After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

46. ​​The Conference Is Drawing To A Close, And The Lawbreakers Are Coming! (Kneeling For A Few Mont

After only one battle, the gods all remembered Jiang Yang's name.

Everyone understands that the newly promoted candidate for the seventh universe, Gods of Destruction, is very powerful.

With Angel's rescue, Quitela's injury is no longer serious, but the shadow in his heart will be with him for a long time.


In the seventh Universe area.

Jiang Yang sat cross-legged on a futon, and a small table was placed in front of him.

And now, there are several delicacies on the small table.

"Jiang Yang, what kind of food is this?!"

After the battle between Jiang Yang and Borui ended, Rebecca came directly to the seventh universe.

At this moment, she was staring at the few delicious dishes on the small table, and she almost bleed out.

"This delicacy is called Kyoto roast duck, this delicacy is called boneless chicken feet, this delicacy..."

Jiang Yang introduced it.

This time, the delicacies he brought out were all simple dishes, but they were all delicious.

"Well... it's so fragrant, so fragrant! It's a shame that Mei didn't come here!"

Rebecca howled excitedly. After putting on the gloves, she imitated the eating method taught by Jiang Yang and immediately started to act.

Beerus and Whis on the other side were not to be outdone, and started to eat likewise.

As for Jiang Yang, he stopped after simply eating two slices of Kyoto roast duck.

The reason was not that he had no appetite, but that Borui, the Gods of Destruction of the thirteenth universe who had just fought against him not far away, slowly walked over with the candidate Gods of Destruction among his universes.

Jiang Yang is not a person who doesn't know how to be polite. He put down his gloves and stood up to greet him.

"Master Borui!"

Jiang Yang greeted with a smile.

"Calling me an adult is too flattering to me!"

The strong are respected, at least Borui feels that Jiang Yang's strength has not been fully exposed, which means that he may not be Jiang Yang's opponent.

Therefore, his posture was not as arrogant as imagined, but faced Jiang Yang with an equal attitude.

Jiang Yang smiled without saying a word, looking at Nan Tuo who was on the side.

At this moment, after being treated by Angel, he has no injuries at all. Apart from being a little bit sluggish, there is nothing wrong with him.

"I apologize for what happened just now!"

Feeling Jiang Yang's gaze, Nan Tuo immediately bowed respectfully with his fists folded.

No matter in tone or eyes, the candidate for the thirteenth universe, Gods of Destruction, is not at all unconvinced.


Even his master, Borui, was only on equal footing with this one. It was already extremely conservative for him not to kneel down and address Mr. Jiang Yang on the spot.

"No problem!"

Jiang Yang waved his hands with a smile, and said, "It's a great thing for young people to have some enthusiasm!"


Looking at Jiang Yang's immature face, Nan Tuo couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Master Borui, do you want to eat some food from my hometown?!"

Jiang Yang invited.


Borui was silent for a moment towards the three of Rebecca who were eating delicious food, then shook his head and said, "Forget it! If you have a chance... try Jiang Yang from your hometown again. Food!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Yang nodded.

"I have the opportunity to be a guest at the Thirteenth Universe!"

Borui smiled slightly, and then took Nantuo back to the area of ​​the Thirteenth Universe and sat down.

Jiang Yang also returned to the futon and sat down, but just as he sat down, he looked at the small table and was speechless for a while.

Good guy!

He had only left for at most two or three minutes, and when he came back now, the small table of delicacies had almost been eaten.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !"

Rebecca's mouth was swollen at the moment, obviously stuffed with an unknown amount of delicious food.

Jiang Yang glanced at it and immediately laughed out of anger. This girl is really a foodie.

"Bilusis () addicted (man), being able to live with Gang (jiang) Lang (yang) together, I am so happy!"

Whis on the other side was also slurred, with a lot of delicious food stuffed in his mouth, Jiang Yang slapped his forehead directly, feeling extremely helpless seeing his mouth full of oil.

But there is one thing to say, the food this time is indeed the best.

It has the crispy taste of Kyoto roast duck, and the hot and sour taste of boneless chicken feet, plus the remaining dishes as a foil. For the food in this Dragon Ball world, it is indeed at the level of a state banquet!


Beerus kept eating without saying a word, Jiang Yang couldn't help but sighed with his appearance, the delicious food he brought out was gone after he didn't eat much, it was really miserable enough.

But the good thing is that he owns a gourmet restaurant, and he can eat as much as he wants. He immediately reproduced the few delicacies just now, and after Whis cleaned up the previous mess, he placed them on the small table again.


While Jiang Yang and his group were eating and drinking, the Gods of Destruction exchange conference was already in full swing.

Most of the Gods of Destruction in the universe have a certain number in their hearts, so looking for opponents is not much different in combat power, so the point of reaching a consensus is so far.


Round after round of Gods of Destruction fights provided Jiang Yang and his team with a series of "good shows".

As time went by, Jiang Yang and the others once again filled their stomachs with food.

At this time, in the area of ​​the eighteenth universe, the strongest Gods of Destruction lawbreaker slowly got up from the chair.

And as he got up, the eyes of the gods also involuntarily placed on him.

"What does this guy want?!"

"Could it be...does he also want to fight against others?!"

"No way! Among the gods present, who can be this one's opponent?!"


As the lawbreaker left the area of ​​the eighteenth universe, all the gods lowered their heads and began to discuss in a low voice.

"Jiang Yang!"

Soon, under the suspicious eyes of the gods, the lawbreaker came to the seventh universe area, and he shouted Jiang Yang's name.

In an instant, only the sound of gaze shifting was heard.

In the next second, even the two teams of Gods of Destruction, who were still pretending to be fighting, stopped their hands one after another, and slowly turned their gazes to the area of ​​the seventh universe.

"What the hell does this... want to do?!"

The gods were puzzled.


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