The realm of the Angels of the Upper Realm is usually Divine Realm.

However, they are basically well-known figures in Divine Realm. More than six Divine Storage are opened. Compared with Great Jin, many only open two or three, or even only one Divine Storage. Divine Realm is much stronger.

Not to mention, these angels essentially represent the will of the Main Sect of the upper realm. In a sense, they have the right to live and kill these branches of the lower realm.

Even the patriarch, Elder, and Divine Realm of the lower realm, they dare not be disrespectful when facing the angels of the upper realm.

Even if the angels are only lightly sighed, it is enough for the Divine Realm in the lower realm to carefully figure out whether there is something wrong with it, or does it make the angels in the upper realm feel unhappy?

It was like this when Wang Huaiyi saw Cui Heng "disguised" as an angel.

Therefore, in order to welcome the angels of the upper realm to come next time, and to entertain the angels of the upper realm, he deliberately moved back to the Wang Family mansion from the cave outside Langya County City.

But didn't expect, not long after he came back, another angel from the Wang Family Upper Realm Main Sect came.

Looking at the natural phenomenon in the sky, this angel came to the world with many other angels.

The most important thing is that this angel made it clear that the main line of Wang Family only came to this angel this time, which is considered to have recognized their efforts over the past two hundred years.

However, before this, no one from the upper realm of Wang Family Main Sect had ever descended as an angel.

"What was the angel that last time, yes, is it fake?!" Wang Huaiyi felt trembling and panicked.

If this is known by the angels of the upper realm, and he mistakenly regarded others as angels, Langya Wang Family’s efforts over the past two hundred years will probably be in vain.

At this time, Wang Donglin, the angel of the upper realm, was wrinkling without looking at Wang Huaiyi, with some doubts in his heart.

First, as an angel descended to the lower realm, he was very young, only over sixty years old, and his appearance was only over thirty years old. He was a mature and stable middle-aged man.

And this age in Divine Realm is quite young.

However, although he is young, his awakened Divine Storage ability is not weak. Among them is the ability to perceive people's emotional changes.

At this time, he obviously felt that Wang Huaiyi's mood was a little wrong.

Wang Donglin looked at Wang Huaiyi, secretly said in one's heart: "The Langya Wang Family of the lower realm has been cut off from the upper realm for two hundred years. I suddenly came here this time. For them, it should be a game. It’s a great surprise. This person’s heart is full of panic."

When he is usually in the upper realm, when he perceives other people with such abnormal mood swings, he is usually just alone. Think about the reason, and won't say it.

After all, it is actually a taboo behavior to openly provoke other people’s emotional changes.

But in this lower realm, Wang Donglin had no scruples. His eyes suddenly turned cold, "Wang Huaiyi, why are you panicking?"

"...I!" Wang Huaiyi opened his mouth. I opened my mouth, the thoughts in my mind turned rapidly, suddenly divine light flashed, bowed my head and bowed, "Angel, I am guilty, and failed to dissuade my child, let him fall into a trap of others, be killed, and lost our Langya Wang Family. Face.

"I, I'm worried that this matter will cause you to be unhappy, so I was lucky and wanted to hide it, didn't expect you to bright vision like a torch, and see through me at a glance Mind, beg the angel to punish! "

He found a perfect excuse for himself.

He didn't mention a word about him mistakenly treating others as angels, let alone let Wang Qinghe go to Lu County City. It was he who was so scared to order that he even ignored the previous incident of Wang Jinsheng being arrested.

"There is such a thing? "Wang Donglin hearing this frowned suddenly, said solemnly, "Who is so brave to actually slay my Wang Family?" "

"This person is the prefect of Lu County, named Cui Heng. It is rumored that he has the Great Divine Ability of call the wind and summon the rain. "Wang Huaiyi explained immediately.

"call the wind and summon the rain?" "Wang Donglin only felt that he was listening to some joke, and shook his head, "This is the power of celestial beings with call the wind and summon the rain. When will there be celestial beings in the lower realm?" "

He simply doesn't believe in the rumors of call the wind and summon the rain. The more he knows about Martial Dao, the less he will believe it, even more how he just came here and knows about Cui Heng. It’s not too much.

"The angel said that it is absolutely impossible for Cui Heng to call the wind and summon the rain. "Wang Huaiyi quickly nodded, and then continued, "However, Cui Heng is indeed a bit weird. He actually used the weak to defeat the strong twice and destroyed tens of thousands of troops.

"Moreover, he is also surrounded by the dísciple of Dao Palace's contemporary instructor, you said...Is there some Dao Palace's plan hidden behind Cui Heng?"

This seems to be talking about Cui Heng, but in fact it is talking about Dao Palace.

"Dao Palace?" Wang Donglin hearing this eyes slightly narrowed, flashing an insignificant look of dreading, "This group of old facetious is really restless, speaking of which, this time the Main The decree that Sect asked me to bring is also related to Dao Palace."

He doesn't seem to care much about Cui Heng or Wang Qinghe. He only regards these as insignificant little things.

After hearing about Dao Palace, I changed the subject directly.

