After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

102. Champa Who Bends His Waist For Delicious Food, Beerus Who Must Be Strong In His Life! (Seeking

Brother Jiang Yang( Jiang Yang)......

Even Gods of Destruction is not his opponent?!

Knowing this news, even though they all know that Jiang Yang's strength is very terrifying.


At this moment, they still couldn't help feeling shocked.

In the world of Gods of Destruction these days, this is not the first time they have learned about it from Whis.

There are eighteen universes in the entire big universe, and the Gods of Destruction is the absolute controller in a universe, and it is the most powerful combat force in a universe!


They confessed to themselves in the mouth of a mighty Gods of Destruction that he was no match for Jiang Yang. Beerus, too, is no match for Jiang Yang.


How not to shock Son Goku and Vegeta?!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Hearing Champa's words, Beerus' face immediately became gloomy, and he waved his hands: "If Jiang Yang doesn't participate in this sparring match, then there is no need to hold it!"


After losing the game, where does he have seven Super Dragon Balls!

Although even without Jiang Yang participating in the battle, his seventh universe may not necessarily lose this competition.


With absolute certainty of victory, how could Beerus not want it?!

"Beerus, are you scared?!"

Champa squinted at Beerus, sneered for a while, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth almost made the latter run away, only to hear him continue to 510: "I think your two newly recruited apprentices are quite powerful, why don't you want to believe them?!"

So exciting!

Jiang Yang secretly laughed inwardly.

This guy Beerus, I'm afraid the most unbearable thing is the aggressive method.

as predicted.

Beerus blushed, pulled his neck and said coldly: "Champa! Let me tell you, my seventh universe will absolutely beat your sixth universe to the ground!"


Champa applauded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "That's right! Beerus, it's settled like this! The friendly sparring competition between the sixth universe and the seventh universe will be scheduled in a month's time, let you prepare well Prepare!"

"Heh! It won't take a month! After half a month, it will start on time!"

Beerus said coldly.

"Good good!"

Champa smiled very happily.

This time, he must win Beerus.

This is not only for the seven super Dragon Balls, but also for hitting Beerus in the face to make him understand a truth.

Without seven universes, farts are nothing!

"Jiang Yang! Are there any new dishes recently?!"

Champa, who was domineering in front of Beerus just now, turned his head and greeted Jiang Yang with a smile, rubbing his hands non-stop, with a flattering smile on his face.

This Gods of Destruction has always implemented (beeg) the principle of "bow your head for food, not bow your head, but respect".

Therefore, whenever he has such an attitude towards Jiang Yang, Champa does not feel ashamed at all, but instead praises his great spirit of "devotion" to food that everyone can learn from.


Jiang Yang looked at Champa, couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

For the next few hours, it was a gourmet feast for everyone.

Son Goku and Vegeta, who ate Huaxia food for the first time, were also shocked. They never imagined that there would be such delicious food in this world.

After eating and drinking, Vados and Champa also bid farewell.

Before leaving, this guy sarcastically provoked Beerus again, causing Beerus to almost roll up his sleeves and beat him up on the spot.

After Champa and Vados left completely.

Son Goku immediately became excited: "Master Beerus, isn't the guy in the sixth universe very different?!"

"do not know!"

Beerus wasn't interested at all.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to win the match between the two universes this time.

After all, Jiang Yang couldn't do anything.

In case of losing......

Where did he find seven super Dragon Balls!


Beerus thought for a while, frowning all the time.

It's not that he feels unconfident about the strength of Son Goku and Vegeta, but because he doesn't know the details of the people sent by the sixth universe.

just in case.....…

What if that guy Champa created a few existences at the level of human phenomenon-level masters?!

You must know that although the current Son Goku and Vegeta are considered to be the best among human beings in terms of combat power, they are still a little short of the phenomenal level!


He understands the temper of this guy Champa very well.

He will definitely not bring up things that he is not fully sure of.


At this moment, Beerus is quite a headache.

"Master Beerus, just send them out! If you lose, I'll find you the seven Super Dragon Balls!"

Jiang Yang saw Beerus frowning for a while, and showing a little embarrassment for a while, and said immediately.

"Do you look like I'm worried about losing the game?!"

Hearing Jiang Yang's words, Beerus glared at him viciously.

"I think it does look alike! Whis, Anna, what do you think?!"

Jiang Yang held back his laughter and asked Whis and Anna.

"It looks like it to me!"

Whis and Anna covered their mouths and laughed.

"Go sideways, go sideways!"

Beerus snorted coldly, waved his hands, and started pacing on the spot. Finally, he looked at Jiang Yang and said in a deep voice, "If you lose the seven super Dragon Balls, you lose! I don't care about that, anyway, you say you can find them. But...I don't want to lose to that guy Champa! What a shame!"


In the world of Beerus, two brothers have fought for countless years.

Where did he, Beerus, suffer from Champa?!

When was it not him that Beerus had the upper hand?!

Because of this, even if Champa is given seven Super Dragon Balls this time, he doesn't want to lose the game!

Won seven Super Dragon Balls to Champa, that's charity.

Losing seven Super Dragon Balls to Champa, that's a shame!


Jiang Yang rested his chin on his hand and thought about it. He actually understood that as long as the plot in the original book is followed, the winning universe in this fighting competition must be the seventh universe.

As long as there are exceptions, after all, there are too many exceptions before.

Therefore, Jiang Yang does not dare to guarantee that this time is also the victory of the seventh universe.

Of course, if he is really assured that the seventh universe will win, then he will probably be the only one to play.

But unfortunately, Beerus has promised Champa that Jiang Yang will not participate in this fighting competition.

"and many more!"

At this moment, a very feasible idea suddenly exploded in Beerus' mind.

He set his sights on Jiang Yang, and asked Whis to give him a black cloak, then put the black cloak on Jiang Yang, and said with a smile: "Like this, do you know he is Jiang Yang?!"

See here.

Whis and Anna couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then both smiled awkwardly and politely.

Ordinary people may not be able to tell that this is Jiang Yang, but in the eyes of those Angels who are familiar with Jiang Yang, this man is too easy to distinguish.

"However... Sister Vados probably won't say anything."

Whis whispered to Anna.

With Vados' character, even if it turned out to be Jiang Yang at that time, it was absolutely impossible to say anything more to Champa.

Regarding Beerus' plan, Jiang Yang was also dumbfounded, but he understood Beerus's heart that he didn't want to lose, so he said immediately: "In this case, then give me a code name, and I will participate in this fighting competition in disguise." !"

"But... I'm the finale. If Goku and the others can solve all the opponents, then I don't need to make a move."

"Yes, very good! Jiang Yang, your idea is the same as mine!"

Beerus grinned.

At this moment, he no longer has any worries.

He even looked forward to the fighting competition half a month later. .

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