The deep voice passed into Huajian's drunk ears, like a devil's groan, which made his body tremble uncontrollably.

At this time, Huajianzui is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and can only passively wait for Zhang Yi's hand to lift the knife and fall.

The palm pressing on his head exudes a Spiritual Plane wave all the time, giving him the deadliest pressure.

His mind and will have been completely destroyed by Zhang Yi at this time, and there is no thought of resistance at all.

Before death, everyone is equal.

Even if it is the most powerful Martial Artist, if you don't smile at the spirit of life and death, it's probably just this.

Hua Jianzui's body trembled, her hair was messy covering her forehead, and her body was very miserable. Where is the previous romantic suave?

Hua Jianzui lowered her head, and a weak voice came from her throat.

"Just ask what you want to know, I just ask for a pleasure."

"Of course."

Hearing the other party’s answer, Zhang Yi smiled harmoniously.

Although he can attenuate the opponent's mind to a weak point, and then cooperate with the forced invasion to obtain the news he wants, but the opponent is willing to cooperate, then he is a lot easier.

Zhang Yi did not hesitate, and asked directly, "What is the function of the sage token?"

Hua Jianzui replied in a low voice.

"The Order of the Holy One is issued by the Holy One. Generally speaking, in addition to the Martial Artists of the Seven Super Influences, only Martial Artists of the Holy Ones who have the chance to break through will be granted."

"Holding the holy order equivalent to a body protection symbol, you can enter Mysterious Land for a short time."

"Mysterious Land, what is that?"

Hear With words that he had never heard before, Zhang Yi frowned and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know exactly where it is. I only know that it is a mysterious space outside of Star Realm. It is the last opportunity the saint gives us."

" There are various opportunities within it, which can greatly accelerate the progress of tempering Martial Spirit, and even if the opportunities are sufficient, you can directly break through the realm and become a holy."

Hua Jianzui calmly explained, and Zhang Yi saw it. It has bright light glittering.

Break through the realm and become a holy!

This is really arrogant.

You must know the saint aloof and remote, although it is only one step away from Heaven Realm Great Perfection, but this step is so close, yet worlds apart, it’s extremely difficult to cross, I don’t know how much Heaven’s is stuck. Chosen hero.

At this time, in Huajian's drunk mouth, there is such a mysterious place that can help everyone go further and cross the world.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but be moved.

As we all know, the most basic conditions for breakthrough saints are Martial Spirit and Heaven Realm Great Perfection.

Martial Artist can only try breakthrough after completing these two steps, otherwise even the idea of ​​breaking the boundary will not be realized.

Of course, if you can try a breakthrough, it doesn't mean you will be successful. There are also Martial Spirit qualified or breakthrough failures.

In fact, at this step, the success or failure of the breakthrough depends on the innate talent of oneself for a small part, and for the most part, it depends on the foundation of oneself.

If one's own background is strong enough, then the breakthrough will naturally go smoothly.

And for many Martial Artists of Star Realm, the first condition has been fulfilled, only the condensing of Martial Spirit this step has been delayed, so that they are not even qualified to try to break through.

"Is the last chance given by the saint for the Martial Spirit..."

Zhang Yi muttered in his heart, divine sense unfolded the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

I saw a vast sea of ​​Consciousness in the dark space.

In the sky above the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a slightly illusory long sword standing still, and the sword has a silver glow.

If you feel it carefully, you can feel the strong sword intent from this silver illusory long sword.

This illusory silver long sword represents the highest achievement of Zhang Yi's sword dao, the prototype of Sword Soul!

"To fully condense Sword Soul successfully, an extremely large amount of will is required, and even if it is to use cultivation points to complete this step, it is also an astronomical number."

Zhang Yi once calculated that if his current cultivation speed is used, he chooses cultivation points to improve the progress of Sword Soul. It will take a full two hundred and fifty years to wait until Sword Soul is fully condensed!

Know that even if it reaches the current level of cultivation base, it will take Zhang Yi three hundred years.

The span from artistic conception to Martial Spirit is too huge, so so many Heaven Realm Great Perfection are trapped in this step.

Even for Zhang Yi who owns the system, it still cannot be done in one shot, it takes time to accumulate.

"The chance of Sword Soul tempering..."