Wang Huaiyi immediately bowed down again, raised his hands up, and respectfully said: "Welcome to the Main Sect Decree of Upper Realm!"

His heart was relaxed secretly.

In fact, Wang Huaiyi himself doesn't care much about Wang Qinghe's life and death.

Anyway, there are so many sons, and one of them will die.

For him, as long as he can hide his misidentification of the angel, it is the best result.

"en. "Wang Donglin nodded, raised his right hand, gently held it, and took out a roll of yellow silk out of thin air, and put it in Wang Huaiyi's hand, said solemnly, "This is Main Sect The decree to destroy Dao Palace was issued."

"Wh, what?! How is it possible?!" Wang Huaiyi almost thought he had heard it wrong, and hurriedly opened the yellow silk, suddenly stunned, only to see the above——


"Extraordinary lower realm Langya Wang Family listens to orders, tidy up its armaments, adjusts telekinesis resources, awakens all Divine Realms, and after the arrival of the Upper Realm Main Sect Human Immortal, go to destroy Dao Palace!"

Exterminate Dao Palace? !

What a joke, this is the Ancient Sect that has been in this land for tens of thousands of years!

Not to mention the Dao Palace here, the Dao Palace in the upper realm has not been weak. Every time in a century, the Dao Palace will have Earth Immortal.

What can Human Immortal and Divine Realm do?

is it possible that is going to repeat the mistake of besieging Immortal Dawn Sect a hundred years ago? !

Although this was a warrant from Main Sect, Wang Huaiyi couldn't borrow such an obvious death, but he didn't dare to violate Main Sect's will. For a while, he was at a loss and froze there.

"Recently, some changes have taken place in the upper realm. There will be no one coming to the lower realm in Dao Palace this time." Wang Donglin sensed Wang Huaiyi's emotions and explained to him with a smile.

"But..." Wang Huaiyi stopped talking, even if the upper bound of Dao Palace was immortal, it was just the Dao Palace in this world, and it was not comparable to Langya Wang Family.

"Don't worry, how can the Upper Realm Main Sect harm you?" Wang Donglin continued to be comforted, "This time we participated in the eradication of Dao Palace, and not just our Wang Family. Many Great Sect and Aristocratic families will also participate.

"Apart from this, when the time comes, there will also be Bodhisattva from the Baolin Temple coming down to sit down. With such a lineup, destroying the Dao Palace in the lower realm should not be a problem. "

"It should be..." Wang Huaiyi almost cried out hearing this. A hundred years ago, Shang Jie said the same to those who were chosen to fight Immortal Dawn Sect.

The last one never came back.

However, Wang Donglin was in front of him at this time, and Wang Huaiyi naturally did not dare to say anything, so he accepted the order with a bitter face, and said respectfully: "I will do my best! "

"Very well, it is indeed the Divine Realm of my Wang Family. "Wang Donglin was nodded happily when he saw this, said with a smile, "Since you work so hard, I won't treat you badly."

"In less than two months, when my Wang Family has Human Immortal, I will help you to destroy the Lu County city and let you kill Cui Heng, the prefect. How about taking revenge for children and grandchildren?"

"many thanks angel great kindness and virtue!" Wang Huaiyi hurriedly bowed down.

"Thank you for now." Wang Donglin waved his hand, said with a smile, "Tell me all the information about Cui Heng.

"I Take a closer look at what kind of person this person who claims to be able to call the wind and summon the rain is. "

Obviously, he is still very interested in Cui Heng.


In front of the city gate of Feng Prefecture.

Cui Heng was riding a horse, looking at the scene ahead, the expression on his face suddenly became weird, and asked Wu Yin next to him in a low voice: "What's the matter? "

The situation before the city gate is almost exactly the same as when he first took up the post of County Magistrate in Juhe County.

Thousands of people gathered in front of the city gate. Holding a variety of banners to welcome the arrival of Cui Heng, and they all looked elated.

The most important thing is that he actually collected strands of red from these people. light and white light.

This means that the emotions expressed by these people are true.

It is not artificially invited to make up the scene.

" My lord, this is Wanmin looking forward to your arrival! "Wu Yin seemed to be quite excited, and said to Cui Heng, "You don't know anything. The new decree you implemented in Lu County has actually been spread throughout the counties.

"The people of the Feng Prefecture government are also very clear. I have visited secretly and asked which prefect of the people most want to be the Feng Prefecture Governor. More than 90% of the people have chosen you."

However, when he said this, he felt a little strange again, and couldn’t help but wonder: “It’s just that they didn’t expect to come out to welcome you directly. I thought that the big households in the city would not Allow them to do this."

"The big family in the city? so that's how it is." Cui Heng hearing this laughed, and suddenly understood what was going on, "Aide Wu did not find out that we are the entire Is there one missing in the group?"

"You mean Chen Fuxian?" Wu Yin only then discovered that Hui Shi had disappeared for some time.

"I let him go ahead." Cui Heng lightly said with a smile, "Go and maintain order a little bit."

"..." Wu Yin finally understood why this The people can come out and welcome.

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