After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

101. Champa: Beerus, You Fucking Meow Give Me Back My Super Dragon Ball (Subscription Required)

Hearing Beerus' question and seeing the curious gazes of Whis and Anna, Jiang Yang was startled. He was curious how they guessed that he used the clearing ability just now.


Jiang Yang pondered for a moment.

In the end, he shook his head and said, "That wasn't a clearing ability just now, but a kind of killing ability of mine!"

"Slaying ability?"

Hearing Jiang Yang's words, Beerus and the others were taken aback for a moment, and even Rebecca, who didn't care about anything at all, looked at him with a little surprise in her eyes.

Rebecca has been with Grand Priest, and Grand Priest has been with Zeno for a long time, so she was lucky enough to meet the one who used the purge!

She was somewhat familiar with that energy, and when Jiang Yang used the clearing ability just now, the energy fluctuation was exactly the same as when Zeno used the clearing ability in her memory.

That's why she said that Jiang Yang used the clearing ability.

"What is the killing ability?!"

Anna asked a little curiously.

"As the name suggests!"

Jiang Yang smiled slightly: "With my ability, I can instantly kill existences that are lower than my own strength, without any process at all!"

hear this.

Everyone was shocked.

Rebecca's eyes showed suspicion.

She can 100% guarantee that what Jiang Yang just used was the clearing ability.

But seeing that he was so determined, he hesitated for a while.

"Never mind, it's none of my business whether it clears the ability or not! Hee hee hee!"

Rebecca only thought about it for a few seconds, and stopped thinking about it.

"That's it!"

Beerus nodded suddenly.

Don't think that the ability to kill is not much different from the ability to clear.

Although it seems that they are instant kills, the actual meanings are fundamentally different.

The ability to kill requires a hard condition, that is, it must be weaker than Jiang Yang.

As for the removal ability, there is no need for such a hard condition at all, and it can be directly erased by you.

The resurrected Frieza was easily killed by Jiang Yang, who also killed a master of the Gods of Destruction level who came out of the conceited universe.

After this event is over.

Jiang Yang and Bulma, daughters number 18, also started a round-the-world trip.

Two months passed quietly.

Ai Ji 779, a day in January.

Jiang Yang was just going to talk about going to various universes to investigate the negative universe.

At this moment, Whis' voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

"Little Jiang Yang, Lord Champa, and Sister Vados have arrived in the Gods of Destruction world. I called you by name as soon as I arrived, there must be something important~!"

"Oh?! Looking for me at this time?!"

Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then the first thing he thought of was whether the sixth universe would also have strong players from negative universes.

call out!

Without further ado, Jiang Yang teleported to the world of Gods of Destruction in the seventh universe.


Seventh Universe Gods of Destruction Realm Beerus' palace.

Beerus, Whis, Son Goku, Vegeta, Champa, Vados and Ana are all here.

As for Rebecca, who was supposed to follow him, she returned to the seventeenth universe as early as a month ago.

Of course, before she left, she ordered too many delicacies from Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang naturally doesn't care too much about this.

After all, he doesn't really want too many Angels around him.

At present, there is only one Anna by his side, which is not bad.

"Jiang Yang!"

As soon as Jiang Yang arrived, Champa, who was sitting on the stool, got up immediately, and then came towards him, then pulled him aside, and whispered: "Do you know the wishing ball?!"

"Wishing Ball?!"

Jiang Yang was slightly taken aback, but he didn't react right away.

"It's as big as a planet, as long as you collect seven..."

Champa explained to Jiang Yang.

"Oh! You said....Super Dragon Ball, right?"

Only then did Jiang Yang suddenly remember, what the hell, there are seven super Dragon Balls in his system space?!

If it wasn't for today's incident, Jiang Yang might not even remember it.

Back then he collected super Dragon Balls, but after collecting them, he didn't know what to wish for, so he kept them in his system space.

But with the passage of time, he has forgotten the seven super Dragon Balls he once collected.

"That's right! In the words of your Seventh Universe, it's a Super Dragon Ball!"

Champa nodded hastily.

"What's wrong?!"

Jiang Yang looked at Champa strangely.

"Our sixth universe originally had three super Dragon Balls, but they disappeared for some reason! So... I seriously suspect that Beerus stole them!"

Champa pointed at the angry Beerus and said coldly.

"Fart! I didn't even know you had a Super Dragon Ball in your sixth universe, and I never knew there was such a thing as a Super Dragon Ball!"

Beerus suddenly stood up from the stool, stared at Champa angrily, and said coldly: ".~Of course, if you really think I stole it, then let's fight! If you win, then I I will give you that super Dragon Ball!"

"Is this true?!"

Champa rolled his eyes and asked cheerfully.


Beerus smiled coldly.

With his current strength, isn't it even more powerless to fight a Champa?!

"Hey hey, I agree!"

Champa grinned: " didn't fight me!"

"Huh?! You didn't fight me, don't you want to fight Jiang Yang?!"

Beerus squinted at Champa, whose expression was gradually stiffening, and sneered.

"Cough cough cough!"

Champa coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said lightly: "Beerus, let me tell you! There is no need to fight between Gods of Destruction! Those two are your new apprentices, right?! My meaning is very simple , How many people will you send from the seventh universe, and how many people will I send from the sixth universe!"

"Thus, the two universes will have a friendly exchange match (Noma's)!"

Hearing Champa's words, Beerus rolled his eyes, then glanced at Jiang Yang, then looked back at Son Goku and Vegeta, and suddenly laughed: "Yes, yes! lost How to do?!"

"I lost?! Hehehe, you can do whatever you want!"

Champa looked very confident and authentic, as if he never thought he would lose.


Beerus immediately became interested, clapped his hands, and agreed directly.

"and many more!"

Champa rolled his eyes in a circle, and said in a low voice: "Jiang Yang's strength is too scary, you and I are no match for him. Let him bully my rookie in the universe, that is definitely not acceptable !"

So...he can't play this time!"


Hearing Champa's words, Son Goku and Vegeta's pupils constricted for a while, and they looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. .

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