The trail is not to be found,

Zhang Yi steps forward on the mist, approaching the Tianyuan mountain range.

As it approached, the dangerous Tianyuan Canyon that was divided into two by a punch gradually came into view, Zhang Yi moved slightly, and the speed increased again.

Although it is a canyon, its area is not small. As Zhang Yi glanced around, he saw some silhouettes hidden in it. It seemed that they were Martial Artists who came here to experience.

Zhang Yi didn't care about them too much. Instead, he followed the scene in his mind and went straight to the center of the punch.

——If the calculation is correct, this is the location of the black silhouette that was destroyed by a punch.

After flying for a while, Zhang Yi stopped on a river surface, Eye of Revelation turned on, and then looked towards under the water surface.

At this time, Zhang Yi’s feet are surging rivers, and there are chaotic undercurrents ramming from all directions.

In the depths of the water, Zhang Yi even found some traces of demonic beasts. They lurked in the water, waiting for opportunities.

Observing for a while, Zhang Yi's eyes condensed slightly as the mysterious power spread.

——He didn't find anything unusual.

"Strange, I didn't notice anything, Eye of Revelation was not touched, do you want me to go to the bottom of the water here?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while, but stopped hesitating.

Because the Tianyuan Canyon was blasted through with a punch, the lowest part of the ground far surpassed other places.

Although it is called a canyon, if the water is drained, it is nothing more than a deep pit.

So the depth of the river here is far beyond that of other places.

Even if Zhang Yi turns on Eye of Revelation, he can only see thousands of meters below the water surface, and then there is a black shadow.

That's why Zhang Yi suspected that he had to go down to the bottom of the river to discover something.

"If there is any chance, I am afraid I have to dive under the water to find it."

Zhang Yi murmured, with a calm look in his eyes.

The deeper the river, the greater the pressure below it, not to mention the underwater undercurrents brought by the demonic beast and complex terrain in the water?

It is undoubtedly extremely dangerous to dive underwater alone.

But Zhang Yi is obviously not in this list.

The super-high cultivation base and the absolutely tyrannical fleshy body made him enough to ignore the over ninety-nine percent of the dangerous forbidden area of ​​Star Realm.

Above the surface of the river, Zhang Yi thoughts move, which is covered with a faint true essence of broken crystals on the surface of the body, and then he fell one by one and threw his head down on the surface of the water.

There was a puff.

When water splashed, Zhang Yi's body was already submerged in the river and disappeared.

Compared with the entire Taotao River, his body is undoubtedly as small as dust, not worth mentioning.

So Zhang Yi entered the river without causing any waves.

And Martial Artist, who is adventuring and practicing in Tianyuan Canyon at this moment, does not know that someone has ventured into the bottom of the river, intending to get a glimpse!

And Zhang Yi, at the moment he jumped into the river, waves of fierce water rushed towards him.

That is the inertial force of the current for thousands of years, trying to wash him down, and then entrained into the current.


The true essence covered by Mu Chen's body glows in the water, blocking the impact of the current, and he is not affected in the water.

Pause for a few seconds to feel the impact of all around. Zhang Yi immediately touched the sole of his foot. He was like a flexible swimming fish, swimming quickly towards the bottom of Tianyuan Canyon.

There, his Eye of Revelation might be able to discover something and get some special gains.

Zhang Yi's body is like an arrow, swiftly passing through the constantly impacting water current, and his figure keeps going downward amid the subtle sound of water.

One hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters, one kilometer...

In just a few minutes, Zhang Yi dived more than three kilometers.

However, the bottom of Yuan Canyon is still far away on this day.

At this depth, the water flow around Zhang Yi is already pitch black.

It is not that the water turns into black, but that there is not a trace of light that can shine into such a deep place, so it appears dark.

He seems to be wrapped in endless darkness, East, South, West, North, and there is a vast darkness up and down.

At this depth, the turbulent speed of the water is more obvious, and from time to time there is an undercurrent impact, which is also mixed with rocks, debris and other objects.

Zhang Yi stretched out his right hand and opened it, suddenly feeling a slight chill.

It's like the cool and cold wind in summer, but it's even colder.

This is because the distance to the water surface is too far, and the heat cannot be transferred down, which makes the river even colder.

Zhang Yi's expression didn't panic, and everything is just as expected to him.

Although all around the darkness, he can still clearly see the scene all around.

