It is rainy and cold.

The weather on this day was extremely bad, and the surface of the Nu Tao River rose up with a vast white mist, which obscured everyone’s sight. Even an ordinary Martial Artist can only see dozens of them. Meters away.

The crew of the White Crane couldn't help raising their spirits, patrolling around, guarding against all kinds of accidents that might occur.

After all, this kind of foggy weather, but a very good time for the demonic beast in the water, a little carelessness will cause huge losses.

Although the White Crane is a top-tier ship and has good defense capabilities, it still cannot be taken lightly.

It's better to say that because it is a top ship, the guests on it are not low-profile, they have to cheer up to ensure their safety.

At this time, on the third floor of the White Crane, there is a gorgeous room, which seems to be the seat of a great character, and no one is allowed to approach it.

In the exquisite room, one silhouette leaned on the head of the bed, flipping through the handbook of a geographic atlas from the Eastern Regions in his hand.

At this time, he was seeing the part of Nu Taojiang.

Nutao River:

The largest river in the Eastern Region, winding around 84,000 miles in the Eastern Region, and its main arterial road runs through the Eastern Region Qing State, Xuanzhou, Yezhou, etc. Wait for eight Great Provinces.

Thousands of tributaries formed therefrom. They spread all over the land of the Eastern Region, and together with two other rivers, they form the water transportation network of the Eastern Region.

And the middle section of the Nu Tao River in Xuanzhou runs through the prestigious mountain range of Tianyuan.

Tianyuan mountain range is a large mountain range of several thousands li lying in Xuanzhou.

This is like an infinitely high wall, so that the entire Nu Tao River has to turn a big bend to bypass the Tianyuan mountain range.

At that time, the length of the entire Nu Tao River exceeded 90,000 li!

But long ago, a super war broke out here.

As a result, the middle part of the Tianyuan mountain range was forcibly pierced by super powers, forming the Tianyuan Canyon with steep terrain and undulating heights.

The Nu Tao River also changed its course, forming the current water channel, and its length has changed from 96,000 li to 84,000 li.


"Tianyuan mountain range?"

Seeing this silhouette, the index finger of the right hand rubbed the writing lightly and whispered.

After that, he looked up again and looked towards the distance.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the wooden planks of the ship, and through the thick fog, he caught a glimpse of the scene ahead.

"It seems to be coming soon."

This silhouette is Zhang Yi. After leaving the city, he took a boat down the river and went to Qing State to participate in the ancient tree. The battle of chance for Spirit Tree.

At this time, half a month's time has passed for the ship walking on the water, and the journey has already passed halfway.

Zhang Yi judged by the distance, after about half a day's voyage ahead, the ship will enter the most dangerous part of the entire Nu Tao River, which is the location of Tianyuan Canyon.

The flow velocity is extremely fast there, and there are undercurrents turbulent under the water surface. Because of the influence of the mountain range topography, the currents with different flow directions converge and pour into the Nutao River here.

From time to time, we can hear about ships being involved in the undercurrent vortex and then destroying and killing people and losing money.

And the Tianyuan mountain range of this section of the route was originally the habitat of the demonic beast. Although it was later broken into two sections, there were also demonic beasts that were launched into the water, hiding in the tortuous canyon, specifically for the past. Hands on the vessel.

"It seems that the section of the road in the previous section is not quite smooth."

Zhang Yi murmured, and then closed the book, the expression on his face did not change. .

The reason why Zhang Yi chose the waterway, besides experiencing the novelty, was that he needed to pass through the Tianyuan Canyon on the voyage to Qing State.

Henggu’s previous ultra-standard battles directly and permanently changed the terrain of this place.

How can Zhang Yi who traveled to Star Realm miss it?

Put the book in the storage ring, Zhang Yi left the room and went to the third floor of Class A on the third floor.

At this time, although the void in the outside world is densely covered with fog, it does not affect the dim light in the White Crane.

On the second floor of the White Crane, it was very lively at this time, and it seemed that a party was being held.

There are young children wearing gorgeous costumes sitting in the inner hall, coveting the intertwined rooms, a feasting and green human scenery, and the luxurious atmosphere all over it can be said to be endless.

In Zhang Yi's sight, from time to time, men and women are leaving together, losing track.

