Feng Prefecture is the capital of Feng Prefecture. Although it is not as prosperous as Lu County, it is a gathering place for great characters.

Most of the rich and powerful in the entire Feng Prefecture live here.

The relatives and friends of county officials and state officials have a large number of fields and shops here.

The Sect family also gathers here. There are as many as 20 Sect families who control all kinds of people's livelihoods such as gold and iron, grain and salt, cloth, coal and so on.

Every one is a large family and a wealthy family that has stretched for thousands of years.

Martial power is not weak, only in this Changfengfu city, there are six Internal View superb.

In any other county, this is almost always impossible.

After all, Feng Prefecture does not have a big family with the Qiwang surname level, nor does it have leaders such as Dao Palace and Treasure Forest Temple. The top figures in Internal View are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. No more than twenty.

Now, there are six in this city alone. If you look at the entire Feng Prefecture, there are probably no fewer than ten!

These people are the largest local tyrant in Changfeng Prefecture and even the entire Changfeng Prefecture.

It is no easy task to deal with them.

Even if Cui Heng succeeded Feng Prefecture Governor, it would be extremely difficult to suppress these people with power and power.

Therefore, after Hui Shi came to Changfeng Fucheng in advance, he chose the simplest and most direct, but also the most effective way.


He held the list of the rich and powerful in the city in his hand. This was from Wu Yin. After he came here, he immediately looked for it from house to house.

Go to the door and ask directly.

Anyone who does not respect the new envoy, kill them on the spot!

The current Hui Shi has been promoted to the Internal View level by Cui Heng due to the merits of implementing the new policies in Lu County counties.

Even if it is not the rune of "Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattva Fist", this martial arts is already the best in the world.

It's naturally easier to handle these powerful and powerful people.

At first, when Hui Shi first started, there were a lot of rebels, and even the big clans gathered private soldiers. Sect asked dísciple to form a team to siege Hui Shi.

But as Hui Shi kills more and more, and kills more and more fiercely, these powerful people in Changfeng Palace don't resist much.

Some people even changed their attitudes directly.

As long as you see Hui Shi come to the door, you will immediately say that you will definitely welcome the new envoy to his post, and there will never be any complaints.

Of course, it is not enough to just kill the fear and conquer.

Hui Shi, after suppressing these powerful and powerful people in an all-round way, began to display his best ability when pushing administrative orders in various counties of Lu County-copying his family and dividing the land!

The ordinary people in the city of Changfeng Fu who have been squeezed by the powerful and wealthy for a long time are all cheering excitedly.

Besides, when returning to Hui Shi to divide the land and properties, it will be explained that this is a decree issued by the new envoy, so that all the people should live and work in peace and contentment.

At this moment, the hearts and minds of the entire Changfeng Mansion City were overwhelmed.

So, when Cui Heng led the crowd to the city gate of Chang Feng Prefecture, he would see that hundreds of people came to greet him with joy.

This is not an arrangement given by someone.

People in the city came to greet them spontaneously.

"The envoy has been loved by so many people before he entered the city. Feng Prefecture can be a great rule!" Wu Yin said with excitement. He has been here for many years and has never seen him before. The common people welcome a person like this.

"This is just the beginning." Cui Heng nodded gently, said with a slight smile, "Go, follow me into the city!"


After being beaten by Hui Shi's Iron Fist, the local tyrants in the Chang Feng Prefecture are much more honest.

Furthermore, after the death of Cao Quan, Wu Yin, who is not a driver, has begun to manage the people's livelihood.

Therefore, after Cui Heng entered the city and took up his post this time, he did not encounter a lot of tricky things as he did when he went to Juhe County and Lu County.

However, after mastering the power of the entire Feng Prefecture fiscal army, he discovered a serious problem.

I want to rely on the entire Feng Prefecture to implement a new decree that will be loved by the people. Aristocratic Family sect merchants are disgusted, and the plan to collect the seven emotions of sentient beings is not perfect.

Because, after the King Yan Rebellion, the people's livelihood in Feng Prefecture has been dying. Except for a few counties, there is not much population left.

In the governor's office.

"Swallows and thieves have harmed this?!" Cui Heng looked at the information he had just obtained, and suddenly felt extremely speechless, "The vast Feng Prefecture, only Lu County actually accounts for the population. Thirty percent!"

Although he knew the King Yan army’s style, burning, killing and looting wherever it went, commiting any imaginable misdeed, it was the first time to look at the entire Feng Prefecture from a macro perspective. To the destruction.

This is the privilege of the governor, and it is also the information that the governor can only access.

Feng Prefecture has one government and twelve counties.

As the capital of a state, Chang Feng Prefecture has gathered a large number of rich family Sects, and has not suffered military accidents. Although the population is not as large as Lu County, it is also more than 1.1 million.

In the twelve counties, Lu County is the most prosperous and has the largest population, with more than 1.3 million.

Xiling County, which is adjacent to Lu County, originally had more than 800,000 blood flowing into a river, but now it has been killed by the King Yan army.

Yanshan County is the place where the King Yan Army broke out, and it is also the rear of the King Yan Army. It has been in operation for several years, and the people’s livelihood should not be too bad.