Just like now, there is a demonic beast in front of his sight.

The demonic beast lurking three kilometers underwater in the Nu Tao River, looks a bit horrible between the baring fangs and brandishing claws, which is the size of a house and full of tentacles.

The spiritual wisdom of the other party is obviously not high. After seeing the crystal true essence flowing on Zhang Yi's body, he opened his mouth and bit.

Not yet near, Zhang Yi's nose can smell a rotten smell.

He immediately complexion slightly changed, subconsciously pointed out with a finger.


In the water, with Zhang Yi a finger pointed, a thick middle finger suddenly formed.

The pressure of the middle finger breaking the water flow, hitting the opponent's huge body, suddenly a mournful scream came out from the opposite demonic beast's mouth.

It was just a face-to-face effort. The demonic beast that planned to swallow Zhang Yi had suddenly collapsed, and the remaining body was washed away by the water.

"Fighting under this water surface, whether it is pressure or water resistance, it has a certain impact on me."

"Under such conditions, I can only perform well. Ninety-five percent strength."

After starting, Zhang Yi calmly analyzed, and then moved in his heart and looked towards the front.

I only saw the end of the front line of sight, and there was one after another silhouette in the dark misty water flowing from it.

Each silhouette is the size of a house, with tentacles dancing around.

It is exactly the same as the demonic beast that planned to swallow Zhang Yi before.

"It's actually a demonic beast?"

Zhang Yi brows slightly wrinkle, I don't want to entangle them too much.

Thoughts move, Zhang Yi has a surging true essence burst out all over his body, and immediately pushes the water to the front.

The demonic beasts that came from the group of demonic beasts suddenly fell back under this huge force, and Zhang Yi took this opportunity to dive down again.

In the roar of the group of demonic beasts, Zhang Yi successfully got rid of each other and got closer and closer to the bottom of the river.

Four kilometers, five kilometers, six kilometers...

One hour later, Zhang Yi dived for more than six kilometers!

However, he still didn't peer into the bottom of the river, and there was still absolute darkness lacking light around him.

"The depth is beyond imagination."

Zhang Yi is not sighed either.

At this step, Zhang Yi's dive speed gradually became slower.

Because the surrounding pressure is getting stronger and stronger, even though he has true essence on the surface of the body to cover and isolate the pressure, he still feels the kind of oppression from all directions.

"At this step, I am afraid that even the Heaven Realm Martial Artist can't support it anymore."

Zhang Yi whispered and stopped keeping his hands, deep in his fleshy body The dormant boundless strength began to recover.

Zhang Yi's internal organs, flesh and blood, and even skeleton, all began to glow slightly, illuminating the darkness all around.

The perfect body of crystal clear and near-transparent presents a sense of jade stone, just like the creator's most outstanding masterpiece.

As the fleshy body stretches, the pressure on the body is suddenly reduced.

Zhang Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth and dived again.

And this kind of dive, Zhang Yi's figure finally stopped gradually when he reached more than nine kilometers.

At the current depth, Zhang Yi Eye of Revelation finally got a glimpse of the bottom of the river!

The depth of the Tianyuan Canyon is nearly 10,000 meters!

How crazy this is, it's unbelievable.

At this point, the pressure on Zhang Yi's body is as heavy as a mountain.

Every inch of his skin is tight at this time, and he is under extreme pressure all the time.

In every move, Zhang Yi will feel great resistance.

At this time, if a battle is launched at such a depth of river water, Zhang Yi's speed will drop by at least 50%, and even the formidable power of the martial skill will be partially weakened.

Zhang Yi breathes deeply, his figure slowly swims towards the bottom of the river.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yi's feet really landed, and finally came to the bottom of the Tianyuan Canyon.

At this time, Zhang Yi’s feet are covered with brown silt, which has accumulated here after countless years of water washing.

Zhang Yi's eyes were bright, and he unfolded the Eye of Revelation. Then his figure suddenly plunged into the mud and began to find his goal.

Like Golden Fire Eyes, Zhang Yi glanced away to exclude one space, and then he looked for another direction.

At a flying speed, Zhang Yi has gained.

Zhang Yi, who was looking for in the silt layer, suddenly moved in his heart and looked to the side.

He saw something.

It seemed to be a broken human-shaped skeleton, buried in the mud.