Zhang Yi can guess their funeral without even thinking about it.

It's nothing more than the hot air, you need to add or remove clothes, and then you can't help but learn from each other and exchange experience.

“What the world will never lack is passionate youth.”

In this regard, Zhang Yi just sighed with emotion.

After that, his line of sight was looked towards other rooms on the White Crane.

Although Zhang Yi did not use Eye of Revelation and did not expand the divine sense, Zhang Yi still sensed some outstanding Martial Artists.

Although it is not enough for him, but for the outside world, it is already regarded as a powerful man.

"Is their goal Tianyuan Canyon, or a grand event in Qing State?"

Zhang Yi guessed, thinking about it in his heart.

Since it is called a dangerous place, it is naturally a place of sharpening.

This place is so special, and it also has some exclusive Heaven and Earth Treasure bred in it, which has a great effect on some specific Martial Artists.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi returned to the room and waited for the moment when the ship entered the Tianyuan Canyon.


The White Crane then broke through the fog and moved forward.

Under the water, demonic beasts gradually increased, and some of them attacked the White Crane.

Fortunately, these demonic beasts are average in strength, and they are resolved smoothly by the crew.

After another half day, Zhang Yi could clearly feel that the current of the Nu Tao River began to become turbulent, and the shaking of the entire ship was a bit larger than before.

At the same time, a powerful voice spread throughout the White Crane.

"The ship is about to enter the Tianyuan Canyon. The terrain here is steep and undercurrents may cause some trouble. Please don't panic. The Baihe is a top-level ship, and safety can be guaranteed."

Hearing the sound spreading all around, there was a moment of hustle and bustle of the ship, and then it resumed its previous appearance, which was obviously expected.

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed brightly, and the body moved room came to the outside deck, and immediately cast his eyes forward.

Through the vast fog, all the scene ahead suddenly appeared in Zhang Yi's eyes. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, feeling a shock in his heart.

"This is really...spectacular!"

At this time, there are several dozen li away from Tianyuan Canyon, but Zhang Yi can already see the whole picture clearly.

I saw a very high mountain range standing in front of it, blocking the way forward.

However, the center of this mountain range collapsed suddenly and was divided into two, with water flowing through it.

On both sides, the walls are extremely steep, just like towering peaks.

My eyes moved up slowly along the outline, but in the end, the top of the peak was already towering like a cloud, making it unrealistic.

Like a real Heaven's Line canyon, the picture in front of Zhang Yi is truly extraordinary!

However, what caused all of this was not the power of the years of nature, but the instantaneous super energy that instantly pierced the mountain range.

Zhang Yi was shocked that the individual's mighty power could reach this level, he suddenly had a feeling in the heart.

The water in the eyes is rippling, with mysterious power surging, Zhang Yi had a feeling in the heart, and took the initiative to open the Eye of Revelation.

Then, a picture emerged in his mind:

In the high-altitude clouds, there is a silhouette that is not really concrete.

That silhouette seems to be wearing scarlet armor. I don't know if it is caused by its own color or blood infection.

He stands between Heaven and Earth, and one person exudes endless power, so that Heaven and Earth all around sink and float at his feet, like a king.


The silhouette clenched his five fingers, and immediately had endless power fused in his hands. Then he stepped out and slowly punched out towards the mountain range below.


At this moment, Heaven and Earth trembled.

The extreme force and even the space all around suddenly reached the limit and broke apart.

On the sky, a huge earth-yellow shadow was directly formed, and it fell suddenly!

The extreme formidable power is like a meteorite falling from the sky.

In the past, even a series of spaces collapsed, so that the void was also broken, revealing the vacuum zone of absolute nothingness in nature.

This fist, as if it could destroy the world!

Through the perception in the dark, Zhang Yi opened the Eye of Revelation and evolved the original picture in his mind.

Being in the same space, but at different times, Zhang Yi saw a piece of debris in his mind and saw the punch that changed the terrain.

The formidable power like that, although separated by time and space, the scene at that time was imaginary in his mind, which made Zhang Yi's mind tremble, and the roots of hair stood up.

The picture like Heavenly Might gave him a great shock.


Finally, this fist landed heavily on the mountain range ahead, and the earth shook fiercely.