Zhang Yi murmured, subconsciously various thoughts emerged in his heart, and then buried in his heart.

At the end, a smile appeared on Zhang Yi's mouth.

"It turns out that the role of the Saint Order is like this, is it equivalent to the key to Mysterious Land..."

"And the various opportunities of Mysterious Land can improve the progress of tempering the Martial Spirit , So as to meet the last condition of the breakthrough saint..."

"This token is probably very attractive to all Peak Martial Artists."

"No wonder Huajianzui had greed in his eyes when he sensed the sage token. It seems that this is a hot potato." Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but glance at Huajian in front of him.

Although he understands this, Zhang Yi is not worried.

If he had just obtained this sage token, it would take a lot of effort to hold onto his Heaven Realm's later cultivation base.

But now, after nearly a hundred years of accumulation, Zhang Yi has no fear of coming from all directions.

If they want to covet his holy order, the status quo of Huajian drunk is their fate.

"But which Mysterious Land is outside of Star Realm?"

"It's really interesting. It’s an adventure in space."

Zhang Yi thought to himself, with a look of expectation.

Seventh Sense in the dark told him that Mysterious Land is his key puzzle to the saint.


He can use this to break the ground and become a saint, and then use the opportunity to communicate the origin of Star Realm to control the entire Star Realm in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi could not help but his eyes were bright, overwhelmed by emotions.

For the first time, he felt that it might not be far away before he truly grew up and became a Sovereign in charge of Star Realm.

From the glorious Ancient Era of Star Realm Martial Dao to the weakening of Martial Dao, the time has passed for tens of thousands of years.

During this period, I don't know how many Martial Artists worked hard to reverse the decline of Star Realm, but they all failed in the end.

The difficulty of becoming the master of Star Realm is really too high.

the sun set behind the western hills, everything will die, this is the situation Star Realm is currently facing.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. As a Martial Artist born in Star Realm, even if he is as powerful as the seven saints, he still has some inseparable connection with Star Realm.

And this is the reason why they worked hard to support the birth of a new saint.

Such an approach, Star Realm's Martial Artist has no idea how long it lasted, but after all, it is a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure, and it can only delay the advent of the great decline.

But in the near future, perhaps the real turning point is coming...


At this time, the future Lord of Star Realm looks at the flowers Jian was drunk, and continued to ask various questions.

"As a Peak Martial Artist, you should be able to sense the strong resentment over Star Realm, what's the matter?"

"Does it have something to do with Mysterious Land? Is it a relationship?"

"Unifying that Mysterious Land requires a tremendous amount of power, even if it is still unbearable for the sage. Using the formation method, the sage can borrow the power of this resentment and push it away. Portal."

Huajian is obediently and honestly replied.

so that's how it is, Zhang Yi is nodded in his heart, and understands it.

In this way, when that day comes, wouldn’t it be Star Realm that will cleanse again and return to peace again?"

Zhang Yi thought in his heart, and then he spoke again. Ask another topic.

Although he has the cultivation base of Heaven Realm Great Perfection, Zhang Yi has not communicated with Martial Artists of the same territory due to long-term retreat, so he is undoubtedly at a disadvantage in terms of intelligence.

For example, Star Realm's grievances and the saint's order, Zhang Yi had no way of knowing before.

At this moment, Zhang Yi was not polite. He asked various things in Huajianzui and learned a lot of secrets.

For example, the first woman on the Star Realm Peak battle strength list is the Harmonious Bond Sect Sect Master, and is also recognized as the strongest Heaven Realm.

In addition to reaching the limit of the cultivation base artistic conception, the opponent has also walked a considerable distance on the road of Martial Spirit tempering. It seems that the standard of distance to breakthrough is not far.

For example, this time is about the green Wood Spirit tree. The Great Elder of Baoling Temple in the Middle Region seems to have set off. It is also a Martial Artist with a cultivation fleshy body.


After half a day, Zhang Yi squeezed Huajianzui almost, pressing the five fingers on his head slightly hard, the look in Huajianzui’s pupils suddenly dimmed .

He is dead.

Looking at the cooperation of the other party, Zhang Yi did not make too much embarrassment, but simply understood his life.

Take off the other's storage ring, Zhang Yi body flashed, standing in the air.

