi has improved again.

This person is extremely difficult!

If Zhang Yi knew that Zhang Yi's sword intent had reached 50%, he would never interfere.

But now, he has if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off!

"Damn it!"

Ming Mingming will move method cultivation arrives at perfection, but deliberately does not display it. Is this playing the pig to eat the tiger?

Thunderclap Seed was cursed in anger, and then his fist rolled.


Thunderclap Seed a light shout, and then Thunderclap exploded, and sword qi disappeared instantly.

But at this moment,

Zhang Yi is close.

Zhang Yi turned the long sword, a sword swept across, Thunderclap Seed reacted immediately, and saw that he pinched the thunder mark in his hand, and then slapped the sword fiercely.

Zhang Yi's attack was blocked, and Thunderclap Seed was backed by a few meters.

Then the two fought together again.

For a time, sword light is vertical and horizontal, boxing is domineering, and the two collide sharply, sparks flying in all directions, and the power is amazing.

The two went from the sky to the underground, and then from the underground to the sky. They did not make any concessions and pressed on every step of the way.

"Thunderclap Seed!"

Thunderclap Seed screamed, Thunder Element true essence gathered on its fist along a specific rotation route. Suddenly, I saw that the fist had The purple texture emerged, and then he slammed forward with a punch.

"Lightning cut!"

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate either. With his wrist shaking, a sword glow burst from the long sword to cut off the spar, and he slammed the fist of Thunderclap Seed. superior.

This blow,

Zhang Yi floated and retreated.

Thunderclap Seed, on the other hand, could no longer bear the insufficiency and was cut into the ground by a sword.

"pu! ”

Thunderclap Seed spit a mouthful of blood.

He looked towards the right hand fist, and saw a deep crack on it.

His Thunder Fist was cracked.

In addition to the weakness of artistic conception and true essence, Zhang Yi also accurately grasped the node where true essence operates in his thunder-extinguishing fist.

This lightning slash accurately hit the weakest place of his Thunder Fist, causing him to be at the bottom of the situation into instant defeat.

"I lost."

After taking a few deep breaths, Thunderclap Seed said unwillingly.

He still didn't use the trump card, but the other party's terrifying thunder blow did not perform.

Under such circumstances, he has fallen into a disadvantage.

If you use a trump card, you can't control the formidable power in it. At that time, the battle will be upgraded to fight for life.

And obviously, it is unwise to fight for the inner core of a thunder giant beast.

So, after the defeat, Thunderclap Seed had to give in.

When the opponent admits defeat, Zhang Yi will not kill him again.

For the same reason, it would be unwise to kill him for the inner core of a thunder giant beast.

Currently, the two sides are just competing for chance. If their skills are not as good as others, just withdraw.

If Zhang Yi kills the opponent, then the trouble will be big.


Thunderclap Seed surrendered and Zhang Yi fell across from him.

At this time,

After deciding to admit defeat, Thunderclap Seed did not hesitate and threw the inner core of the thunder giant beast directly to Zhang Yi.

"Your means made me admire, this time I lost, next time, I will beat you!"

Hearing Thunderclap Seed's words, Zhang Yi secretly smiled.


Want to chase me?

The gap between us will only get bigger and bigger.

In the mouth, Zhang Yi said in a tranquil voice, "Then I am looking forward to it."

I took the inner core, and Zhang Yi checked it out and received it in the jade box , Said slowly, "Next, it's a loss."


Thunderclap Seed brows tightly knit.

"You robbed the inner core that belonged to me, and now you lose to me. It won't be without a price."

Zhang Yi said in a usual tone.

Thunderclap Seed's complexion showed pain, knowing that he was inevitably blackmailed by the other party.

This time, it was really impossible to steal the chicken, but it eroded the rice.

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