But Yanshan County is already barren. Before the military disaster, there were only more than 500,000 people. Now, it’s not bad that there are 200,000 people left.

As for Hadong County, Hongyuan County, and Stone Gate County, the three places were also plagued by swallows and thieves. All kinds of industries are dying, the people are not living, and the population is also plummeting. It is a blessing that the total can exceed 500,000.

Apart from this is Luoan County and Changxing County.

Although the two places did not suffer from the disaster of the Yan thief, the local prefect only grabs the military power, regardless of the people's livelihood, and does not care about military affairs all day long. There is nothing good.

Under this kind of governance, Luo'an County and Changxing County are naturally in a mess. There are countless people in various counties who starve to death and freeze to death. There are beggars everywhere, and it is estimated that there are not 600,000 people in total.

Yunshu County is a frontier fortress. The permanent population is less than one hundred thousand. There is no Great Sect. There are not even many merchants. In such a place, whether to implement a new policy is actually There is not much difference.

Feng Prefecture has a population of 4 million at most.

When Cui Heng saw this data, he was in numb.

How big is Feng Prefecture?

Only in terms of area, put it on Earth equivalent to one Shanxi province plus half of Hebei province.

Furthermore, there are many fertile soils, and there are so many land suitable for cultivation, hence the name Feng Prefecture.

In such a large place and such land conditions, there are only about 4 million people left.

It's terrifying!

Actually, this is not unusual in the war-torn ancient society.

For Cui Heng's cultivation, it is quite a tricky thing.

In places such as Hadong County and Xiling County that have suffered severe military disasters, the new decree is of little use.

Because the local tycoon Sect was killed a long time ago.

Although Hongyuan County and Stone Gate County also suffered military disasters, there are Great Sheng Temple and Lotus Flower Temple in these two places. There are a lot of powerful landlords left, and they can be used as the second batch of operations.

However, the total number of people is still too small.

Even if the new decree is implemented throughout Feng Prefecture, I am afraid it will not be able to collect enough sentient beings.

In this way, the decree must be radiated to the surrounding area.

Otherwise there are not enough people.

Moreover, this can also cause dissatisfaction from other states and counties.

You can also get a lot of emotional feedback.

——The so-called surrounding area is actually the jurisdiction of neighboring states. To put it bluntly, it is to expand the territory and population of Feng Prefecture!


Cui Heng closed these materials, his eyes closed slightly. After a moment of contemplation, he opened his eyes and looked towards the people below, suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Hui Shi, Chen Tong take orders."

At this time, there are seven people standing in this inner hall: Zhang Shuming, Hui Shi, Liu Litao, Chen Tong, Xu Fengan, and Wu Yin.

Hui Shi and Chen Tong hearing this immediately stood by.

Cui Heng lightly chins his head, said solemnly: "Hui Shi is ordered to govern the seven counties, and he can temporarily replace the administrative and military powers of the seven counties of Lu County, Yanshan, Hongyuan, Stone Gate, Luo'an, and Changxing. Promote the new government order.

"Order Chen Tong to be a soldier, and temporarily follow Hui Shi to each county to implement the new government order. You can recruit soldiers and form an army. If you see people in the border with other states If you are oppressed, you can act cheaply and lead your troops to rescue yourself. "

As soon as this order came out, everyone in the room knew what it meant.

Clearly, we wanted to attack the city and expand the great territory.

"Yes! Follow the orders of your envoy! "

Hui Shi and Chen Tong agreed and took the lead.

Naturally, Liu Litao and Xu Fengan would not have any objections. They were already familiar with Cui Heng’s Style of work, as long as the things decided will be done.

As for Zhang Shuming, he already regards Cui Heng as a Heavenly Monarch.

Heavenly Monarch naturally wants to do Do whatever you want.

Don’t say it’s in this lower realm, even in the upper realm.

"My lord, are you a little haste? "Wu Yin was a little worried, and went forward to persuaded, "Xiaguan knows that you want to practice the things of great harmony and benefit the people of the world. This is a good act."

"But if such a drastic policy is rashly carried out, and other states and counties have to be taken to reform, I am afraid that all Sect or Aristocratic families in the world will be madly counterattack.

" Three hundred years ago, Heavenly King Hong Wu killed all Divine Realm in the world, cleaned up the Aristocratic Family sect, almost dominated the world, recreated the universe, but suddenly disappeared when it was about to succeed. This is absolutely indispensable for the help of the Immortal Buddha of the Upper Realm.

"My lord, now the century-long period is approaching, and the immortal Buddha of the upper realm will come soon. If the emperor is too hasty, there will be an immortal Buddha of the upper realm to intervene, for fear of adding a lot of suffering. Please make you think twice. ."

"haha, the situation described by Aide Wu is exactly what I want." Cui Heng hearing this laughed and said with the head of his jaw, "The administrative order was pushed like me. Those Sect or Aristocratic Family who counterattacked Hongwu will indeed jump out.

"Moreover, after another two months, the fairy Buddha from the upper realm came and found out the decree that I had implemented. People will also be unable to hold back.

"At that time, they will just be wiped out, and they will be liquidated together!

"How much investigation has this saved me?

"Why not?"

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