Zhang Yi moved in his heart, and subconsciously came up with the punch of destroying heaven extinguishing earth in his mind.

Being beaten to death by a punch, as time goes by the flesh and blood dissipated, leaving only the harder bones?

While thinking, Zhang Yi turned around and hurried to the position of the human skeleton.

Soon, Zhang Yi was getting closer and closer to the human skeleton, and many small scars on the skeleton could be clearly seen.

Finally, Zhang Yi's figure fell beside the skeleton.

This bone is extremely tragic, not complete, some bones are missing, and the sternum is also broken inward, far inferior to the one Zhang Yi saw in the ruins of the saint. whole.

"It seems that death is quite miserable."

Zhang Yi couldn't help whispering, and then observe the divine sense carefully.

As Zhang Yi approached, nothing unusual happened, nor did he find that the skeleton contained black energy in it, and it seemed to be completely destroyed by that punch.

Zhang Yi observed carefully for a while, but found nothing.

Zhang Yi brows tightly frowns. After thinking about it, he grabbed his right hand and the Splitting Space Sword suddenly appeared in his hand. Then he poured true essence into it, and the Splitting Space Sword's sword flashed with radiance.


shouted in a low voice, Zhang Yi swung his sword fiercely at the bottom of the water 10,000 meters, and even the water flow below was suddenly chaotic.


Splitting Space Sword was instantly cut out, with an extremely fierce sword qi slashed heavily on the bones, and in a harsh sound, the Splitting Space Sword was Suddenly spread out.

Zhang Yi's eyes are sharp, looking towards the junction between the skeleton and the Splitting Space Sword, where not only there is no gap, but there are no traces of the corresponding.

"The tenacious bones were buried under the water for an unknown number of years. After a long period of scouring, they are still hard in texture. Even if I use Splitting Space Sword, I can’t cut them off."

Zhang Yi was no doubt a little surprised.

Although the previous blow was not his strongest attack power, it also had 70% strength, but the result was unscathed.

Zhang Yi has a hunch that even if he is spare no effort, he can't damage his bones at all, unless he uses the Supreme Treasure Tianyang Gun.

The dead bones of the opponent are so abnormal, how bad is the battle strength when they are alive?

And what kind of extraordinary and refined that silhouette is suppressed by one punch?

Faced with this scene, Zhang Yi's eyes flashed, and his thoughts collided in his brain like lightning.

Since he triggered the Eye of Revelation when he saw the Tianyuan mountain range on the water, allowing him to see the battle at the time, there should be a corresponding chance.

And through the picture he saw, he also smoothly found the body wreck that was wiped out by a punch, and said that it was definitely the case.

But at this time, he had already arrived here, but he found nothing and didn't sense any abnormal situation.

"Is it just going back in time, let me see this scene, and then it's gone?"

As Zhang Yi thought, he looked towards the skeleton from time to time, and finally his eyes fell cold.

"Since it is the only item in this place, then try to find out."

He thoughts move, true essence The sky sun gun in the lake trembled suddenly, and then appeared outside.

The moment Supreme Treasure appeared, that aura slowed down the flow rate at the bottom of the river.

Zhang Yi looked towards the bones in front of him, stretched out his hand to hold the Tianyang gun, his eyes gradually firm.

"If there is something strange in this place, it must be this skeleton."

"In this case, try to find out. After all, the event is about to open, I am not too Stay here for a long time."

Zhang Yi made up his mind, the true essence lake suddenly surging, as if a river is rolling, the infinite true essence suddenly poured out and poured into the Tianyang gun in his hand.

With the continuous injection of true essence, the tip of the Tianyang gun has a little rays of light.


loudly shouts, Zhang Yi shouted again, slamming out with a gun in his hand.


The tip of the gun collided with the skeleton, making a crisp sound.

Zhang Yi's eyes were fixed on the impact spot, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On the place where it touched, the tip of the gun was faintly radiant, the space was on the verge of shattering, and small cracks appeared on the bones.

Immediately, Zhang Yi collected the Tianyang Gun into the True Essence Lake. When he was about to find out, the change suddenly occurred.

I saw a misty rays of light emanating from the crack in the bone, and then a black vortex was formed, and Zhang Yi's figure was sucked into it at once.

The black vortex disappeared, and Zhang Yi's silhouette also disappeared. Peace was restored here, leaving only a broken skeleton.


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