After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

100. Beerus: Brat, Did You Just Use The Clearing Ability? !

"Very good! Very good! Then I would like to thank Lord Gods of Destruction Beerus!"

When Beerus answered in the affirmative, Frieza smiled very happily.

He can unscrupulously start his revenge and start his massacre of these stinky monkeys.



very happy!

Frieza waved to Son Goku and Vegeta, who were still showing their presence, and said lightly: "You are not qualified to fight with me, let's talk about it after I eat the main dish of Jiang Yang!"

call out!

After saying this, Frieza flew into the sky, he looked at Jiang Yang with a look of pity on his face, shook his head and said: "Your strength is indeed good, you can make the great King Frieza deflate twice in a row.


Jiang Yang chuckled a few times and said, "You counted wrong!"

"The first time was Planet Vegeta, and the second time was on Earth. How did I count it wrong?!"

Frieza was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Yang stretched out three fingers slowly, and said with a smile, "This will be... the third time!"

"Jiang Yang! Where did you get such confidence!"

Hearing Jiang Yang's words, Frieza sneered, and said in a cold voice: "Today, I will let you understand. The me who practiced seriously is not the me I used to be!"


As soon as Frieza finished speaking, the whole person disappeared 14 above the sky.

next second.

Jiang Yang raised his hand and punched him sideways.


The face of Frieza who had just appeared was directly dented by this punch.


Along with the impact sound, Frieza also let out an unbelievable roar.


Jiang Yang slapped it out, and the next day's energy flow directly sent Frieza flying at least hundreds of meters away.

In just one second, the fight between Jiang Yang and Frieza was over.

See this scene.

Son Goku and Vegeta couldn't help but glanced at each other, with unknown expressions on their faces.

"Number 18, Jiang Yang, he... so strong! Really so strong!"


Below, Bulma grabbed the hand of number 18 next to him and jumped up and down excitedly.

Although she knew that Jiang Yang was very powerful, but... who knew that he would be so powerful!

Stronger than Son Goku and Vegeta, Frieza couldn't handle it. In front of Jiang Yang, Frieza's short body was like a volleyball, and it flew out easily.

"Yes! He... is so strong!"

Thinking about it carefully, the 18th seems to be the first time seeing Jiang Yang take a shot.

At this moment, she was really shocked.

As for the outstanding Gods of Destruction level that just came out of Jiang Yang's self-conceited universe, they have no one to compare with, and they don't understand its strength at all.

But Frieza is different. After fighting Son Goku and Vegeta for so long, he hasn't lost any momentum. On the contrary, he has crushed both of them.


Against Jiang Yang, the fight is over in seconds.

"Jiang Yang! Dead monkey! Ahhh!"

At this moment, an extremely angry roar came from the sky hundreds of meters away.


next second.

Frieza strikes again.

This time, dazzling golden light rose from his body, looking like a golden God of War.

"Your transformation has almost reached the limit, it is extremely difficult to face Goku and the others, and you still want to fight me?!"

Jiang Yang saw that although his momentum was extremely majestic, his sensing power was astonishing.

At this moment, Frieza's panting speed is much faster than before, and now the load on the body after transformation is slowly showing.

Not long.

I'm afraid this guy Frieza won't be able to maintain his transformation to the golden form anymore.


Frieza smiled coldly: "Jiang Yang, are you afraid?!"


Jiang Yang shook his head and laughed, and took a step forward, and the moment Frieza just finished speaking, he had already appeared in front of him.

The distance between the two is only a few centimeters, and each other's heartbeat can be heard.

"In my eyes, you have always been just a weak reptile! I don't bother to kill you, it's just that you want to die too much!"

Jiang Yang's extremely indifferent words really hurt Frieza's proud heart deeply.

Just when Frieza was about to speak, Jiang Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.

This scene seems familiar!

Frieza's eyeballs rolled for a moment, and memories of the past came to mind.


It was the same scene at this moment.

He died that year.


Jiang Yang didn't talk nonsense at all, and an extremely terrifying energy cannon exploded in his palm.


dead too!


After Jiang Yang killed Frieza, Beerus below shook his head, with a look of pity on his face.

The angle just now was not very good, he didn't appreciate the expression of Frieza, an arrogant guy, before he died.

After killing Frieza again, Jiang Yang didn't have any mood swings at all.


Do not!

It should be said that he was indeed as if he had trampled an ant to death.

Can't produce too many mood swings at all.


He returned to the ground.

A group of people came over one after another.

Talking all over the place.

After Jiang Yang responded one by one, he waved and smiled to Bulma and No. 18 who looked at him adoringly, and then came to Beerus and others.

"Frieza, the arrogant guy, probably not only wants to kill you! He even wants to kill God!"

As soon as Jiang Yang arrived, Beerus snorted coldly.

"His wolfish ambition, although it can be seen!"

Jiang Yang smiled nonchalantly, and recalled the strong man who came out of the universe with arrogance just now, he fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "It seems that there will be an even stronger man in a short time. Guy walks out of the universe with ego!"

720 "Huh!"

Beerus nodded.

"So I decided, after a while, I will search in various universes, if I can catch a few powerful guys and kill them, then I will catch them all!"

Jiang Yang grinned.

"I'm not going with you! These guys are too smelly, I can't bear it!"

Rebecca immediately raised her little hand to express her position.

"I'm not going to let you go!"

Jiang Yang touched her little head, and then continued to Anna who seemed to be thinking about something, "This time, I'm going to go alone!"

"Well... it is indeed more convenient for you to move alone!"

Whis nodded.


At this moment, Beerus' face suddenly turned strange. He stared at Jiang Yang with a strange look, as if he was about to say something important. At this moment, he lowered his voice and said, "By the way, let me ask you One question, please don't hide it from us!"


Jiang Yang looked at Beerus in surprise and said.

Could it be?!

Are you asking about my strength again?!

"Stinky boy, when you killed that guy just now, did you use the clearing ability?!"

Beerus took a deep breath, and his heart beat faster and faster as he asked the question.

Not only him, Whis and Anna on the other side also all set their eyes on Jiang Yang, with a nervous look gradually appearing on their faces.

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