Thunderclap Seed took a deep breath and looked towards Zhang Yi after calming down.

"What do you want."

"I'm not a devil, just give a few thousand Spirit Stones, it's just the cost of this battle for your training. Yes, of course, if you have materials that contain Power of Five Elements, you can also use them to offset it."

Zhang Yi casually said.

"Thousands of Spirit Stones?"

"Why don't you grab it!"

The veins on the forehead of Thunderclap Seed bulged, angrily shouted.

"Didn't you steal me first?"

Zhang Yi said, giving him a cold look in his eyes.

And this unsentimental glance swallowed Thunderclap Seed again.

Skills are not as good as people,

I just bow my head.

He said dullly as if pinching his nose, "Two thousand Spirit Stones, plus one two catties of cracked gold stone."

Zhang Yi heard Thunderclap Seed's answer, and the corner of his mouth showed a trace. Smile.


Seeing Zhang Yi agree, Thunderclap Seed was also subconsciously relaxed in his heart, and then he felt a little aggrieved.

At any rate, he is also a young expert on the fourteenth dignified list.

Among the younger generations of Zhongyu, they are considered to be well-known, but now they have to make this kind of compensation.

Amidst all kinds of complex emotions, the Thunderclap Seed storage ring flashed, and then there were countless Spirit Stones appearing in the air, which was mixed with a golden stone.

Zhang Yi divine sense surging, that is, the quantity is confirmed, and then with a wave of the hand, it is included in the storage ring.

"You can let me go."

Thunderclap Seed said aggrieved aside, he really wants to leave this sad place as soon as possible!

"There is another question."

"Why did you show up in Leize area? Don't tell me you are here for this thunder giant beast."

Zhang Yi then asked.


Thunderclap Seed exhaled, then said flatly.


"In a while, there will be a thunderstorm here, and I am here for this."


When Zhang Yi heard this answer, his eyes flickered, and he looked towards Thunderclap Seed, said with a smile, "Now you can go."


"Next time, I will definitely win you!"

After dropping this cruel word, Thunderclap Seed flew away.

Just looking at his back, he looked a little bit down, and the cruel words he left seemed so weak.


Zhang Yi murmured in a low voice, his expression calm.

Half a moment, he shook the head, choosing to leave it behind for the time being, now is not the time to think about it.

Zhang Yi body flashed, jumped into the air, and cast his gaze to the ground below.

At this time, in Zhang Yi's eyes, a large area of ​​the dense forest below had been destroyed after his battle with Thunderclap Seed.

In a patch of green, there is a broken place that looks particularly dazzling.

"Up to now, Martial Artist has begun to show the destructive power of the outside world."

Zhang Yi whispered, his expression unchanged.

Immediately, his toes were a little bit, his figure disappeared in the air, and he left here.

The harvest this time is not small, it's time to retreat for a while.

Obtaining resources is only the 1st Step, and it is still far from the end. Only by turning what you have obtained into a cultivation base is the end.


One day later.

Above a towering and steep mountain, Zhang Yi's figure appeared.

His divine sense gushes out to cover all around, observes the movement of all around, and then unfolds Eye of Revelation again.

I checked the surrounding situation again, and after confirming that it was safe, Zhang Yi sit cross-legged and started to lightly harvest.


First of all, his own reserves, almost five thousand five hundred Spirit Stone.

Then it was the harvest of the unknown black clothed man killed when he fished in troubled waters in the cave of the thunder giant beast.

The first is Spirit Stone, about 2,200 or so.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but squeezed his mouth.

This product is too poor, it is totally unworthy of Earth Realm's mid-term cultivation base.

In addition to the Spirit Stone, there is also a black short blade. This is a Third Rank weapon, which can be sold for a lot of price.

Apart from this, there are some miscellaneous things, although all aspects, they are not of high value.

It seems that there is also a guy who exchanges some small money for resources immediately.

But it's normal.

Normal Martial Artist, with the harvest of Spirit Stone, the first thing naturally is to transform into his own cultivation base, just like Zhang Yi.

"Huh, is this?"

During cleaning, Zhang Yi suddenly entered something in his eyes.

"Breath Restraining Technique?"

Zhang Yi divine sense dived into it, and soon he had a preliminary understanding.

"The secret technique that can hide one's own breath, so that's how it is."

Zhang Yi suddenly understood.

It turned out that it was relying on this secret technique that that guy could lurk so close to Zhang Yi.

You must know,

Although Zhang Yi is very arrogant, but still vigilant in the cave, he has not been spotted immediately.

Know that the other party is only in the mid-term of Earth Realm, and Zhang Yi is the Earth Realm Great Perfection, and there is a gap of two small realm in the middle.

"It's really an indispensable means of killing people and making money." Zhang Yi sighed.

Zhang Yi undoubtedly immediately understood how valuable this Breath Restraining Technique is.

"Take it away for now, let's break through and then cultivation."

Thinking about it, Zhang Yi put it away.


After that, Zhang Yi took out the three Raikage flowers and the inner core and Thunder Spirit Crystal of the thunder giant beast.

Looking at these three items, Zhang Yi thought for a while and quickly determined the purpose.


"Raikinghua will stay here for the time being, and wait until the thunderstorm to use it. Then, Raikinghua will add to Thunder Element. Under the circumstances, perhaps you will gain a lot."

"When retreating, first absorb the Thunder Spirit Crystal, push the fleshy body forward one more space, and then swallow the thunder inner core to complete the fleshy The breakthrough of the last step of the body."

"When the fleshy body breakthrough is completed, it is the time to officially start the cultivation thunder Third Layer."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi again It was an apologize for taking out the Thunderclap Seed.

Two thousand Spirit Stones and a piece of gold cracked stone respectively.


"In this way, the total amount of Spirit Stone is around nine thousand seven."

Zhang Yi mouth expose a smile .

Then Zhang Yi seemed to think of something, shook the head, and sighed.

"Now that the Spirit Stone has turned to cultivation points, it’s a bit of a loss."

"Anyway, there is no room for improvement in the cultivation base. I still use the Rose Chamber of Commerce to purchase materials to upgrade the Spirit Pond. Right."

After all, that is the main business.

Zhang Yi put the Spirit Stone away, looked towards the cracked gold stone, and then he thought move, that is, put the cracked gold stone into the Spirit Pond.

The invisible fire burned, followed by a burst of white light flashing around the Spirit Pond.

Zhang Yi knows that Spirit Pond has been forged, he looked towards the column of Spirit Pond.

Spirit Pond: Level 1

Output: 5000 years of cultivation points

"It is indeed sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood." Zhang Yi said with satisfaction.

Spirit Pond, which can be opened by Earth Realm Early-Stage, was forcibly dragged to Earth Realm Great Perfection.

As soon as Zhang Yi opened, under the cultivation base of Earth Realm Great Perfection, the materials used to forge Spirit Pond, not to mention with no difficulty, were more smoothly collected.

In less than two years, Spirit Pond has changed from the first 1,000 years to the current 5,000-year cultivation point.

At this moment,

In the unreal space.

A pool of water is full of jade green, with white mist floating in the sky above. That is the cultivation point accumulated by Spirit Pond during this time.

Since the cultivation points of Spirit Pond are settled once a year, and Zhang Yi started from Raging Fire Country in less than one year and less than two years, there are only 4000 cultivation points at this time.

Zhang Yi took a look, and when his mind moved, he withdrew from Spirit Pond.

"After finishing the harvest, the following is the retreat."

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