Immediately after he a finger pointed, the drunken figure of Hua Jian on the ground was suddenly covered by flames.

Zhang Yi is very familiar with this whole process.

Soon, black ashes appeared on the ground, and Zhang Yi once again turned over the palm, the ground suddenly turned over the river, and the ashes were completely buried.

Zhang Yi looked at this scene, his body shape turned disappeared.

What Zhang Yi didn't know was that after half a month, a Martial Artist passed by here.

It was a Sabrewielder carrying a knife, with a vicissitudes of face and deep eyes.

He looked at the smooth, mirror-cut mountain gap in the distance, with waves in his eyes.

At the same time, the snow-white long knife carried on his back trembled slightly, groaning softly, as if a little excited.

"Really strong Sword Art, with the breath of thunder on it..."

"When will Star Realm have such a Peak Swordsman again?"


"Since I met the opponent here, the swordsman must have also come for the opportunity of the Green Wood Spirit tree, but I have to enlighten me..."


In the murmur, Sabrewielder's body slowly walked into the distance, the silhouette gradually becoming hazy.


Zhang Yi returns the same way, and then lives in the city.

He is still acting as usual, not changed because of the beheading of a Peak Martial Artist.

In this way, after another week of stay, Zhang Yi set off again.

The goal of Zhang Yi this time is the first Great Province of the Eastern Region, Qing State.

Qing State.

The Great Province, the strongest in the Eastern Region, has gathered all influences and countless powerhouses. It is also the location of the oldest Spirit Tree of the Star Realm.

At this time, Zhang Yi officially set off, rushing to the direction of the towering tree.


The sun is scorching, the wind is scorching, and there is no cloud floating above the blue sky, it is as clean as a mirror.


On the empty and silent sky, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind, breaking the silence.

On the far horizon, a stream of light violently swept past, and its speed was so high that it left a white dovetail in the sky.

The person on the road is naturally Zhang Yi.

At this time, he has been on his way for several days.

At a certain moment, Zhang Yi's body like a streamer stopped and looked towards the city below.

This is a city near the river.

Next to it is the largest river in the Eastern Region, Nu Tao River.

The Nu Tao River is extremely long, winding several tens of thousands of li on the land of the Eastern Region, and among them are countless small tributaries, forming a huge water transportation network.

At this time, Zhang Yi came here, intending to take a boat along the water all the way east to Qing State.

Zhang Yi looked towards a corner of the city, which is against the Nu Tao River.

There is a prosperous port where there are huge to-and-fro ships docking at the port, and countless people are busy, running back and forth for their livelihoods.

Zhang Yi observed for a while, then the body flashed and fell inside the pool.

Zhang Yi took a rest in the restaurant of this city. On the second day, he found a large ship heading to Qing State by the way.

The length of this ship is more than a hundred meters, and the width is also about 30 meters. The whole body is made of extremely precious Top Grade Xuanshui wood. It is a top ship that passes on the Nu Tao River.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to board this ship without an appointment in advance.

But for Zhang Yi, this rule is dispensable, it's just a matter of his sentence.

And the Nu Tao River is not entirely safe. Under the wide surface of the river, there are a lot of demonic beasts inhabiting the water.

They are not fashionable, and every time they encounter accidentally, passing ships often suffer heavy losses.

With such a Peak expert in town, the safety of the ship will obviously be guaranteed.

Before noon, the White Crane rides the wind and waves, with wings on both sides of it constantly stirring, and down the river towards the surging river.

And Zhang Yi is standing on the third floor of the White Crane ship, looking towards the Jiaban below.

At this time, there are dozens of people on the deck. The various cultivation bases are deep, and the true essence fluctuates strongly. Between the open and closed eyes, the eyes are sharp as a knife and breathtaking.

"The overall Martial Dao level of the Eastern Region is higher than that of the Southern Region."

Zhang Yi murmured, and after observing for a while, he withdrew his gaze.

Returning to the cabin, Zhang Yi sat cross-legged and began to deduct various martial skills in his mind.

After the battle with Huajianzui, his understanding and application of martial skills can be said to be even more impressive. At this time, it is natural to try more.

And time just passed slowly like this.

The White Crane drove down the river, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, and getting closer and closer to Qing State.


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