After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

45. The Battle Is Over, And Jiang Yang's Reputation Has Been Completely Established! (Kneeling

A junior.

He actually controlled a realm that they couldn't control.

Do not!

To be more realistic, it is the perfect Ultra Instinct controlled by Jiang Yang, a new candidate for Gods of Destruction, which is a realm that they have never stepped into in their entire lives!

A master of Gods of Destruction level combat power has the perfect Ultra Instinct blessing, can the combat power be measured at the ordinary Gods of Destruction level? !

Obviously not!

Don't you see that in the different space at this moment, Jiang Yang perfectly handles Borui's extremely powerful Gods of Destruction? !

As for the latter, even touching the corner of Jiang Yang's clothes is a luxury.

“Jiang Yang this guy is releasing water!”

The gods were silent.

Silence again.

Before this, who could have imagined that this scene would appear.

A powerful Gods of Destruction who has been famous for a long time is so powerless in front of a new candidate Gods of Destruction.

"Who is this seventh universe's new candidate Gods of Destruction?! Why haven't I heard of it before?!"

"It must be the hidden weapon of this guy, Beerus!"

"Hehehe, it's interesting! The candidate for the position of Gods of Destruction is suppressing the long-famous Gods of Destruction. If word spreads, this little guy named Jiang Yang will definitely be a celebrity famous in eighteen universes!"


Discussions rang out in various universes.

This time, it was no longer the previous doubts, but all the amazement.

If the face is still not very good-looking, it is probably the area of ​​the eleventh universe.

Whether it is the clown Gods of Destruction Vermut of the Eleventh Universe or Angel Makarita of the Eleventh Universe, looking at Jiang Yang in a different dimension, his face is a bit gloomy.

"The candidate for the seventh universe, Gods of Destruction, is really a headache, dear~"

Makarita was holding the Angel staff, her brows were tightly frowned, and she seemed very unhappy that Jiang Yang was taking the limelight at this Gods of Destruction exchange conference.


After all, her Eleventh Universe candidate, Gods of Destruction Toppo, was crushed by a new candidate, Gods of Destruction, and now she is still unconscious on the side, who would be happy? !

"Hmm... I really don't know where that Beerus guy found such a pervert. His strength is probably close to that of any Gods of Destruction in the first twelve universes!"

Vermut nodded heavily.

His eyesight is not bad, or in other words, in Jiang Yang's current state, people with no eyesight can absolutely understand.

The potential of this new candidate Gods of Destruction is absolutely unlimited, and the current strength is absolutely equal to any Gods of Destruction in the top twelve universes.

Hearing Vermut's words, Makarita squinted at him, but didn't say much.

In her opinion, sometimes ignorance is a good thing.



Jiang Yang is in a different space.



Jiang Yang and Borui punched each other.

The two retreated tens of meters one after another.

Jiang Yang's face was relaxed, while Borui's face was quite flushed.

In terms of strength, it can be seen at a glance whether it is strong or weak.

"Your strength..."

Borui stared at Jiang Yang and said in a deep voice, "It seems far less simple than Gods of Destruction."

"Master Borui, you are overthinking."

Jiang Yang smiled slightly.

His state at the moment is at most the level of combat power that Beerus had before. The reason why he can seem to crush Borui is entirely because of the perfect Ultra Instinct.

"may be!"

Borui took a deep breath, then clenched his fists and let out a loud shout.


At the same time as Borui let out a loud roar, the purple energy arrogance on his body suddenly grew. ,

At this moment, in Jiang Yang's eyes, the purple energy aura around Borui is like substance.

"Is it fully fired?!"

Jiang Yang's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

That being the case, then he will improve his strength a little bit, and have a good time with this long-famous Lord Gods of Destruction.


The battle between Jiang Yang and Borui started again.


The attraction is not as deep as before. Although Borui seems to have entered a state of full firepower, the sight of the gods at this moment is completely attracted by the different space where Beerus and Quitela are.


Beerus and Quitela are in a different dimension.

Beerus raised his hand and slammed a fist on Quitela's chest, only to hear an explosion and roar, and in the next second, he saw that there was a blood hole in the latter's chest.




Drops of blood dripped from Quitela's chest to the ground, and his face turned pale in vain.

"I surrender!"

Quitela stammered out the words of admitting defeat.

He couldn't help but admit defeat.

Although he would not be killed by Beerus, this illusion of facing death still made him terrified.

"Quitela, have you forgotten?! The battle between the Gods of Destruction did not admit defeat!"

Beerus said indifferently.

That's what he said, but he didn't attack again.

At this moment, Quitela is already seriously injured. Although Angel can heal him, the shadow in his heart will definitely accompany him throughout his life.

"If you continue to fight, I will die by your hands!"

Quitela's face was extremely gloomy.


Beerus grinned, and then continued: "I'm very proud to let you understand the truth of misfortune coming out of your mouth! Hahaha!"

"Clack cluck!"

Seeing Beerus's proud expression, Quitela's face was extremely gloomy, and he gritted his teeth fiercely. If eyes can kill, I'm afraid this guy has been killed countless times by himself!


The battle between Beerus and Quitela is over. ——

And at this moment.

It seems to have sensed that Jiang Yang was in the different space, and he also reduced some of his power, giving the outside gods an illusion that they were evenly matched and evenly matched, ending the battle with Borui.

With such a result, the battle ended, and most of the Gods of Destruction present did not dare to underestimate Jiang Yang, a new candidate for Gods of Destruction.

At least, in the eyes of most Gods of Destruction, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive a few rounds under Borui's full firepower.

However, Jiang Yang, a new candidate for Gods of Destruction, was able to end the battle with a tie. This shows that in terms of overall strength, this junior has already surpassed them.

In this battle, Jiang Yang has completely established his reputation in various universes.


(I beg for a monthly ticket for a flower evaluation ticket. In other words, in the new month, I sincerely beg for a monthly ticket for a flower evaluation ticket, especially a monthly ticket!.)

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