This huge mountain range lying on the land of Star Realm, the part that was hit directly collapsed.

One after another, a huge crack cracked from the top down, and finally formed a gap, and the entire mountain range was divided into two.


The original scene is restored in my mind, and my mind is calculated to the extreme, so that Zhang Yi’s brain is a little hot, and there is white smoke rising under the black hair. It seems to be dissipating heat.

A ray of blood appeared in Zhang Yi's eyes at this time, and a line of blood and tears flowed down from his eye sockets, making him groaned and subconsciously closing his eyes.

Until a few minutes later.

Zhang Yi slowly opened his eyes, adjusted his own state, and restored his calm look.

A movement in Zhang Yi's heart evaporates blood and tears.

Then he looked up at the huge mountain range gap ahead, with awe in his heart.

"The current change turned out to be caused by a punch."

"Under that punch, even though there is no hiding place in the boundless earth, it is really tyrannical to the extreme."

Zhang Yi touched his chin, subconsciously comparing the one silhouette with the two saints he met.

Although Zhang Yi could not see the depth of the two saints, after all, he briefly touched the power of that stage at the ruins of the saints with the help of power of formation, so the simple judgment is still somewhat certain.

"Even among the saints, the silhouette must be a Peak expert!"

After some comparison, Zhang Yi was subconsciously affirmed.

Then he carefully recalled the picture that had just evolved in his mind, and his brows began to frown.

The might of a single fist taken in the silhouette before attracted all Zhang Yi's attention. At this time, thinking about it carefully, it feels a little subtle.

"I seem to have overlooked something. There seems to be something in the place where the punch fell..."

Zhang Yi's eyes were awe-inspiring, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"That seems to be a dark humanoid creature? I feel the breath has a familiar feeling..."

Zhang Yi frowned in thought, and then found the familiarity in memory s reason.

"By the way, it doesn’t feel exactly the same as the black qi I faced in the ruins of the saint."

"In other words, the formation of Tianyuan Canyon was also It was formed at that time?"

Zhang Yi seems to grasp the context of the matter.

Just after Star Realm was invaded by foreign enemies in the ancient times, a super war broke out here, and then an intruder was wiped out by the sage of Star Realm.

The Tianyuan mountain range that was subjected to this fist was also penetrated by the formidable power of this fist, and a big gap appeared, which changed the course of the Nu Tao River and formed the current Tianyuan Canyon.

"Although I was annihilated by a punch, I think about it carefully at this moment, I feel that I am not at the same level as the fake body I was fighting in the ruins of the saint. The other party may be the main force in the invasion of the enemy."

"Hang Dang!"

Zhang Yi was guessing, the White Crane flickered suddenly.

Zhang Yi retracted his thoughts and looked forward, and found that the water had begun to rush, and there was a small vortex in the distance.

The White Crane began to sway, waves of running water kept hitting the side of the ship, making loud pops, which made people thrilling.

However, Zhang Yi did not look worried, but inexplicably think:

If there are still young men and women exchanging experiences, they will face a ship that is swaying from side to side. How to choose?

Should you rise to the difficulties, or retreat halfway, or cater to the impact of the current and push the boat along the water?



It feels like a difficult option.


While Zhang Yi was thinking, the White Crane all around suddenly had bright rays of light rising.

There is rune shining on the outside of the hull, supporting a layer of light curtain, covering the White Crane, and the amplitude of shaking is suddenly reduced.

Then, there were more dozen Martial Artists on the first floor of Class A. They stood in all directions, always guarding the surrounding movement.

Well, it seems that the assumption just now is useless.

Zhang Yi couldn't help saying something in his heart, and then he looked towards the bottom.

Through the turbulent currents, Zhang Yi can see that there are many creatures underneath, which are the underwater demonic beasts. Some of the turbulences are caused by their messing up and trying to subvert the passing ships.

However, the White Crane is a top ship after all. At this time, after the protective cover is raised, the demonic beast will naturally fail.

Afterwards, there may be demonic beasts who cannot help but take the initiative to attack, but judging from the defensive power of the White Crane, it is not a big problem.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, took a step forward, and disappeared silently.

He intends to explore here.

Since Eye of Revelation triggered the event just now, maybe with this god skill, he will have something else to discover.

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